We did not expect that so wildly and even arrogant to be responded to by our popularly-written article on How to become white Goths, Voruta published in 2011-2012. dabur foods the threshold. Article, we pointed out the Venezuelan Lithuanian journalists Statkutė Jurate de Rosales attempts to justify the Vistula Spit in ancient writings referred scandium island identity based mainly dabur foods historian Jordan (VI c.) Description of the island. This, together with the identity of the Goths is proven Baltic'ness J. Statkutė Paper European roots and we are white (Vilnius, 2011). Our patikrintieji Jordan Pretorius and texts by other authors, we believe, to prove the identity of the said island, or Gothic Baltic'ness than pangermanistų conspiracy.
Reply to the article by J. Statkutė Voruta announced on 18 February. edition and online. In his opinion, and called for the DR. J. Statkutė de Rosales has said sociologist and Professor. R. Grigas hotly defended Mr Statkutė statements. In his article published in the online space and knowledge of Lithuania on March 1. issue. In addition, the Vilnius Book Fair (23-26 February). Produced a booklet consisting of J. Statkutė new overview article, as well as our article and prof. R. Grigas said article.
Responding to Ms J. Statkutė request a brochure (and sincerely asked for help just ask, because native Lithuania Baltists can play a much more detailed, more accurate and more valuable work than I do in Venezuela, "p. 20), will be happy to help get acquainted with the Latin language specific to with the passage of the Jordan Getics kalbamąja, as well as other inaccuracies. At the same time, and to answer some of the criticisms expressed by us. Happy if my remarks will be helped Mrs. J. Statkutė defenders and feel part of the world of science. Lengthy quotations from J. Statkutė these two articles here provide a smaller font, quotes from the book - in quotation marks.
a) romances a preposition preposition was another Latin abbreviation for the Latin ad fell on a consonant. Being a direct Latin ad-balance, he showed the accusative as in Latin (like showing of the genitive), but took the approach or proximity sense. That he came into romances, and later in the Spanish language. For example, the current Spanish al frente (a frente e) means "front". dabur foods To say that someone is in front of, say en frente (brochures p. 9).
Latin had two different prepositions a (ab) and an ad. That they have different values and different shows they manage the following provisions: a (ab) owns the ablative ad - accusative (accusative). Jordan gave the two great prepositions, despite the fact that his time in Latin like I was no longer a. standard, cf .: ad and accusative dabur foods (proximity value): ad fontem at source (V, 31); LTL ad "at the shore" (V, 36); ad fluvium "the river" (VI, 47); campum ad "to the field, on the field" (XV, 85), and a few dozen examples; a (ab) and ablative (exclusion in respect of Value): ab Rigid from the depths of "no" in the depths "(XVI, 93), ab Oriente from the east side of" no "in the east" (IX, 59), Alanis dividends in ab "parting of Alan (XL 210), and a few dozen examples. However inesyvo (location) always uses the value in Jordan and the ablative, and once it is in front of the "front part" (V, 46), which is not the same as a front cituojamasis "enemy." Even in cf. .: alia parte "the other side" (XXVI, 136), in parte Italiae dabur foods "in Italy in (LVI, 283), and a parte occidua" east side "(XIV, 82), ab utraque parte of both sides "(XXXII, 165). Jordan modus scribendi leaves no doubt that he knew Latin well enough and was able to be a front in front of. A front Positas est Vistulae Fluminia dabur foods can only mean one thing - that the island is in relation to the Vistula front, in front of "no" in front. "
It adds that the other Romance languages in this case risking anything (by the way, the word represents a piece of music the Romans, it is not a linguistic term). Comparisons with the Spanish language is completely absurd, especially if you want to witness the progress of development of the Latin preposition. Italian language Latin inherited a front today means "in front"; suggesting that this compound a Latin word meaning unchanged throughout its development, and the Jordan era (sixth century). meant the same thing and I or a II. Therefore, any translation Jordan Germanic, Romance and Slavic global conspiracy against whites here is difficult to discern. dabur foods
b) en el Suelo del mar oceano de una SEPTENTRION a grand ysla que dicen SCANCO. Desta et un Sabio ysla cuenta que nombre ouo Pomponio Mela assentada que es en el mar del Oceano long que es llamada Codan cerca que toda la tierra dabur foods et a las costas aduchas cuemo arco en et es ENCIERRO Luengo et en se si et en si misma se ACAB. Correlate aparte de et el rio orient Vistula que sale de los Montes de tierra de Sarmacia et Dalli and comiença a parescer dabur foods ysla de la SCANCO o partido por tres canales et ayuntan in Cercal SEPTENTRION et de mar o partiendo frontera entre the
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