Sunday, May 3, 2015


Belitang OKU Belitang kaslink foods East, South Sumatra, Indonesia Ongkun Thigh Kabolah kaslink foods (Salih & Dalom Mas Queen) kaslink foods I was one of the nation who was born in Balfour, 25 November 1975 Big East OKU In Belitang Seriwangi, grade 1 s / d grade 5 SDN Kerujon , grade 5 to finish at SDN 18 Muktikarya Alumni UPT 1989 Causeway Bake IV, 1991 Alumni SMPN 3 Sumbusari now SMPN 3 Mesuji Kingdom, SMAN 1 Mesuji now SMAN 1 Mesuji Kingdom Alumni 1996 Causeway Bake OKI South Sumatra, Jakarta BSI Study in Accounting Alumni 2006. Now working in Chemistry as a plant management company staff from 1998 - until now View my complete profile
Posted by Belitang East OKU,, Wednesday, August 5, 2009 19:44
Size and Boundary Administratively District Belitang 1 consists of 23 pieces village with an area of about 14434.90 ha. If viewed from wide every village kaslink foods contained in District Belitang 1, the village that has the largest area is the village of Tanjung Raya (with an area of 2,000 Ha), while the Village Multipurpose is the village that has the smallest land area (ie 50 Ha). In general, topography District of Belitang I includes 90 percent of the land is flat and 10 percent of the land is hilly. The distance kaslink foods the District Belitang I to the Capital District (City Balfour) about 80 km, with the boundaries of the District kaslink foods Belitang I are as follows: kaslink foods - North side adjacent to the District Buay Madang; - South side bordering the Lampung Province; - East with Ogan Ogan Ilir (OKI); - The west by District and Sub-District Buay Madang Cempaka II. Regional government administration Belitang the District I includes 23 pieces of the village, where the whole village located in the district Belitang I was still a village and yet none of the status of the village. From all over the village, there are 115 people kaslink foods of the village, 79 village heads, 214 neighborhoods and 180 members of the BPD. The village, which belonged to the District Government Belitang I are as follows: 1. Sido Rahayu village Village Triyoso 9. 17. Tanjung Raya 2. Rural Village Multipurpose Sukarami 10. 18. Harjo village Winangun 3. Tawang Rejo village Sumber 11. Suko 19. Tegal village Sumber Agung rejo 4. 12. 20. Sukajadi village Desa Banjar kaslink foods Gumawang 5. Rejo village Sukosari kaslink foods 13. 21. Dea Bedilan 6. Village Panca Tunggal 14. 22. Rahayu village Pujo Village kaslink foods Sidogede 7. Village Sidorejo kaslink foods 15 . Rural Village Sido Sido Mulyo 23. 8. prosperous village of Koyo 16. Village kaslink foods Margo Rejosari
III. Population In 2006, the number kaslink foods of residents in the District Belitang I recorded 59 813 people, with 30 414 inhabitants sex composition of the male and 29 399 female soul. Based on population and geographic size can be known average population density districts Belitang I is 4.14 inhabitants per Ha. Gumawang village is a region which has the largest population density is 69.23 inhabitants per ha, while the village of Sumber Agung is a village that has the smallest population density is 1.20 people per Ha. IV. Means of Education and Health and Places of Worship Total Primary School in the District kaslink foods Belitang I in 2006 amounted to 46 school units consisting of 42 units of public elementary schools / Instruction and 4 units of private kaslink foods elementary schools. Overall primary kaslink foods school is spread in almost every village, with total public school student / Instruction as many as 8351 students and the entire teaching staff (teachers) SD country / Instruction as many as 445 people, while total private elementary school students numbered 613 students kaslink foods and the entire teaching staff (teachers) private primary schools as many as 22 people. While the number of public and private junior high school in District Belitang 1 there were 13 units and the number of senior high school kaslink foods / high school amounted kaslink foods to only 9 units of the school. kaslink foods As for the overall junior high school students as many as 3,402 students and the number of high school students / high school students kaslink foods as many as 3,573, which was raised by 327 teachers and 407 junior high school teacher / high school. In addition, there is also a madrasah 6, 7 and 3 tsaniyah madrasah madrasah 'aliyah in the District Belitang I As for health facilities located in District Belitang 1 includes 2 health center, maternity clinic 5 and 67 Posyandu. Meanwhile, health workers include 5 doctors, 24 nurses and 33 midwives. If seen from the number of residents who are scattered in 23 villages kaslink foods in the district Belitang 1, the availability of health facilities and health professionals are still insufficient. As for the places of worship of religious adherents in the District Belitang I've been there 61 mosques, 145 langgar / musholla and 14 churches in 23 villages V. The potential of the District Subdistrict Belitang I was one of the districts in Ogan Ogan Ulu (OKU) potential as land agriculture and plantation. Belitang land utilization in District 1 is generally used for the cultivation of rice (rice), pulses, vegetables, horticulture and plantation people. Besides

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