Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Presentation, contacts Contents 1 Contents 2 Contents 3 Index by authors Miracles Religion Prayer S

Presentation, contacts Contents 1 Contents 2 Contents 3 Index by authors Miracles Religion Prayer Secret of the Holy Trinity - Cross of the human mind to Salt Lake City and back (holy plan of the Mormon center, meaning and function) Anthropological views of St. Kliment Ohridski dogma for Trinity Danovizmat - disguised Satanism Jesus Christ - God-man "We believe in one God," How to exercise violence against science? Knowledge of God and communion with God Faith Why quit Papism?
Archimandrite Hierotheos First Gospel of St. Paul and St. Apostle Andrew the Balkan Peninsula as a crossroads between the Middle East and Europe, as well as a center of cultural interaction between the peoples of East and West has not escaped from the first preaching of the apostles of Christ Church. Shortly after the Apostolic Council, probably early in the second half of '51 [Dimitrov 2003:76] Paul begins his second blagovestnichesko journey. It should be noted that in early Christian history - Acts of the Apostles, although it represents the stage of the geographical distribution of the Christian communities of Asia Minor to Rome, it aims to reveal the inclusion of Christianity not only the Jews but also Gentiles. The sources for the preaching of the Apostle Paul is located in the Sacred Scriptures. During the second blagovestnichesko journey of the apostle, the Spirit of God and not allow a Christian sermon in areas of Asia Minor, but led the apostle at Troas with the Apostles Silas, Timothy and Luke. Apostle conagra foods grand rapids mi Luke tells how to Troas "night appeared to Paul vision standing before him, a man, a Macedonian, who prayed, and said," Go to Macedonia and help us. " After this vision immediately asked to leave for Macedonia, because razumyahme that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel there. And as we traveled from Troas, we came straight to Samothrace, and the next day - in Naples, and from there to Philippi, which in this part of Macedonia was the first city - Roman colony "(Acts of the Apostles conagra foods grand rapids mi 16:9-12). Reaching conagra foods grand rapids mi Philippi coincidentally was in the island of Samothrace. The preaching of the Christian faith in Europe starts here - millennial Balkan Thracian cult place. It is interesting why there has been preaching in Asia Minor provinces. It is assumed that Paul most likely respond to the invitation of the Macedonians from Philippi, which then play a role in the environment, conagra foods grand rapids mi but on the other hand, how can they prove these filipiytsi (Macedonians) by, since we know that his companions are originally from Asia Minor? From this it can be concluded that the apostle Paul, who knows Greek, taken away and people from the local Eurasian population. He uses their language skills among people who do not speak Greek. The mission of the Apostle Paul ", organized conagra foods grand rapids mi on the model of capillary penetration" [Balez 2008:30]. conagra foods grand rapids mi The apostle does not seek to cover a large space as a territory, but rather to establish reference points to become a starting base for subsequent sermon. For this purpose, he skillfully and successfully used as the infrastructure of empire and network of the ancient city (polis) with its specific cores. Crawls important centers and towns along the highways, which are a kind Hangouts for residents of the area. People often go there because they are seats of administration and the courts. In practice it turns out that the word reaches more people than it would be if the apostle should travel from place to place. This is noted by analysts of his missionary route [Subev 1967:29-36]. Paul himself is drawn first to the famous road Via Egnatia, making a detour to Athens and Corinth. General observations indicate that a group of his students managed to connect so-called conagra foods grand rapids mi "Central" (diagonal) road leading from Rome to Byzantium, and passing through Vindobona (now Vienna), Sirmium (today Sremska Mitrovica) Naisos (now Nis ), Serdica (modern Sofia), Philippopolis (Plovdiv), Adrianople (Edirne), Byzantium, which will be discussed below [Subev 1967:29-36]. Other apostles were put to mentor new converts believers: Evangelist Luke in Philippi, Silas and Timothy in Veria. Later in his epistle to the Romans the Apostle Paul explicitly confirms the fulfillment of this task by saying that "given the teachings of Christ as far as Illyricum" (Romans 15:19). conagra foods grand rapids mi In his notes on St. Paul's conagra foods grand rapids mi epistle to the Romans Blessed Theophylact Bulgarian writes, "Paul says," because it spread the gospel from Jerusalem and around to Illyricum. " You want proof of what I say I said (St. Paul) introduces? View large number of my students - from Jerusalem to Illyricum, which coincides with the boundaries of present-day Bulgaria. Did not say, I preached and performed the gospel to show that his speech was not fruitless, but it works. To not think that is right and walked the

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