Of the class struggle and the things of eating
Miguel nicco projects Altieri (MA) noted that researchers are showing that it is possible to provide a balanced environment, sustained yields, biologically mediated soil fertility, natural pest regulation through the design of diversified nicco projects agro-ecosystems and the use of low-input technologies . Concrete examples of the farmers themselves show that such systems lead to optimal nicco projects recycling of nutrients and organic matter; energy flows closed; conservation of soil and water; and balance between nicco projects populations of pests and their enemies. These diversified agricultural practices exploit the complementary relationships that result from combinations of crops, trees and animals in spatial and temporal arrangements.
d) in orchards and vineyards combination with crops storey improves fertility and structure of it, improves nicco projects water infiltration, reduces competition from weeds and pests decreases.
Miguel Altieri (MA) notes that "researchers are showing that it is possible to provide a balanced environment, nicco projects sustained yields, biologically mediated soil fertility, natural pest regulation through nicco projects the design of diversified agro-ecosystems and the use of technologies for low inputs ".
Several systems of alternative crops have been developed and evaluated, added as double cropping, shredded and mixed cultures. More important still, concrete examples of the farmers nicco projects themselves show that such systems nicco projects lead to: the optimal recycling of nutrients and organic matter; energy flows closed; conservation of soil and water; and balance between populations of pests and their enemies. These diversified nicco projects agricultural practices exploit the complementary relationships that result from combinations of crops, trees and animals in spatial and temporal arrangements.
"Experiments in the Puebla Plan showed that intercropping of maize and beans is more profitable than either crops independently:" Work on associations showed that maize-bean association of guidance more than doubled net income for maize or beans planted as sole crops "(Plan nicco projects Puebla. Seven years of experience, CIMMYT, September 1973). Similar results for Africa are reviewed by Belshaw and Hall in mixed corn and cotton, nut and soy, nut and sorghum. Still, most of our agronomists continue to flout the practice of mixed cultures and few researchers consider nicco projects worthy of study "(2)
The agro-ecological, says MA approach seeks to diversify and revitalize small and medium farms and completely reshape agricultural policy and food system. Worldwide continues, there are hundreds of movements that seek (with different perspectives) a transformation into environmentally sensitive farming systems. Some emphasize organic products to lucrative markets, some floor care, others promote the empowerment of rural communities nicco projects (3). The purposes of ensuring food self-preserving natural resource base, and ensuring nicco projects social equity and economic viability, however, are shared by all. Altieri criticizes those who suffer from technological determinism, as a school of organic agriculture that embodies the groups that have a benign view of capitalist agriculture, and seek only the development and dissemination of appropriate technologies or low-input, believing that such technologies, by themselves, nicco projects are able to initiate beneficial social changes, and leave the structure intact monoculture. These groups, he argues, "have not understood the structural roots of environmental nicco projects degradation linked to agriculture monocultures. Therefore, options for diversified agriculture are inhibited, among other factors, nicco projects current trends of mechanization and farm size. The implementation of such mixed farming nicco projects would only be possible as part of a broader program that included land reform and redesign of agricultural machinery polyculture "(p. 89)
Also continues agricultural programs of the US government (in force for several decades) have become an obstacle to change cropping systems nicco projects that reward those who maintain moncultures to assure a price for their production and have been placed at a disadvantage competitive crops to rotate. Lastly, MA notes that one can not ignore that a barrier to sustainable agriculture nicco projects is the enormous influence of transnational corporations (TNCs). Therefore, he concludes, the future nicco projects of agriculture will be determined by the correlation of forces and there is no reason why agricul
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