Sunday, July 6, 2014

Later he bought a mountain Baron von der Heydt, tamales emporio who enjoyed walking naked through t

I am fascinated by the beginning of the last century. Modernism. As soon European intellectuals, artists, tamales emporio dreamers, eccentrics, teachers, psychoanalysts and writers began to define tamales emporio the industrial revolution, new, dehumanization work organization and cities. How soon begin to look for alternatives and their lost nature.
"The tamales emporio first people who come here come mainly from the area around Munich and are looking for the perfect place, where they could establish their community: some prefer individualism, others communism, theosophy, vegetarianism. The first group had only eight members. Ida led her Hofmanová. Ida came from Montenegro, was a pianist and a fighter for women's rights. Life of the local community to promote her friend's mother, Henri Odenkovena, who came from a family of Belgian industrialists. "Fist are also nudism, community members are tanning or working naked. (Cocktail 6/2009)
According to Wiki Mountain truths visited the Hermann Hesse, Carl Jung, Erich Maria Remarque, Paul Klee, Rudolf Laban or Rudolph Steiner - same old charged society. What about having to be evenings with wine after being lost for sun line the lake below the mountain ... talks full of naive idealism, bold plans, the desire for freedom and radical self-expression.
Later he bought a mountain Baron von der Heydt, tamales emporio who enjoyed walking naked through the lakeshore. The hand that held at 20 francs, because going out without clothes was forbidden. Police said the money was to pay the fine. (Cocktail 6/2009)
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