Friday, November 1, 2013

Treatment should be considered in the front

The majority of time outdoors during the summer months due to the temperature of the air is passed. Therefore, increasing the frequency of the summer there are some health problems are directly related to the outdoors: insect bites, snake bites, such as the sun or heat stroke.
Large part of the body to remain open during the summer due to the heat, short sleeves yildiz park istanbul and shorts in the form of preference midge clothes, bee, sting, and they are arthropods, such as mosquitoes transmitted diseases increase through easier. Some of these diseases can arise only as a reaction to an allergic response to insect bites, and local treatment can be improved as soon as possible. But malaria, sandfly fever requires medical treatment of diseases like the original. These diseases, it is still unique to this area. I mean, does not lead to any malaria mosquito bites. Malaria, however, is built in an area in the summer, may increase the incidence.
Due to the increase yildiz park istanbul in temperature during the summer months people have a large amount of evaporation of the liquid in the form of sweating to lose. This is to replace lost fluids, the fluids to quench your thirst for the summer, another reason why diseases. Particular, of unknown origin, sold or distributed in the open, uncontrolled waters, drinking water, and washed vegetables and fruits, "summer sickness" first come to our mind when we say the primary cause of disease. Chief among these diseases are food poisoning. Typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, viral hepatitis, and in this way infect the summer diarrhea.
Intestinal infections, intestinal infections cause more frequent during the summer months, due to the increased water loss and increase the feeling of thirst in order to meet this requirement, regardless of whether or not clean any more drink is consumed. Another reason for the rise in temperature more quickly because of the deterioration of foods.
Those picnics in the summer in the countryside, often prefer yildiz park istanbul to use as drinking water fountain or water fountain. However, this water is mixed with human or animal feces or waste, pollute the water. The germs that cause diseases such as intestinal infections found in water and is not visible. Even if not used as drinking water, washed with contaminated water from microbial contamination in fruits. In particular foods eaten raw shelled and carries yildiz park istanbul more risk. This is thrown into the water and drinks prepared using the ice is even more dangerous.
In the summer foods, yildiz park istanbul pre-cooked, even if they do must be kept refrigerated. The remaining hot foods sold in the open, and in particular, assume their next set of flies carry germs, microbes easier on the growth of protein foods are almost "toxic" becomes. In this case, "food smell" excessive proliferation of microbes on the fact that it is nothing more than the food. Milk and foods with mayonnaise, meat, cream, this aspect is pretty much risk.
In this way, drinking contaminated water and beverages prepared with water, it was washed with water ingestion of raw foods such as salads, sold in the open or in places such as hotel-resort "buffet" yildiz park istanbul youth exhibited in the open for a long time kept the ingestion of food through the intestine disease germs on these foods do causes.
Intestinal Infections What Are the Symptoms? The most important symptom of intestinal infections, the majority of diarrhea. Because the intestines, food and drinks and try to take the germs out. Before occasional diarrhea, nausea and vomiting disease begins with. Unless you are germs invade yildiz park istanbul the intestinal wall, causing disease only through toxins, if a large number of runs, is abundant and watery bowel movements. There is no pus and blood in the stool. Fire is not high. Abdominal pain is either absent, or is light. Language for a large amount of water and salt lost through diarrhea dry. Replace lost salts and fluids yildiz park istanbul not included, the patient's blood pressure drops, bitkinleşir. Fluid loss is even more dangerous in children and the elderly. Food and beverages invade the intestinal wall etmişse germs, can cause bleeding. Popularly known as "bloody diarrhea" is a typical example of the so-called dysentery. Bloody stools, yildiz park istanbul cerahatlidir. Usually the patient has a fever, and abdominal yildiz park istanbul pain. But the amount is less than the number of bowel movements. Typhoid fever, diarrhea, although contaminated food and drink is not at the forefront of an intestinal infection. The most important of typhoid fever, and sometimes the only sign of fire. Headache, red spots on the skin, especially in the abdominal yildiz park istanbul area, thoughtfulness, bring to mind tifoyu state.
What are the first responders to be Made diarrhea? The only treatment of diarrhea are: to replace lost fluids. Not only consist of fluid lost from the water. Water with sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate of vital importance such as, "electrolyte" call salts lost. Therefore, only water to drink, does not meet the need for diarrheal yildiz park istanbul fluid lost. The electrolyte yildiz park istanbul must be in a liquid yildiz park istanbul drink.
Treatment should be considered in the front

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