Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Nearly two decades of gang terrified the casino smithfield beef group in Deauville, Cannes and Mont

Prophet at the table
Third of the twentieth century-thirties the press, smithfield beef group constantly wrote about Greek syndicate. The best name for a detective novel, in which a secret criminal Community and anonymous smithfield beef group agents.
In fact, none of the "Greek syndicate" members had no connection to the crime or murder. In addition, not all the Greeks. Belonged to a syndicate smithfield beef group of five people: Frenchman Francois Andre, Armenians and Greeks Zoretas Kujomdžanas Alice Eliopulas, Atanas Vagliano and Nikolas Zografos. Namely, they recorded one of the most interesting pages in the history of gaming.
Syndicate appeared smithfield beef group in Paris in 1919, when they left Elad, there came Zografos and Eliopulas to try their hand at gambling. Newbies smithfield beef group quickly became well known as a regular game, many of the French capital's club patrons. One such club, they met Kujomdžanu who earn their living in professional gambling. ADVERTISING For advertising ...
Since each of the trio's inferior to one another on a regular basis and excellence susišluodavo banks, they decided to unite to nekursuotų smithfield beef group money without smithfield beef group any benefit out of your pocket to pocket. As one of the Armenian and Greek - the two of them called their union "Greek smithfield beef group syndicate. Later they were joined by another Greek Vaglianas, put in a business of its assets acquired transporting cargo. They had turned to the last known player, the Frenchman Andre.
Nearly two decades of gang terrified the casino smithfield beef group in Deauville, Cannes and Monte Carlo owners. Its members were available to meet regularly at the tables where gambled that time the wealthiest people, including celebrities such as Egypt ekskaralius Faruk, Henri Baron Rothschild. During his fight with the annual Fortune, syndicate not only survived, but has achieved a lot: the end of the career, each member was considerably expanded. On the property they had to be thankful special smithfield beef group Niko Zografos gaming talent.
After the player's death Unsurpassed Zografos close friend ever since the young years, revealed his secret: Niko was clairvoyant. In addition to his talent consisted of just the gaming table. On coming to the casino he always knew in advance what he will have to make a fight that night, and how much will be winnings and lost all future smithfield beef group opponents, as well as what will be the limit to which they will all be ready to go on playing. In addition, Zografos confusion predict their strategy and tactics, as well as the behavior of the different gaming situations.
Unusual talent gets nickname when he was 20 years old. Then he decided to become a professional gambler. In addition, he had the mathematical abilities required for complex calculations in games of chance, especially Bakar. At first, he carefully smithfield beef group examined all of the subtleties smithfield beef group of the game, and then trained hard, playing with friends, some of whom were also adequate, s gifted Eliopulas. After a while, Zografos reached a sufficient mastery of Bakara, which was very popular in those days.
Next aiškeriagiški his talent manifested in the confusion, he was able to tell what card it will come at any time of play. And at the end of the party Nick always knew the exact last few cards remaining in the deck, and the value of each game participant of keeping the possibility degree.
Convinced that his psychic talent never failed, Zografos decided to use it, as they say, under the full program. In 1922, he stunned the gaming world announcing the holding bank will remove all restrictions on the size of bets. Now it was possible to raise the stakes smithfield beef group even though the clouds. ADVERTISING For advertising ...
The sweetest "Greek syndicate" members of the dreams come true soon. The casino, which gambled Zografos began a total p [asaulio choose smithfield beef group the very wealthy gamblers ready to risk large amounts of hope and nukelnėti susišluoti bank syndicate. However besitikintieji big catches and had to do the same large bets.
And thanks to the talent Zografos - loser. Syndicate capital smithfield beef group did not decrease, but growing at such a rate, which have been assimilated opponents wallet. And to no one nesusiprotėtų of his clairvoyance, Zografos from time to time to lose large amounts. For example., 1926 in Cannes he fired just over a week 672 000 dollars!
After his death in 1935, "Greek syndicate" as before remained the main gambling smithfield beef group empire, covering almost the entire western Europe, the hero. Only IInd World War II put an end not only to him but in general gambling.
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