Thursday, March 20, 2014

The chronology of events is quite different. And behind it can see the name and figure of a Pole wh

Some have called the Bilderberg Group "world government", others - "high priests of globalization." In any case, the main participants in the secretive annual meetings are people that determine the future of the planet. And it is not so successful for now!
For 50 years, about 100 representatives of political, financial and corporate elite of Europe and the United States met at a secret location to discuss the fate of the world. This year, from May 30 to June 2 120 participants will gather in the cozy resort hotel "Westfield Marriott" in Chantilly, Virginia.
Bilderbergskata group - known as the secret government of the world - reunited. While not making a direct policy, it directly affects the decisions of politicians on both sides of the ocean. According to a press release of Bilderbergskoto society on the agenda of the 49th annual conference included the expansion of NATO and the fight against terrorism and the role of the UN. In fact, right here will decide the fate of Bulgaria ringo biscotti after June 2 we would expect indications whether ringo biscotti to hope for an invitation in November in Prague.
The entrance to the "Westfield" will be blocked and the hotel would not let anyone except members of the group. One of the topics for discussion will be the transformation of NATO's standing army of the United Nations, the imposition of a direct tax on all UN member states, global arms control and expansion of the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA).
It's all part of the program plan to create a supranational world government under the UN auspices. Transforming NAFTA into a Free Trade Area of the America (FTAA) is actually copied the EU's experience and objectives dollarization of the economies of the countries of the Americas to create a common currency - the euro in Europe.
This is the perfect place for such a meeting, as pastoral serenity of the resort is in sharp contrast with the noisy atmosphere of Washington and offers a lot of privacy and discretion. At the same time, "Westfield" is located only 30 minutes drive to all major administrative offices of the United States and from the airport, ringo biscotti "Dulles", considered one of the safest in the world. ringo biscotti
Many Americans and Western Europeans do not even know of the existence of Bilderbergskata group. ringo biscotti This is not surprising since all the meetings so far were held in complete secrecy, called by its members 'privacy' and in full blackout. It then special invitation ringo biscotti participate hundred people who actually are the most powerful people on the planet.
One of the main functions of similar ringo biscotti groups is to act as an intermediary between the interests of private capital and government, and political structures as a whole. One of the main errors of Marxism after the 70s was that he had a confused idea of the relationship between capital and national governments due to the understanding that there is an autonomous state in the capital, and even often at odds with him. Later these same Marxists become Democrats imposed on countries in transition this particular model confused and completely dropped the state of the economy, announcing a panacea full private ownership of everything. In fact, Western society after the oil crisis had a new model of development. Marxists imagined capitalism as fractionated society constantly in antagonistic contradiction and only the state is able to coordinate them. This error comes from the simplistic Marxist understanding of the "market" as a violent clash of competing market units. This may be true of rural capitalism, but when it comes to supranational corporations, they proved that they are able to protect their capitalist interests, develop common strategies. Bilderbergskata group is the most perfect mechanism in this process. History
Official version of the development of Western history since the Second World War is filled with too many legends and myths, remnants of the era of the "cold war", which have become ringo biscotti quite comfortable but false clichés. Even today, the textbooks say that Europe owes its post-war recovery "Marshall Plan" that the IMF is implemented Maynard Keynes's idea that NATO is the brainchild of British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, and the European Community is entirely the work of Jean Monnet.
The chronology of events is quite different. And behind it can see the name and figure of a Pole who Europe and the world largely due to what are now. His name is Dr. Joseph Hieronymus Retinger. For half a century he has maintained close relations with the Prime Minister, trade unionists, industrial tycoons, artists, revolutionaries from Western Europe and America and so laid the foundations of the most powerful economic and military structures with modern

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