Friday, November 29, 2013

Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. T

4th Standardization. What percentage of fat will set depends on who we want to make cheese. Grease is set to proteins. The milk used to make cheese should have a greater ratio protein / fat, because it has more protein, protein gel is thicker and easier to compose in his fat and other ingredients (ie, the better to grasp). What is mechanically fit into this gel into the whey.
Negative impact on the properties of milk pasteurization: Ca at high temperature can exceed the insoluble form, and is such a useless, leading to the formation of a softer curd [2]. Processing curd is difficult and takes longer, and whey syneresis slowly unfolds. pablo del monte
7th Preparing for coagulation. Added chemicals and starters. Ca concentration in the milk is not sufficient and is added in the form of CaCl second To be added to the input 10-15g/100kg milk. Ca is added mandatory, because it affects primarily on getting a solid curd suitable for processing. In some countries, HNO 3 was added, to prevent swelling of the cheese milk contains bacteria if butyric acid [3]. For us it is not allowed. Color must be natural, eg b-carotene, etc. They are not necessary, are added in order to achieve some specific smooth the cheese (more intensive yellow, pink dots at the intersection, etc.). This is added to the starter and [4], to got used to the maximum, and thus exhibited activity for zrijenja.
Can be used monocultures or polyvalent culture (more microorganisms in combination), and can be used in combination with a starter and a mold (Roquefort, Camembert cheese); selection depends on the type of cheese that we produce.
8th Coagulation. pablo del monte For most cheeses involves the addition of proteolytic enzymes of different origin, and rarely effect of organic acids mainly in combination with proteolytic enzymes (fresh cheese).
During the coagulation of the transformation of casein salt conditions in the gel state, which is manifested in the formation of protein networks that fit fat, liposoluble vitamins and undissolved salt. . Coagulating enzyme chymosin is obtained from the stomach of young ruminants extraction with NaCl. With aging animal chymosin goes into pepsin. Only a few weeks after birth there chymosin, which means that we have slaughtered a young calf to come to chymosin. Because of this, they wanted pablo del monte a new preparations.
Coagulation of milk chymosin is performed at 30-32 C. Optimal t of chymosin is 37-40 C, in the stomach of ruminants is formed, and it is the optimal action. However, the coagulation of this t do not receive the Characteristics of a good curd which reduces yield.
Phase I (enzymatic, pablo del monte biochemical). Chymosin causes hydrolysis of k-casein pablo del monte [5] on the para-k-casein and macropeptide (goes with whey), thus changing characteristics k-casein. In this way the casein micelles lose its stability, because losing hydrated pablo del monte layer (macropeptide).
Phase II (non-enzymatic). Para-k-casein flokulise in the presence of Ca 2 + and Ca obtained by k-caseinate. Then the particles of Ca-caseinate to connect with each other and create a 3D protein network pablo del monte - a gel that fit other components of milk. It is in fact grus.
Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. Thus, the enzymes are added at a concentration such that the coagulation takes 20-40 min. Light coagulation of milk depends on many other factors, of which the most important are: t, c (Ca 2 +), the pH of milk, milk type c (SM, first of all, proteins that are substrates of the reaction).
Pepsin can be used in combination with chymosin. I have a weak characteristics of the curd. Mikrobiloloski enzymes. Obtained from the mold, which is used most of Mucor miehei. There are many commercial names for these enzymes, pablo del monte usually by the names of factories that produce them. Microbiological protease as opposed to non-specific enzymes chymosin as degraded k-casein to a larger number of components.
9th Processing curd [7]. The aim is to mechanically accelerate pablo del monte syneresis of whey and whey separates from the curd. This operation involves cutting the curd, stirring, dogrijevanje and drying grain curd and whey drain.
First performed longitudinally and then transversely cut the curd with special knives called. harps. The grain size affects the texture of the curd cheese. If the products are cheese, curd grain size should be smaller. The average size after cutting should be at 1-3 mm.
The heating time is from 10 to 40 minutes and depends on the type of cheese, but it is important that the temperature is gradually increased, usually about 1 C/2min. If dogrijevanje suddenly created around grain curd solid membrane (epidermis) which prevents the separation of whey and negatively affects the quality of the cheese.
When the temperature pablo del monte reached dogrijevanja, followed by drying the grains at this temperature, with constant stirring, pablo del monte to achieve a further dehydration of the grain. Disabling mixing, grains stick together in a mass siRNA, after which the whey is released.
on pressing. Size of pressure depends on the type and weight of the cheese. If the weight is higher and the pressure

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