How have you prepared for the next battle in the stock market? Do you have a plan for what to do on the Stockholm Stock Exchange fall by 38%? Are you able to take advantage of the bargain prices that will arise in the future in qualitative company? These are questions we must ask ourselves today. Sooner or later pops up good buying opportunities in companies that are sure to survive the worst crises. Companies such as SCA, Securitas, H & M, Investor, etc. Will you have the possibility to buy them at prices biscotti ringo which are most likely to assume that the trend will be good in the long run. My main share strategy today is to rebalance non-cyclical biscotti ringo stocks into more cyclical in the stock market collapse. In the past, my strategy to be completely biscotti ringo liquidated during the euphoric periods and then buy at the bottom. So I did during the dotcom stock market cycle. Bought around 2003, sold around 2006 and was liquidated until 2008. Then my portfolio significantly smaller in size so I could gamble more. I had the opportunity to earn back my portfolio in any year through hard work anyway. With gamble, I mean that dare to be liquidated and thereby biscotti ringo risking a stock market that continues upward. Today I basically could be liquidated as well if I had a minor money-bag to manage. However, I would not risk the economy biscotti ringo switches to strong growth, alternatively, that we get high inflation, which is not at all unreasonable. Therefore I lie fully invested in the most stable and high yielding i can find today. When a stock market crash in the class of 2008, so should my portfolio fall by a maximum of about 25% in USD terms of the development of the companies follows the pattern of 2008. This compares with an investment in Avanza Zero or similar that has the potential to fall by about 50%. For me it is important not to lose money than to go on a joyride in the valuations sky. It is also important to have a low downside when I have a leverage built into my overall portfolio. I am now rebalancing the investment portfolio so that within half a year comes a little more than a third of my capital consist of real estate investments. Property portion has a good yield which is significantly higher than the average for the portfolio. I will borrow biscotti ringo my total investment portfolio of approximately 20% which I think is manageable. It can be equated to that property becomes part leveraged by about 70% and the equity portfolio unlevered or that the shares are leveraged by about 30% and the property portfolio in debt. It is actually an increase in LTV earlier when it stood at about 15%, the reason I find it manageable with higher borrowing today is that I rearranged among the shares and the shares that are most cyclical and has the highest vertical drop (read industrivärden) have been deleted in favor of relatively stable biscotti ringo company in comparison, most partly denominated in USD which tends to strengthen biscotti ringo against the crown at the stock market crash. Average annual yield for the total portfolio (properties + shares) end up at around 6%. Annual capital injections from my privately owned businesses should be approximately 4% of the portfolio's value. Thus, leverage is reduced down to 0% by 2 years of cash flows if I so desire. However, this is not the case, but I believe that my leverage can vary between about 10% and 50%. I can accept an LTV of up to 50% is only because I now have a fastighetsdel in the portfolio whose value is not tied to the loan, ie no so-called margin lending. At one extreme position with the values in the class with the October 2008 stock market so I would mortgage the property section to the maximum level and then have a loan to value of the equity portion of perhaps 30-40%. What to do when the stock market falls even more than it did in 2008 then? Firstly, I have not a portfolio that should fall as much as the index but if the collapse is very heavy so will I be forced to let borrowing rise to over 50% of the equity portion. As a last resort to avoid being over leveraged on the stock markets biscotti ringo would fall even more, say by 80-90% as they did in the 30's so I'll have to sell my private activities to reduce our leverage. biscotti ringo When we talk about being able to buy companies that sell necessities biscotti ringo of life to the P / E ratio of around 3 and dividend yields of maybe 15-20%. It should probably much for that scenario to occur, probably is not money the biggest problem then, but I would guess that the world is in such a case is facing a major war or serious natural disaster. Something like this, I try to regularly think in a kind of private financial stress test. I think it's important biscotti ringo to figure out how to handle various worst-case scenarios and make sure that you have a countermove no matter what happens.
Good description of your thoughts on "worst case scenarios". Very important to be prepared and not lose memory when it goes well. Do you really mean that you are dotted both the IT bubble, biscotti ringo the rise in 2003-2006 and the financial biscotti ringo crisis? Reply Delete
Job o company biscotti ringo I was never with the IT bubble building, was too young then and had no money. Began to interest me
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