Saturday, March 22, 2014

Often sought after land. I think the water also remember she is a living being. The secret we seek

The roots of man in heaven (II) | Portal for Culture, Arts and Society
The nearby green hill park "Maria". Go down a steep cobbled street, it pulls up, they meet stone stairs quietly out at the foot of the forest, where the city you smile. More up past cacti, larger than a car on the ridge. Look around and find the high fig and olive trees in the yards, as tiny boxes where every inch is used economically. In the stone walls along the street back notice casa monte niches pots of flowers in us not being done. Small pots with fresh bright flowers Cyprus and windowsills. So here alive stone.
From our window, it was next to the wall, was a small garden with green grass. Every morning, owners and dogs revolve around her. And on Saturday and Sunday and cobbles are quite poiztsapani. Well that regular evening ten sweeper brushes scour all over again.
Middle-aged man, without having any kind of bum, take a bottle of beer from a nearby trash can. In two hours, the trash is cleaned as regularly as he puts each time a new plastic bag. Doizpiva what's on the bottom casa monte and put it in your luggage to bring it back for packing. People who transition from socialism to capitalism inexorably disqualified and who still want to hide it, not one or two.
I see on the streets and old, and men and women with worried casa monte faces. Saleswoman, young and beautiful, pensive sit in empty shops customers. In contrast to "Ribarnitsata" every day there is a lot of work. There are probably more than fifty types of fresh fish. Make it after making the catch alive. I admit that as fresh fish I've seen and eaten so far - tuna, bonito, turbot, eel, huge crabs, squid, shrimp, blue, green, red-colored fish, shellfish several ... I can not recite everything. Saleswomen, casa monte they are mostly women, to reduce the price by half lunch. casa monte Then pound fresh sardines ten kuna, about two lev and fifty cents. Mostly adults buy just enough for one pan. Traditionally sold to shout and everyone argues the merits of his fish - and they are the same that is fresh, that is cheap. The first time I thought that I make under the large canopy. After two hours in the afternoon it is clean and tidy so that it can not understand what it's for. Interesting, did not even smell like fish.
Often at odds with groups of students. Nearby school. They are chested in cold weather without an umbrella as it rains, noisy and provocative, idealistic and nekomformisti critical "to" casa monte because nothing has been done, but have big plans. Compared with the results of their fathers, their intentions seem superb. Each generation settles not only with age, but with sunken projects. Evaporation words remaining cases.
One night had gathered to fifty boys and girls with posters and masks hackers casa monte "Anonymous" on the square in front of the mausoleum of Diocletian, Black Sphinx. casa monte One poster began with "Did you fuck her hard ...". Nearby sat in blue uniforms and guns to cross police also quite young. The protest was short, but always there, the ancient square casa monte to be seen.
By born after us, in the words of the ancient Chinese who speak with great reverence for "born before us," the people were revived. Date Palm makes it his own way. It is like a phoenix reborn with young shoots from the roots, even the whole tree is destroyed by the weather. In strong wind palm leaves as dovetail bend frantically in the morning I find that only one is broken. That night winter back a little, a catamaran in trouble at bay. Do not give up walk along the windy and snowy embankment. We were two - the other was a city with crazy hair "horse mane" who asked me some money. I saw him from afar and previous days touring cafes, talking loudly and nowhere does not hold for long, everywhere his smile, his reaching out and watch the somewhat faster to send him away. Always, if you're different, you and you alone?
Often sought after land. I think the water also remember she is a living being. The secret we seek is probably in the water. Not only for the memory of Atlantis. I assume casa monte that the water in the oceans casa monte and seas of the planet is likely to be "thinking" being, casa monte because we come from her womb we are in an aqueous environment and all the animals have an innate ability to swim. In great depths under tremendous pressure in absolute darkness are found living beings. For example, a shark with green eyes like the eyes of a familiar neighborhood in Sofia, who cares for stray dogs in the apartment despite the hatred of its neighbors. Shark like a jelly on a gelatinous mass, and withstand pressure that would overwhelm most durable construction. How is that possible?
I often get angry

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