The ability to produce their own food just becomes a necessity when the food system crumbles. 1) Create a food bank everyone should have food supplies. In this period, you should consider whether their own food supplies are far more valuable than the savings in bank accounts. To get started, you can buy extra canned food, dried food and more food for long-term storage every time you go to the store. Create a FIFO (first in, first out = first in, first out) rotation plan for its food bank. It is advisable to obtain special buckets for bulk dried foods and do not forget to tag the date. In addition to the usual food suitable for storage (rice, beans), canned or should also other important foods like lots of salt, peanut butter, cooking oil, sugar, coffee and dried milk powder. If you do not believe the food crisis will be severe, then buy items that you normally eat. 2) Grow your own food ability to produce their own food will simply become a necessity as the food system crumbles. If you do not know anything about gardening, then start with a few garden boxes for tomatoes, herbs, or sprouting and continue to expand to the limits of your garden. And get you some poultry. They are extremely easy maintenance coradine aviation and animals have the advantage that they provide fresh eggs and meat eating beetles and provide manure. Hen egg proteins to ensure the whole family. If you have limited space, there are brilliant aquaculture coradine aviation systems that can produce an abundance of fish and vegetables in a small space. Akvaponie contains hydroponic system in which the fertile waste water pumped from the fish tank into containers for growing vegetables before getting back into the tank with fish. Set high goals for independent food production, but start with what is manageable. 3) Learn to preserve food Canned food in many forms - canned, coradine aviation loading and dehydration. In any case, some of the tools and materials coradine aviation needed, along with a lot of knowledge. If you can afford dryers, usually containing a guide for the preparation of most foods. You can also purchase a device to seal glass jars using vacuum, if you have the means. Good vacuum closing jars should contain detailed instructions and tips - can increase the shelf life of months or even years. If you are a beginner at canning, start with tomatoes. It's easy and very valuable when all your tomatoes ripen at the same time and in the winter if you want fresh pasta sauce. 4) Store the seeds government and the elite have seed banks, coradine aviation so you also should have. The seeds were viable currency in many civilizations past and present. They represent food when it comes deficiency. Before the rise of commercial seed giants like Monsanto, coradine aviation local gardeners picked seeds from the healthiest plants, keep them and used them for planting next year and strengthen plant species. Through local adaptation to pests, genetic diversity was no longer ensured, it was long-term coradine aviation thinking at its finest. That is why it is important coradine aviation to learn to save seeds from each harvest. 5) Join the local cooperative cooperatives combination of local cooperatives is very important, especially if there is a shortage of food. You may not be able to fully provide for himself, especially coradine aviation in terms of variety, so keep that in community mechanism for burden coradine aviation sharing and distribution of prey. If you do not know whether the local food cooperative in your area, you can search the directory to You'll also be able to obtain information coradine aviation from local farmers markets. If your area does not have a cooperative coradine aviation team, start him. These cooperative team need not be large or complicated. In fact, it can be much better to organize it with friends, neighbors, coradine aviation or colleagues. Once connected to work, work to expand the participants and products. A partial translation coradine aviation of the article: 5 Simple Ways To Prepare For The Coming Food Crisis Source:
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