Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meals offered in supermarkets are very similar to

A series of weekend gastronomic article is based on the idea that food is not only one of the most important human needs, but also an important yildiz tv nar tv factor in social and political tool. We would like to introduce gastronomy as a gateway to civic engagement yildiz tv nar tv and pointed to alternatives that start at table with food and ending social changes. We offer an excursion into the history of gastronomy in times of disasters and crises in order to outline the contemporary parallels.
Meals offered in supermarkets are very similar to "quality" as the military food packages. Both of these products can be produced cheaply and efficiently, quickly provide energy (due to the large amounts of sugars and fats) and will last a very long time (thanks to chemical additives). And no wonder. Offer industrial food in the supermarket is to a large extent, most military inspired. Not only bullets from rifles are knocked out of life, in times of peace, this is done by using food that war created.
Food has played in the history of wars diverse role. Have significant ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu, author of books on the art of war, which caused the waging of war revolutionized, wrote in 500 BC.: "The city could have a wall of iron and be surrounded by a moat of boiling water, but is mu undersupplied or Chiang T'ai - kung or Mo Ti would not help him. "
Ancient armies salted soil that paralyzed her fertility - wanted to prevent the enemy to grow food. When the Romans fought against Hannibal in the Punic Wars, they used this method. yildiz tv nar tv Furthermore, it depreciated water resources by them after throwing hundreds of dead animals. Military leaders throughout history have increasingly aware of the importance of food security, and therefore also devised a way to feed his army food farmed in large quantities as cheaply as possible and to last as long as possible.
"At least since the fifties of the 20th century, food corporations are persuaded that, as soldiers or we do not have time to cook. Instead of bullets and shrapnel flying around us after all the information that is to be processed. "
People always conserved food so they could eat even in times when it failed to collect, hunt or grow, especially in the winter months. They used to do a variety of methods based on purely yildiz tv nar tv natural processes - whether it be smoking, drying or fermentation, which creates yildiz tv nar tv even more vitamins. It was Napoleon who in this sense revolutionized. Let's dump, as we have said today, the tender for the project supplying the army appropriately processed food. Napoleon yildiz tv nar tv won chemist Francois Appert, who used controlled sterilization - interpolation methods of food in an airtight container which is boiled in hot water. It was a truly revolutionary discovery. Appert, a native cook, undoubtedly instructed earlier attempts Spalanzaniho Italian 18th century, in bottles of thick glass zavařoval meat, eggs, milk, but also ready-made meals. As we shall see, he laid the foundation of today's rychlovek in the microwave. His method tweaked a little later another Frenchman (albeit with British citizenship) Peter Durand, when in 1810 he patented tin. When he clashed with the French and British army at Waterloo in 1815, both armies have fed the finished food from cans.
Gastronomy WWI trench battles led strategy has been so intensive innovation, because the supply catered field kitchen. At that time the war but diet began to spread among ordinary civilians. One of the intermediaries was Tesco. This now multinational corporation founded in 1919 by a young Jack Cohen after he left at the end of the First World War, the Royal Air Force. In sum, who won thanks yildiz tv nar tv to their demobilization, bought military yildiz tv nar tv surplus food. And these surpluses later founded his empire, which is today the third largest chain in the world. He started with fish paste, canned syrup and war. They were cheap, yildiz tv nar tv durable and ready to be eaten and have become a symbol of supermarket produce. In order to keep the cheapness of their goods, Cohen began in peacetime basically yildiz tv nar tv simulate a state of war. Aggressively negotiated with food manufacturers to reduce the prices, which is signed but the quality of food alone. Suppliers protested against dumped prices. With these strategies changed for long practices Tesco food retailers to the detriment of suppliers. And although in 2000 the Commission carried out for the competition (Competition Commision) because of this situation introduced a Code of Conduct investigation work (Code of Practice), still with Tesco supermarkets in the forefront of using his position of power and putting pressure on suppliers and create unfair business models. Today, the success of the chain necessarily contributed method of monitoring the behavior of consumers using the card Tesco

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