Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The rapid growth of the needs of developing countries for energy economy not only cause another rou

The club developed economies predicts a decade of growth food packaging technology in food prices
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) presented food packaging technology a report on the projected growth of global food market in the next 10 years Agricultural Outlook-2012-2021. In it there is a trend to higher food prices, which pushes up the rapid population growth in developing countries. Important role in meeting the world's needs for food, experts assign Russia.
"In the next forty years, world food production will have to grow by 60% to meet the growing needs of humanity. This is equivalent to a billion tonnes of cereals and 200 million tonnes of meat per year by 2050 - frightening numbers of guests attending the presentation of the report in Rome, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria Trevino Jose. - A demand for biofuels food packaging technology in general compared to double the current level of consumption. His role is played not only population growth, but also a change of food habits of many people, due to economic growth in developing countries. "
With this fund suitable for agriculture land is constantly shrinking. Already a quarter of arable land on the verge of exhaustion, as required by the introduction of new development of virgin and fallow lands. Meanwhile, according to the OECD and the FAO, by mid-century will be put into circulation only 69 million hectares of new farmland, or 5% of the current. There is a serious problem food packaging technology in many countries lack becomes suitable for irrigation water. Climate change, with its tendency food packaging technology to increase the frequency of extreme weather events also poses a serious threat food packaging technology to the food security of mankind.
This is projected to report food packaging technology preparers Agricultural Outlook-2012-2021 will lead to slower growth in food production over the next decade to 1.7%, while in the first decade of XXI century average performance boost global agricultural industry was 2.6% per year, by increasing productivity in China, Brazil, India and Russia. Slowing food production will lead to further price increases. According to experts of both organizations, on average they are 10-30% higher than in the previous 10 years.
The largest increase, by 25-30%, they predict in the production of meat, especially lamb, pork, poultry, butter and sugar. Slightly fewer, 20% rise in coarse food packaging technology grains, beef and vegetable oils.
The rapid growth of the needs of developing countries for energy economy not only cause another round of oil price, but the rapid rise of biofuels. food packaging technology The rising cost of ethanol will handicap all foods and will be more than 70%. At quarter increase prices for biodiesel.
Already experiencing a chronic shortage of food and drinking water for about 900 million people. food packaging technology And since the main population food packaging technology growth food packaging technology is expected, analysts have on poor countries in Africa, announced in Rome on price forecasts can not inspire anxiety. food packaging technology
However, some refining this disappointing trend increase agricultural production in Brazil, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Ukraine. Thanks to their contribution to the global food market will gradually decrease prices cereals, especially wheat and rice.
According to the secretary general of the OECD, install an unwanted price trend could soon introduction of agro-industry advanced, "green" technologies food packaging technology that can provide increased yields without increasing impact on nature. OECD program food packaging technology document - "Green Growth Strategy" - including calls waiver of plow agriculture, drip irrigation, food packaging technology increase fertilizer efficiency, developing food packaging technology new, more resistant to the vagaries of weather varieties.
It is equally important to create the economic conditions for such a transfer to farmers were interested in implementing new biotechnologies. The same time to reduce food packaging technology the loss of farmland in the process of operation. food packaging technology An integrated approach to the problem, I'm sure Angel Gurria, will not only provide food to the entire population of the planet, but also reduce human impact on the global ecosystem.
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