Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Texts adopted Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - Strasbourg Provisional edition olea europaea swan hill Prot

source http: // www. lastampa. it / 2013/03/08 / scienza / ambiente / cinghiali - radioattivi - in - alta - valsesia - giallo - sul - cesio - nUHxlv 1 n 49 OBNqXXxE 1 fzI / pagina. html The isotope 137 of the cesium is man, is only produced by nuclear fission and does not exist in nature. The radioactive olea europaea swan hill material was found in samples of wild boar (hunting season 2012-2013).
The large amount of radioactive cesium in wild boars was attributed to radioactive fallout of Chernobyl olea europaea swan hill [the agriogourouna- fed with roots dentron- absorbed radioactivity found in soil substrate, since the time of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in 1986]
However the area Valsesia, (Piemonte in Italy, provincia di Vercelli, terra all 'ombra del monte Rosa) where dwelled the wild boars were two nuclear technology facilities.
Cesium-137 traces detected in Italian boars Some said that two nuclear olea europaea swan hill sites in Piedmont region, the Trino Vercellese station dismantled in 1987 and an experimental site in the Saluggia area, as well as toxic waste, may also be at the origin olea europaea swan hill of the findings. Source http: // news. xinhuanet. com / english / world / 2013-03 olea europaea swan hill / 08 / c _132219468. htm
The regional institution for environmental monitoring ARPA guess that the cause of contamination is the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, since a little amount of cesium 137 released during the disaster could have been absorbed by plant and fungi.
In Valsesia there were a nuclear olea europaea swan hill central in Trino Vercellese and Enea experimental site. ARPA ensures there is no connection between these sites and the contamination. source
The director Helena Fantuzzi Radiological Protection Institute Sina (the Enea Radiation Protection Institute) and the Gian Piero Godio head of energy sector Legambiente Piemonte-Valle d'Aosta, made reassuring statements.
Legislative olea europaea swan hill Resolution of the European Parliament of 12 March 2013 on the proposal for a Council Directive laying down the health requirements of the population by radioactive substances in water intended olea europaea swan hill for human consumption (COM (2012) 0147 - C7-0105 / 2012 - 2012/0074 ( COD))
Texts adopted Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - Strasbourg Provisional edition olea europaea swan hill Protection of public health from radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption *** I P7_TA-PROV (2013) 0068 A7-0033 / 2013
The water ingestion among the introduction of harmful substances pathways in the human body. The ingestion of radioactive isotopes or radionuclides may cause a number of health problems. Under Directive olea europaea swan hill 96/29 / Euratom of 31 May 1996 laying down basic safety standards for the health protection of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation, the contribution of practices involving a risk from ionizing radiation exposure of the population as a whole, taking into account the long-term cumulative exposure should be kept as low as possible. source
It was revealed that a load had gone from Volos, just arrived in Sardinia, radioactivity values were detected in excess and those detected in loads had left after the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Specifically, the cargo ship Eilsum Vanishing from Volos and arrived at the premises Portovesme Ltd in Sardinia measured olea europaea swan hill cesium - 137 at a concentration of 3,7 Becquerel / g, which caused alarm to local authorities.
This is not the first time that radioactive cesium - 137 detected in steel came from melting scrap. In 1998, Spanish recycling company melted together with the other materials olea europaea swan hill and a source of gamma rays, containing cesium - 137. In 2009, dissolved a cement plant, but did not follow procedures for handling radioactive materials. Thus, the cesium - 137 from a measuring instrument, was included in one of the 8 trucks scrap, resulting from the dissolution of the metal equipment, resulting olea europaea swan hill in radioactive polluted all steel produced.
What are the procedures followed before the scrap fall in foundry "Steel Greece"? Checked for radioactivity or thrown without control and without regard to the

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