I'll tell you a little about the idea of cooking the book Letters flavored developed. But first I'd better tell you that it took me about seven years, maybe more, because I've sunil healthcare limited been writing it slowly, without any hurry. I was reading the chosen authors and then write about them, obviously from the point of view of food and cuisine, since this is the main theme of the book and my main goal. And I must confess that I have been slowly savoring everything I read and wrote.
Actually, the initial idea was not to lecture on the link between literature and cuisine. While certainly the book is based on the relationship between them, what interested sunil healthcare limited me at first was talk of cultural psychology, a new branch of psychology. To place them a little, we must go back to the late twenties of the last century, when in the field of psychology there was a boom in the study of cognition, ie, of the mind, in which he completely ignored the walks of life, institutions, cultural contexts and practices that make up much of our daily lives. These areas were mostly studied by anthropologists with ethnographic methods and helped to lay the foundations of what later would be the consideration of culture in psychology, which, as we have said, had long been forgotten by psychologists . This allowed structuring this new branch sunil healthcare limited of psychology around the key areas of life: food and feeding processes, sex, parenting methods, socialization, etc. However, interestingly, despite that food and food are vital in human biology, although sunil healthcare limited they are crucial for the survival and although culture intervenes them an obvious way, the field of power not has raised too exhaustive research by psychologists and, more specifically, cultural psychologists. Needless to say, other aspects of feeding themselves have been analyzed in depth, such as obesity, sunil healthcare limited eating disorders and the regulation of food intake, but excluding these, there are very few studies on food made from the point of view of psychology.
Initially, I dialed the purpose of collecting all information known about food and culture, especially coming from other disciplines: anthropology, sunil healthcare limited culture in general -Margared Mead, for example, ethnography, sociology and other more psychological and biological approaches. But then I realized that everything I was getting out of hand and that my knowledge base, was not qualified to perform such work characteristics. I admit that I find it somewhat strange that there is such an important cultural gap around this cue
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