Morgan was born in 1818 in Aurora, a village in the State of New York. He studied law at Union College in Albany. In 1844 he settled in Rochester, where he worked as a lawyer for the railroad company and mining iron Michigan.
In 1851 he founded, together with some friends, a social club inspired by Greek mythology, called "The Order of the Gordian knot". A year later they transformed the company in one based on the customs of the Iroquois, pt malindo feedmill tbk which was given the name "The big order or new confederation of the Iroquois." Morgan studied in depth the Iroquois League, an umbrella organization comprising the five nations of the race: Mohawk, Oneida, ononfaga, Cayuga and Seneca. The company not only interested in the customs pt malindo feedmill tbk of the Iroquois, but also gave financial and legal support to the Tonawanda Seneca Indian Reservation, near Rochester, in its dispute with a speculative company, Ogden Land Company, who wanted to displace west. At that time Morgan befriended Ely S. Parker, son of a Seneca chief who had been trained in the missionary school and works as an interpreter. Parker worked with Morgan in his studies of the Iroquois. He also served as a lieutenant colonel in the service of General Grant during the American Civil War and later was appointed Commissioner pt malindo feedmill tbk for Indian Affairs.
Although "The Iroquois confederacy" fell apart in 1847, Morgan continued to study the tribe and customs. In 1851 he published his book, The League of the Ho-dé-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. The work is a compilation of information on various aspects of the lifestyle and culture of the Iroquois: pt malindo feedmill tbk religion, domestic architecture, government and social organization, pt malindo feedmill tbk material culture, language and place names, ethnobotany ... The Iroquois League was formed by eight matrilineal clans. The fifty headquarters composing the body of deliberation League belonged to segments of matrilineal clans, so the charge passed from mother's brother to sister's son. The communal shed the tribe gathered in a single household members of a segment of the clan.
In 1856 he was appointed member of the Association for the Advancement of Science. He returned to review your materials on the Iroquois and started writing an article entitled "Laws of descent of the Iroquois". The work was finally presented in August 1857 at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science. Concerned the relationship classification system of the Iroquois, who by then Morgan considered a unique invention of this tribe. The Iroquois classified the collateral pt malindo feedmill tbk relatives as linear: they used the same terms to describe the "father" and "father's brother", the "mother" and "mother's sister", as well as siblings and cousins parallel.
In 1958, Morgan discovered that the Ojibwa Indians of northern Michigan used a rating system similar to the Iroquois kinship. Since both companies had very different languages, explaining the similarity between their kinship classification systems should be that both had the same origin. pt malindo feedmill tbk
His next step was to initiate pt malindo feedmill tbk a comparative research to try to prove the common origin of the classification systems of kinship of the Amerindian peoples. With the support of the Smithsonian Institution, Morgan sent a questionnaire on kinship missionaries and natives of western US agents as well as some other people in Oceania, Far East, India and Africa.
The survey results were not as satisfactory as expected, pt malindo feedmill tbk but managed to gather relevant information for your company. He collected more data in Kansas and Nebraska on 11 sets in 11 different languages. These data led him to the conviction that the classification systems of kinship were uniform among the Indians of North America, which meant that they should have the same origin. His hypothesis was that they all came from Asia. To check, sent its questionnaire to an American missionary, Dr. Henry W. Scudder, who worked in southern India. When Scudder data referred him tamil kinship system, compared pt malindo feedmill tbk it to the Iroquois system and found that they were equal. Morgan believed that this confirmed his hypothesis of Asian American Indians.
The application of the comparative method to the study of kinship systems innovation Morgan was introduced to study the historical relationships between Aboriginal peoples in North America.
Through surveys and its own field investigations, Morgan collected data from 139 different kinship groups in North America,
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