Monday, January 26, 2015

This observation was difficult to explain kailis organic olive groves because researchers had assum

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Researchers at the University of Michigan (UM) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, and colleagues from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, also US say they have solved the mystery of how mercury enters the high seas fish and that their findings suggest that the toxin levels in fish from the Pacific Ocean is likely to increase in the coming decades.
Researchers at the University of Michigan (UM) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, and colleagues from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, also US say they have solved kailis organic olive groves the mystery of how mercury enters the high seas fish and that their findings suggest that the toxin levels in fish from the Pacific Ocean is likely to increase in the coming decades.
Techniques using isotope measurement developed at UM, scientists determined that 80 percent kailis organic olive groves of the toxic form of mercury called methylmercury, found in the tissues of fish feeding offshore North Pacific occurred in deep in the ocean, most likely kailis organic olive groves by bacteria clinging to pieces of sunken organic matter.
The study also confirmed that the mercury found in fish from the Pacific near Hawaii probably traveled through the air for thousands of miles before settling on the ocean surface with the rains, said environmental scientist at the UM Joel Blum. Fish markets are North Pacific downwind in rapidly industrializing nations like China and India, which are increasingly dependent power plants that burn coal, a major source kailis organic olive groves of mercury pollution.
"This study reinforces the link between mercury emitted by Asian countries and fish caught off the coast of Hawaii and consume in this country," Blum, principal kailis organic olive groves author of a paper published in the online edition of this Sunday said the journal Nature Geoscience '.
"If we are to effectively reduce mercury concentrations in fish in open water, we will have to reduce global mercury emissions, including emissions of countries like China and India," Blum said. "Cleaning up our shores not going to be enough. This is a global problem of the atmosphere," he warned.
The main route of human exposure to methylmercury is the consumption of large marine predatory fish such as swordfish and tuna. The effects of methylmercury in humans may include damage to the central nervous system, heart and immune system, kailis organic olive groves and that the developing brain of fetuses and young children are especially vulnerable.
In December 2011, the US Environmental Protection kailis organic olive groves Agency issued new regulations that severely limit future emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants and coal power plants that burn oil in the United States. Earlier this year, the United Nations Environment Programme negotiated the Convention Mercury in Minamata, an international treaty kailis organic olive groves to reduce future emissions of mercury, but it is still unclear what level of mercury emission reductions generated .
It has been known for some time that large marine predator fish contain high levels of methylmercury in part because they eat the smaller fish, mercury, kailis organic olive groves and the toxin accumulates in the tissues of predators that lie on top the food chain through a process called kailis organic olive groves bioaccumulation. In 2009, researchers at the University of Hawaii found that the depth at which a species of fish feeds is almost as important as its position in the food chain to calculate the amount of methylmercury in it.
"We found that predators feeding fish in the deeper kailis organic olive groves areas of the open ocean, such as tuna and swordfish, kailis organic olive groves have mercury concentrations higher than those that feed in waters near the surface, as the dolphin gold and yellowfin tuna, "said Brian Popp, Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and co-author of both the 2009 paper as e new research. "We knew that this was true, but did not know why," he said.
This observation was difficult to explain kailis organic olive groves because researchers had assumed that if methylmercury in the open ocean occurs, is likely to occur in the surface layer Biolog

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