At present more often with the phenomenon that people feel the negative effects on the body and mind after eating certain foods. Harmful substances preserving food methods can weaken the appropriate antibody - most spice that is added to foods. Thus it is known that potatoes should be cooked with cumin, to alleviate bloating and negative impact alkaloid preserving food methods solanine, which is present in green and sprouted potatoes and which may cause headache and drowsiness.
Food causing various negative symptoms usually do not belong to a group called. Optimal food for human consumption, such as common vegetables, whole grains, millet, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and water. Responses are likely to arise for foods that belong to the edge of the sphere of optimal human nutrition. preserving food methods Such as the night shade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tobacco), meat (especially red), eggs, milk and products from it, stimulants such as coffee, black tea, and alcohol. Macrobiotic it tackles this issue quite easily; its adepts advised to avoid given food and thus any negative reactions. Not everyone preserving food methods is able or willing to so radically reduce their nutritional possibilities, and therefore most people continue to consume inadequate food and must endure preserving food methods all the ensuing consequences. Indian medicine in this direction show more compassion for human egocentricity and his desire preserving food methods for expansion and offers a theory of mitigation preserving food methods and harmonizing substances. The essence of this theory is the recognition that every food has a specific, unique energy which manifests and acts in the human digestive system. Ayurveda encourages us best to familiarize yourself with the type of energy in a particular food. Optimal foods are those whose energy is in line with the energy of the human body and mind; their consumption does not cause disharmony in the body and hardship. Food marginal energy sector on the contrary, have strong positions in one direction (jin -jang, preserving food methods cold - heat, darkness - light etc.) and this direction kidnap the body and mind. In fact, we can say that the process of digestion is a process of harmonization between the energy absorbed substances energy body. Often it is questionable why this process resembles a duel, and who it actually comes out as the winner. Taking into account the increasing number of allergies, degenerative diseases, cases of mental disarray and under., We realize that the conflict with food man increasingly out as a loser. Ayurveda suggests consume foods with strong positions in energy combined with substances having a balancing energy, moderating effect.
The negative effects of coffee turn down the addition of nutmeg or cardamom. Strong effects of black tea is reduced if the tea is brewed with ginger, cloves and cardamom. Yogurt is easier preserving food methods to digest if it do add a little bit of pepper, cumin or ginger. Zahleňovací property milk is much reduced if it warm up with a little saffron, cinnamon or nutmeg ořechu.I people who have a mild allergy to milk, it usually tolerated in this form. Fruits night shade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant) can fundamentally require the preparation of various spices. Potatoes should be prepared with a purging butter ghee or vegetable oil with parsley, chives, cumin, marjoram, parsley silatro Chinese or Indian spices: curry, masala param or black mustard seeds. Using the correct seasoning significantly weaken the expansive power plants nocturnal shadows. Eggs should preserving food methods be prepared with onions, parsley and turmeric. The negative effects of meat weaken preserving food methods adding hot peppers. Interestingly, the oriental nations meat almost always prepared using copious amounts of various herbs and spices, which facilitates its digestibility for human organism. If someone seems strange combination of fish with lemon, it helps if you realize that lemon contains substances for mitigating the negative effects of fish meat. Legumes may be due to the high content of nitrogen compounds cause digestive troubles and flatulence. These effects are partially avoided their proper preparation. It is appropriate bean dip before cooking water from soaking always fuse and fuse also water after boiling it first. Legumes also need to cook with turmeric, cumin, garlic, cloves, pepper or ginger. Unpleasant consequences of alcohol turn down chewing teaspoons cumin or one or two cardamom seeds. preserving food methods Theory mitigation agents and antidotes in the Ayurvedic system of medicine worked. Harmful substances can weaken the appropriate antibody, not excluding actual poisons. According to the teachings of Ayurveda to every poison antidote exists. The aim of this theory is obviously not promote preserving food methods the consumption of unhealthy foods; Never use mitigation of substances not eliminate the negative effect completely, but at least to some extent neutralized. Ayurveda believes that it is better to take the bulk of human nutrition food consisted of optimum sphere and the theory of countervailing substances provides for those cases where for some reason the occasional Sahni
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