Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Appetite and digestion are variable with vata. Attracted harsh tasting her food like salads and raw

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Vata is the essence of the movement of all bodily processes and is essential for health. Vata in the environment most evident in the fall and the transition of the individual seasons, when most pay more attention to nutrition and lifestyle. It is very important to stabilize this movement. For a man vata type is useful regular routine that helps ground the lilting energy.
Vata type of person thinks quickly and has the flexibility and creative abilities. Swiftly understands, but just as quickly jindal drilling and industries limited forgotten. Vata are wary distracted and highly active. Fast walking, jindal drilling and industries limited talking and thinking, but tire easily. Generally have weaker will, confidence, courage and manage fluctuations worse than other types. He feels a little unsteadily jindal drilling and industries limited grounding. jindal drilling and industries limited Vata imbalance manifested by feelings of fear, nervousness and anxiety. In the outside world vata type of person jindal drilling and industries limited to easily earn money and spend it quickly. Planning is not his forte, and you may get into economic difficulties.
Appetite and digestion are variable with vata. Attracted harsh tasting her food like salads and raw vegetables, but for its constitution are suitable warm, cooked meals and sweet, sour and salty taste. Usually produce small amounts of urine and stool, which is often hard, as smaller droppings.
The seat is vata colon and brain, ears, bones, joints, skin and thighs. Vata type of people are susceptible jindal drilling and industries limited to diseases that affect the element of air, such as emphysema, pneumonia and arthritis. Other difficulties include bloating vata, tics, jerking and twitching, joint pain, dry skin and hair, nervous disorders, constipation, and mental confusion. Vata in the body manifests as a drying process of aging and skin vrásčení.
Since the basic characteristics of vata include dryness, lightness, coolness, roughness, softness, movement and clarity, jindal drilling and industries limited then Excess any of them can cause imbalance. Frequent travel, especially by air, noise, constant stimulation, drugs, sugar or alcohol disrupt vata, as well as exposure to the cold, cold drinks and foods. Like the wind have a vata problems are grounded. Compliance with the regular mode, although people make this type of difficulty, but it is absolutely necessary for them, because only in this way can reduce vata and keep it under control. jindal drilling and industries limited Wool should go to sleep until 22:00. Because they need more rest than the other types. People with increased wool quickly respond to heat, moisture, light fatty / oily foods. They also help to steam baths, humidifiers and humidity in general. It is recommended that daily oil massage before showering or bathing. Appropriate nutrition
To reduce vata is generally suited warm, well penetrating and greasy food. Eat three to four times a day and may even snacking vata, provided jindal drilling and industries limited that they comply with the two-hour gap between jindal drilling and industries limited meals. For vata is important to eat regularly. For the people of this type is well suited dishes "one-pot" as soups, stew, gravy. When preparing food may use more oil than other Doshas and maintain good digestion, if you limit your intake of raw foods.
For vata is suited well cooked oats and rice, because if they are prepared in large quantities of water as butter or ghee and not dry. It is best for her, cooked jindal drilling and industries limited vegetables, although occasional salad with a good oil or creamy dressing harm. Lilkovitým crops - tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers - along with spinach should jindal drilling and industries limited be avoided if the vata stiff, jindal drilling and industries limited aching joints and muscles. Vata can be sweet, ripe and juicy fruits. On the contrary, it is not suitable for harsh tasting fruits such as cranberries, pomegranates and raw apples and dried fruit. jindal drilling and industries limited Fruits should be eaten alone and on an empty stomach.
People vata type can meet their protein needs reasonable degree of dairy products, but also eggs, chicken and turkey meat, fresh fish and game (if they want to eat meat). Legumes burden digestion, and therefore would be to reduce vata should use only in limited quantities. It should be a peeled and halved beans and soak them in advance. Vata also avoids jindal drilling and industries limited disruption when bean cook with a little oil and spices - turmeric necessary, cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic and asafetida.
For vata are beneficial all nuts and seeds, preferably in the form of 100% spreads / butter or vegetable milk. Ten almonds, soaked in water overnight jindal drilling and industries limited and then deprived of husk, cotton wool am pleasantly satisfied. Vatu warmed sesame oil, but otherwise fit for her and all other types of oils. Vata can all dairy products, and hard cheese should consume lesser extent. Proficient jindal drilling and industries limited in all the spices, but should not overuse them. Wool can during or after food to enjoy a glass of red wine diluted with water. Since the vata prone to addictions should avoid sugar, caffeine and tobacco. Vata may already dizzy from

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