Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Generally, individuals Pitta or Kapha constitution / Pitta (see below for an explanation membuat ra

If you think this is a very controversial topic, you are certainly right. On the one hand we have the "raw" food enthusiasts who recommend natural, uncooked food for all, while their claim is based on the fact that raw food is a great source of nutrients, enzymes and prana (vital energy). On the other hand, many Ayurvedic sources, including Charak Samhita (early Ayurvedic text) recommend a diet consisting primarily of cooked food because the cooking increases the element of fire (Agni), which is essential in the assimilation of nutrients and their transformation into body tissues.
So how do we match these two opposing views? There is only one correct answer and the others are wrong? And which way we should put us in order to build and maintain good health? If Ayurveda complete system, which argues that we should be able to apply its principles and rules into any diet or philosophy of life and gain valuable insight in the use of its advantages in creating balance.
Many of us, including myself, have experienced the benefits of raw foods and juices, such as: increased energy, clarity of mind, enthusiasm, radiant skin, weight loss and much more. There are many documented cases of individuals who, thanks to a raw diet to overcome serious health problems, some life threatening. Regardless of our individual philosophical leanings, we can not deny or refuse such dramatic results.
Adverse symptoms may include: abdominal bloating, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, insomnia, chills like. There are many cases of people who have their nadšenectvím for raw food diet developed extensive physical imbalances and even serious diseases such as: jaundice, liver dysfunction, and emaciation neurological disorders.
Ayurveda recognizes our unique individual membuat ragi tempe differences. There is only one dietary approach, membuat ragi tempe which would be ideal for everyone. In order to properly identify their optimal requirements, we must examine many factors. We must take into account the individual constitution of each of us (Prakruti), the nature membuat ragi tempe of the imbalances and symptoms membuat ragi tempe (Vikruti), seasonal and climatic factors, stage of life, employment, etc.
My favorite example is: We have a healthy 25-year-old constitution Pitta individuals, living in Hawaii in the summer, working as a yoga teacher and 60-year-old individual Vata constitution with Vata imbalance, living in Alaska in winter and outside working as a construction worker . It is clear that even without understanding Ayurveda, common sense tells us that these two individuals will require substantially different diets to maintain homeostasis, balance membuat ragi tempe and optimal health.
Generally, individuals Pitta or Kapha constitution / Pitta (see below for an explanation membuat ragi tempe of the constitution in the article), without significant Vata imbalances membuat ragi tempe may very well eat raw food, especially in the late spring and summer. In fact, most people, if not all, who advocate a raw diet are called. membuat ragi tempe Pitta constitution. The element of fire in their constitutions allows them to spend good cold food. But if someone has a severe Vata imbalance, which is characterized by excessive fear and anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, dizziness, frequent ulétávání membuat ragi tempe - neuzeměnost, dryness, flatulence, bloating, constipation, etc. Needs mostly cooked food, nurturing, warm, moist, easily digestible as part of the path to healing is.
One of the main reasons for speaking consuming food in its natural membuat ragi tempe raw state is that it has a high content of Prana. Prana is usually defined as life energy, but if we investigated in detail we find that it is much more. Prasna Upanishad (The Upanishads are ancient Indian literary works religio-philosophical nature and part of the Hindu cultural tradition. They represent the pinnacle of Vedic philosophy. Modern scholars have them date back to 800-400 BC.) Allows us to better membuat ragi tempe understand this elusive substance. It states that everything that exists in the universe, living or dead is dependent on demand.
In the body, Prana manifests as five forms of Vata: Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana and Apana. In nature, outside our bodies Prana consists of three basic characteristics: Soma (cold lunar influence), Agni (solar thermal influence) and Marut (gentle vibrating effect membuat ragi tempe of space and airborne elements). It is these properties and not the actual Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha - see below) that exist in foods. It is very common that cooking destroys wishes and transforming our food in the "dead" food. But if Agni (fire) is one of the characteristics of Prana, we may have to rethink this perspective.
I believe that too cooked food (overcooked) desires membuat ragi tempe are reduced. This is due to the high Agni combustion, thereby reducing Soma. Also, cooking in a microwave oven where food molecules rapidly and violently membuat ragi tempe explode into itself, creating friction, heat, and many harmful free radicals should be avoided when preparing membuat ragi tempe food. Cooking slowly on fire (preferably on wood, although gas is more convenient, as well as electric hotplates), the Ayurvedic recommendations for m

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