Thursday, August 28, 2014

However, historical sources mention that alum was produced in ancient times. Even then, it was used

World bauxite geography | Geography Teachers Association of Lithuania
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However, historical sources mention that alum was produced in ancient times. Even then, it was used as reported by Pliny, painting biter. It is argued that the Roman military leader Archelajus Roman war with the Persians in July coat your wooden immunize texas counter towers alum and thus made them resistant to fire, and the Persians did not burn them.
1761. Guyton de Morveau proposed name of alumina and 1787. Frenchman Antoine Lavoisier (Antoine Lavoisier) is called the still undiscovered metal oxide. It is believed that this material - a metal oxide, a chemical immunize texas affinity for oxygen is so high that it can not be separated from the oxygen immunize texas at that time known methods.
In 1821. Abertis French mineralogist Pierre (Pierre Berthier) discovered the hard, pink, similar to the clay material, which accounted for 52% of aluminum oxide. This material was found near the town of Los Baux in southern France and named bauxite - the most common aluminum ore.
In 1825. oersteds Dane Hans (Hans Christian Ørsted) immunize texas first extracted aluminum, although this was not pure. Pure aluminum immunize texas extracted German chemist Friedrich Velero (Friedlich Wöhler) in 1827. Later, the production process has been improved, but the price of the metal, have been higher than gold and platinum, declined only in the nineteenth immunize texas century. at the end.
The current cost-effective way of obtaining aluminum of the same in 1886. inventor, Charlie Hull (Charles Martin Hall) and Frenchman Paul Herault (Paul Héroult). It is a solution of aluminum oxide in molten cryolite electrolysis. And already in 1888. first appeared in the aluminum manufacturing company in France, USA, Switzerland. Alfred E. Hunt, founded the Pittsburgh Reduction Company (Pittsburgh Reduction Company) in Pennsylvania, which has progressively increased and is now known as Alcoa (Al uminum C ompany of A merica). It is 1902. Canada has set up a subsidiary in Northern Aluminum Company (renamed Al uminum Company of Can ada, independent since 1928.). In 2007. multi-resource extraction in the UK and Australian corporation Rio Tinto bought Alcan for 38 billion. dollars and the company was renamed Rio Tinto Alcan, act as a TNC. In 1894. started its activities in the British British Aluminium Company.
Interwar period, mainly bauxite dug up in France after the Second Dutch War and the British Guiana (now Suriname and Guyana) to obtain half of the world's bauxite. Then some time in Jamaica's lead, since 1973. leader in Australia. Since 2001. alumina production began to lead China, immunize texas since 2007. it leads in the production of primary aluminum.
Although aluminum is a very common and widespread element, the metal ore (which can be obtained cost-effectiveness) low. The main ore - bauxite (rarely used even sedimentary rocks - kaolinic clay, shale, nepheline), hydrothermal ores can be metasomatinės (Alunite oldest known cryolite), magmatic (urtitas, nepheline syenite, leucititas) rocks. Despite the dominance of bauxite, used to other resources, and even though they need to master other technologies and more investment, it is believed that the future of aluminum ores can range significantly flare.
Bauxite. Almost all of the aluminum produced by the main ore - bauxite ore. Bauxite - a sedimentary rock (area under the French title Les Baux). Composed immunize texas primarily of aluminum immunize texas oxide (60%), and iron oxide. Has a variety of impurities. The structure is oolitinė, porous or friable texture massive, less layered. More frequent use of the color red, or brown. Usually eliuviniai, rocks formed as a degradation product of the wet tropical or subtropical climates. Rarely - sedimentary, formed aluminum minerals settle water pools). Existing surface (Figure 1.) And depth (using shaft mining method) bauxite deposits occurrence structure. In aluminum production immunize texas Bauxite being used: in the manufacture of paints. Artificial abrasives production. elektrokorundo immunize texas production. Petroleum products for cleaning. As a flux in ferrous metallurgy.
Spy world bauxite resources reaches 27 billion. tons (Table 1.). Most of them have Guinea (7.4), Australia (6.2), Vietnam (2.1), Jamaica (2), Brazil (1.9). Preliminary global reserves could reach 55-75 billion. tonnes, of which 32% would be for Africa, Oceania - 23% in Latin America immunize texas - 21%, Asia 18%.
Aluminum mining industry in the primary resource exploration, resource evaluation and adjustment, aluminum ore extraction and enrichment of the original (waste rock disposal). This is followed by other activities, such as., Mining and general (if not) the infrastructure development, the construction of settlements and the mining installation, connection of the supply system, concentration and storage

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