Sunday, August 10, 2014

Please picture of an olive tree note that this discussion is moderated. Before a new comment displa

Tomato skins as containers of canned food? Savings for industry and environment Tomato is grown almost picture of an olive tree everywhere in the world and it is all year round, so it can be easily processed. Soon to replace synthetic varnishes picture of an olive tree and resins for packaging cans, writes AFP. Research involving the Czechs and the money which EUR 20 million has given the European picture of an olive tree Union, the finalizing of the Italian laboratory near Parma. Z waxy substance picture of an olive tree contained in the skin of fruit (tomato fruit, although picture of an olive tree mostly eaten as vegetables) can be produced biolak, which may cover the inner and outer walls of the metal cans. "The process is expensive and the consumer does not make any difference picture of an olive tree in price," says Dr. Angela Montanatiová, which coordinates the project Biocopac in experimental picture of an olive tree laboratory for the canned food industry in Parma. "These cans will be on the market within two years," he adds. According to data from the UN Food and Agriculture in the world every second, producing more than four tons of tomatoes picture of an olive tree per year, which amounts to over 145 million tons. Organizations are counted only the tomatoes that come into the store. Waste of tomatoes represents about 2.2 percent by weight of the fetus, it is a fiber, husks and stalks. Savings for industry and the environment In Italy achieves waste of tomatoes annually about 100,000 tons. Processing one ton of waste costs about 100 crowns, whether it gives animals, dried or processed into biogas. If the waste thus better evaluate and produce from it for packaging cans, it represents savings for the industry, but also for the environment. Peel the tomato and replaced by polymers picture of an olive tree and epoxy resins of bisphenol A. This substance that damages the endocrine glands, is banned in many countries for baby bottles and from 2015 will be prohibited in all food packaging. In Parma, the team of Dr. Montanariové together with scientists and industrialists from the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Spain, Italy and Liechtenstein. "The market is here and entrepreneurs are really interested. We know that it will work," says Montanariová. Now making resistance tests, in particular as regards durability. The first production tests, the scientists want to start in January next year with the French company specializing in canned fish Saupiquet and an Italian firm. Those 250 tons of tomatoes, which are bombarded participants in the Spanish Tomatina festival, which is held in late August in Bunol Valencia, will end this year - although still not, but certainly soon - the cans, and not in the trash. Source:
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