An allergy is a hypersensitivity to a substance of man, the origin of the so-called. Allergens, tiny particles contained in the food that the body perceives as foreign and harmful. After ingestion diacetyl tartaric acid of such substances the body will respond by releasing antibodies in the blood or tissues. Allergic reactions are often associated with washout diacetyl tartaric acid of mediators, diacetyl tartaric acid such as histamine. diacetyl tartaric acid As a result of the release of mediators is to run a lot of reactions (hay fever, sneezing, swelling, eczema, respiratory problems, etc..) And disruption of the function of certain organs. Allergy versus food intolerance
Allergic reactions to food can affect all parts of the body with various manifestations. For severe allergic reactions diacetyl tartaric acid or anaphylaxis occurs extreme reactions to a particular antigen. Can usually prevent the worst fast injection of adrenaline. To avoid such a reaction can only by food containing the allergen in question consistently avoids. Allergies diacetyl tartaric acid can erupt at any age, susceptibility and response to certain foods during life changing, especially if their source of food habits.
A food intolerance talk at the moment when the body refuses a meal, but a possible allergy tests are negative. Food intolerance is very contradictory phenomenon and in frequent cases, the cause can not be determined. For example, people suffering from gluten intolerance have impaired nutrient absorption ability, because gluten destroys the lining of the small intestine. People with lactose intolerance lack the ability to change the produce the enzyme lactase and so the body can not handle well ingested milk. Food allergies - both conventional and alternative treatment
The basic therapeutic means of conventional medicine are antihistamines, it is a drug that suppresses the symptoms and make it harder to release histamine, or prevent binding to specific receptors that trigger an allergic reaction. The result is that, after penetration of the allergen into the body will create antibodies.
The elimination diet, as the name implies, means strict omitting the suspect food. After a few weeks it little by little we include (for the consistent observation of the reaction of our body) back into your diet. The elimination diet is the cheapest, easiest and most effective diagnostic and therapeutic method to test your own body to jakokouliv food intolerance. Chemical enhancement of food? No!
Not only allergy should include in your diet to assign particular food nevylepšované and chemically diacetyl tartaric acid untreated - in the most natural form. Particularly inappropriate content substances such as sodium glutamate, benzaldehyde, BHT, BHA, benzoates, vanillin and butter yellow.
On the contrary, help the body herbal medicine, it means the administration of dried medicinal plants. diacetyl tartaric acid The "treatment" of allergy and food intolerance in this way, we look in detail in the next article. The most common allergen sources and typical symptoms diacetyl tartaric acid of milk allergy
Among hazardous foods belong any dairy products such as milk, cream, butter, cheese, diacetyl tartaric acid yogurt, ice cream and more. The most common symptoms diacetyl tartaric acid are: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, migraine eczema and other skin problems gluten intolerance
Flour, barley, rye, oats, bread, pastry, biscuits, beer, canned soups, broths in a nutshell, food products containing bread crumbs and hydrolysed vegetable protein. All these foods should we avoid arc. The most common symptoms are: migraine celiac disease (diarrhea, weight loss) allergy to eggs
Unpleasant reactions always occur particularly after ingestion of egg white. We should skip the mayonnaise and dessert mousses, ice cream, cakes, snow candy and everything that contains albumen. The most common symptoms are: stomach problems rashes, eczema, asthma, bloating Fish and seafood
Among hazardous foods include smoked fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, cod). Fresh fish and seafood, we should omit cod, sole, crustaceans and molluscs. The most common symptoms are: nausea, diacetyl tartaric acid stomach migraine pain hives intolerance nuts
Which nuts are highly allergenic? In particular, diacetyl tartaric acid groundnuts (peanuts), walnuts, cashews and pecans. Skip we have any nut oils. The most common symptoms are: shortness of breath bloating rashes, eczema in severe cases to fatal anaphylactic shock soy intolerance
Comments on the article and the most common food allergens symptoms
Each of us will ever get the inflammation annoy. It simply said defenses against infection. Inflammation diacetyl tartaric acid should be treated, chronic inflammation is one of the triggers of serious diseases (heart attack, Alzheimer's disease or cancerous growths). Consider the inflammation from a slightly different perspective.
We know what the disease actually is? Where and why there is what he has to indicate its existence? We consider the disease as a kind of error, which is necessary to suppress or eradicate. But what if the disease called messenger certain messages? What if we just try to tell you where the other side is a snag in our lives? | 1999 - 2014 Economia, Inc. About Us | All Services | Jobs | Advertising | Service companies | General Conditions | Cookies | N
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