Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prevention of listeriosis meant for regular sanitation measures in livestock farms and businesses t

Although the history lima lto spa of the study of listeriosis has for over 100 years, the practitioner is practically an unknown lima lto spa disease. Listeriosis is found everywhere, regardless of the climatic conditions lima lto spa of the region and way of life.
In fairness it should lima lto spa be noted that listeriosis affects mainly animals. People rarely get sick. A small number of diagnosed partly due to the fact that the analysis listeriosis can be made only in specially equipped laboratories, as with standard tools pathogens and antibodies are not detected.
Despite the relatively low percentage incidence of listeriosis, a deadly infection. Cases of death recorded in 40-50% of adults and 70-80% of children. The most serious consequences of causing listeriosis in pregnant women. The disease leads to premature delivery, miscarriage fetal, early child mortality. lima lto spa Also at risk are the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. In recent years, listeriosis are often found in addicts who are constantly deplete your immune system. One particularly dangerous drug is fentanyl. In the case of drug-dependent disease usually is the last element that separates man from death. What provoked listeriosis?
Listeria belongs to a group corynebacteria and is a small, movable stick which does not form spores. Very often it is confused with the bacterium that causes diphtheria, as in suspected listeriosis, diagnosis must necessarily take into account the similarity of these two pathogens.
In most cases, Listeria accumulate in the food, which they then penetrate the human body. Bacterial rods retain the ability lima lto spa to reproduce at temperatures 4-6 degrees C, so storing food in the refrigerator does not lead to any significant weight Listeria. Out of efficient and saline solutions used for preserving vegetables, meat and dairy products. For this reason, in the diagnosis of listeriosis symptoms often even after eating those foods that have been treated with strict observance of technological requirements.
At high temperatures (above 62 degrees C) Listeria are killed, but only after 35-40 minutes. If the food is badly cooked or fried, the infection can cause isolated pathogens that survive in epithelial cells and leukocytes. With special attention should relate to the preparation of salads with raw cabbage, meat products, lima lto spa soft cheeses and poultry.
Food the way - the most common but not the only way of infection in the human body. The fact that listeriosis often occurs in mild and clear forms, ie, the patient may be unaware that a carrier of deadly microorganisms. In the body healthy Listeria enters through damaged lima lto spa skin or airborne dust by. Listeriosis - Symptoms and clinical disease
In addition, patients lima lto spa with listeriosis often showing signs of central nervous system lesions, manifested as encephalitis, meningitis, or combinations thereof. In such cases, listeriosis in pregnant women and children accompanied by disturbances of coordination, tremors, convulsions and sometimes stiff neck. Directly for pregnant women the disease is not dangerous, but it has a negative effect on fetal development, lima lto spa especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Even if the child does not die, it will almost certainly be identified lima lto spa serious violations: purulent conjunctivitis, lima lto spa bacteremia, specific formation in the liver and spleen, papular rash. For this reason, the symptoms of listeriosis diagnosis of pregnant women should be more careful as to refute or, alternatively, confirm the presence of Listeria in the body. Treatment of listeriosis
Since the correct diagnosis usually made too late, the treatment of listeriosis rarely ends well. Primarily, this is due to lesions of the central nervous system, lima lto spa which greatly hindered access of drugs. The most effective lima lto spa have such antibiotics as ampicillin, gentamicin and Biseptol. If the diagnosis of listeriosis analysis shows the development of a brain abscess or meningoencephalitis, the patient requires long-term treatment with drugs imunokoryhuyuchyh: timalin, lima lto spa Imunofan, myelopid. Combined therapy of listeriosis also includes application dehidratiruyuschih and symptomatic drugs, detoxification solutions, blood plasma.
Again note: despite improving medical technology and the emergence of new drugs, treatment of listeriosis is almost entirely dependent on how much time the disease was discovered. Prevention of listeriosis
Prevention of listeriosis meant for regular sanitation measures in livestock farms and businesses that process animal products. Pregnant women and others at risk should be eliminated from the work associated with the production

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