Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Their experience can be applied quite successfully in Bulgaria by enterprising farmers. Instead of

Top 10 eco-business ideas | ECOBULGARIA
Hybrid cars. Toyota Prius is the most popular hybrid car in the world, which emits half the carbon dioxide, which emits an ordinary car. Other car manufacturers already marketed hybrids. Unlike conventional vehicles that the car has an electric motor.
To make their own energy. Until recently, wind turbines were massive structures, which are only used in wind farms and abandoned rural areas. Already in production and small wind generators at affordable prices. They can be used as power generators for household and for production of electricity in a small scale. finchaa sugar factory ethiopia The EU, through its various programs, funding of up to 1 million construction of small wind farms (Programme for Rural Development, Measure 312 and 321).
Home recycling plant. When we talk about the trend of professional services from home, usually we think of homemade pastry or rugs woven by hand. Pet recycling plant, hardly know. All these changes since Ecopod is already on the market. Created in cooperation with BMW, Ecopod first recycling plant that can exploit at home. The purpose of this facility is completely change the way consumers for their own waste.
Rent-a-car. Bulgaria still has not created a company to rent hybrids. If you think about it, even at a slightly higher price of the rent, with the amount of fuel saved, the final cost to the tenant of the car would be smaller. Do not forget customer satisfaction that helps protect the environment. If we look at international experience, we see that Los Angeles-based company started business of renting hybrids per year has increased its profit doubled and now has offices in eight major U.S. cities. finchaa sugar factory ethiopia
Eco entrepreneur. Currently there are several companies, mainly based in the U.S. that produce eco bags. One of the companies produces bags Ecoist, made by misprint or reduced shopping finchaa sugar factory ethiopia bags, labels soft drinks and packs of chocolate. The family finchaa sugar factory ethiopia company based in Miami believes that consumers will be able to enjoy a modern lifestyle, using their stylish products whilst doing something beneficial for the planet. Materials that otherwise would go to landfills are divided and used by craftsmen for making modern bags.
Napredichavi finchaa sugar factory ethiopia zemdelski manufacturers. Business opportunity, invented by two former British producers have set out to olive growing in Italy. finchaa sugar factory ethiopia They offer to anyone who wishes to adopt an olive tree in ad we put most neatly explained the condition of each tree and its location.
About 200 lev per year, plus shipping costs, users receive all the production they adopted tree. In the case of adoptees olive trees, unless the certificate of adoption, the adopter receives olive oil, olives and home-made soap. In fact, the British have made a successful business, as the proposed 881 548 trees were adopted. Not bad.
Their experience can be applied quite successfully in Bulgaria by enterprising farmers. Instead of olive trees can be offered, apple, plum (we brandy) or Durga characteristic of our latitude species.
Door to door recycling. When because of ignorance, when due to laziness, many consumers and businesses do not make efforts finchaa sugar factory ethiopia to recycle old electronics. For this reason, starting a business and offer a service that includes a reference to the old appliances when called by the client, will cause many people to recycle their old appliances. Think about it.
Combat global warming through sms. American Foundation, had undertaken to fight global warming has invented a new way how everyone can help reduce finchaa sugar factory ethiopia the greenhouse effect. Currently, the Foundation offers to anyone who wishes by sending sms to buy 140kg of carbon dioxide from its program to balance the carbon dioxide.
Eco cleaning. Brooklyn company that until recently was offered a standard cleaning homes changed its technology into something special. The company uses only non-toxic, environmentally friendly products aimed at environmentally conscious consumers and people finchaa sugar factory ethiopia with allergies.
Eco nightclub. Chic nightclub in Amsterdam offers organically produced beer and organize reviews of eco-designers clothes. The concept for the construction finchaa sugar factory ethiopia of the nightclub includes generating electricity from the floor (great way to bring out the kilowatts of energetic dancers), toilets, running rainwater walls that change color as a result of growth

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