Friday, February 21, 2014

Good tactic to me it seems, would be to remove it prior to the presidential election, negotiate an

My friend and colleague Eva Joly EELV is part Fukushima in Japan last week. We barely del monte beach house talked about it. Eva has again repeated the need for the PS is committed to phasing out nuclear power should there be a PS / EELV electoral agreement.
"I am the only candidate who wants to phase out nuclear power in France. (...) The Socialists are hesitant, but I do not despair of the socialist rally in my point of view. I make nuclear exit point of our hard agreement. "
"Could you sign a document that does not include the output of nuclear power? No. After Fukushima, the nuclear exit is a mandatory horizon, although for some, these words are unpronounceable.'s Now work on specific scenarios. If this agreement is a compromise, it does not resume my proposals or those that François Hollande and Martine Aubry are highlighted in the primary. "
For antinuclear antisarkozyste and I am the choice is tough. Nuclear energy is lost: it is dangerous, it is not known recycle waste that is deadly for millennia, it is limited (since we plunder African uranium for our 58 national reactors). And .... ?
Eva Joly has no chance of being qualified for the second round of presidential elections. I respect my friends and buddies (the Greens, we talked about friends, not colleagues) who will still campaign, but good.
If EELV places as a prerequisite for any agreement commitment from Holland to the output (required) nuclear, we risk two situations: either you lose against Sarkozy or Hollande wins anyway and ecologists are discredited.
Good tactic to me it seems, would be to remove it prior to the presidential election, negotiate an agreement del monte beach house for the laws, participate in the victory we all want May 6, earning members in June 2012 and then put pressure del monte beach house through a mini-group in the Assembly on nuclear issues that arise during the term of office.
Leftists we must understand that the presidential is not made for us, it is better to provide early support for then weigh rather than ridicule in the first round of polling staff.
I point you friend Juan that the Left Front (even with the Communists) is also phasing out nuclear power. And we were not so "ridiculous" in the first round, do you think of the usual orthodox helpful vote accept or accept (given the level of ambient radicalization which was not much lower during the last presidential) to go up at their logical del monte beach house "left"? ARAMIS
You're done completely fooled by the phrase Holland on nuclear power. del monte beach house
This corresponds exactly to a growth rate of consumption of 3% per year. This is roughly the annual rate since 2000. Last year the consolidated jumped nearly 6%. It seems that more Hollande wants to stimulate growth so imagine del monte beach house ...
I agree with Stef, when he first asked the union of the left, to beat the Conservatives! From fighting in dispercé order, del monte beach house is not the best guarantee of victory in May 2012! Holland vote massively in the first round, seems to me safer, more reasonable to drop the oligarchy Sarko. Anyway, the nuclear exit, poses enormous problems of all kinds, del monte beach house it will not be a mandate, only a few assurances given orally, may superficellemnt, reassured worried! Do not start this race indecent morocco before the final at the Elysee! In other words, do not sell the chickens before they are hatched! Note that I am for the denuclearization!
You may be right, and I hope frankly wrong. Still, that Holland, a fortiori with its position on nuclear power, I think the candidate alternative to Sarkozy del monte beach house toast, economic and media establishment, neo-liberal trend that dominates del monte beach house the planet. Again, elections, whether socialist or presidential primaries, were won by the favorite media. The aberration of the Italian videocracy should think. Vive web lively Eva and independence.
Do you know who the Green-Ecolos? Brushless right! Just watch, observe and analyze the sponsors of all the Greens-European Ecolos the Germans. When they were the majority with the Social Democratic Party (Schröder, Fischer minafet), they were the party in all getaways Bush jr. e

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