Friday, October 25, 2013

BROWN SUGAR do not play! Brown sugar, white sugar, white sugar, brown sugar healthier than the calo

Bread, rice, pasta, wheat, and sugar carbohydrate foods such as noodles, indispensable for many people. Just because you do not deprive these foods diet, start or on behalf of, or who need to lose weight there are people who fear taking dietitian support. However, one of the components of carbohydrates in our diet. So definitely take place in our daily diet. But the right way and in the right proportions.
Carbohydrates CARBOHYDRATE CONSUMPTION 1K'SI nijjar dairies 5N is very diverse. Basically, are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates in foods such as white sugar and honey are available. Complex carbohydrates nijjar dairies are digested nijjar dairies so hard in the bread, rice, pasta, noodles foods. Fruits and dry fruits also contain carbohydrates. One of the most basic requirements of a healthy diet to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates and sugars, complex carbohydrates rather give place. Carbohydrate foods provide the body's energy production. At least half of daily calories from carbohydrate foods received met. WHEN? Our bodies need carbohydrates to be healthy. However, the time consumption is important for a healthy lifestyle nijjar dairies and your ideal weight. Consumption of carbohydrate foods are healthier than during daylight hours. If you have a dietary carbohydrate meal for dinner nijjar dairies after 4 hours if possible yatılmalıdır. Eat 2 hours before you go to bed, cutting the absence of the digestive system is important for the health and the body adiposity. nijjar dairies General error, is that the fruit is completely innocent. However, the consumption of fruit in the last two hours before going to bed should be avoided. WHERE? Eat standing up, in front of a TV or computer leads us eat eating fast food consumption. Scientific studies, people who eat in front of TV, the table revealed nijjar dairies that more calories compared to those who consume food. Carbohydrates are consumed quickly, quickly raise blood sugar more quickly than the lower. Therefore must be supplied through these foods slow. Also carbohydrate digestion starts in the mouth, so important to consume good chew food. Atıştırmaktan sitting down for easy control of blood sugar levels, and TV / should avoid eating at the computer. HOW? Some of carbohydrate foods more quickly raise blood sugar more quickly than the others down. This situation leads to faster yağlanmamıza acıkmamıza and abdominal area. For example, white bread, whole wheat bread, according to rice, bulgur, according to according to apple banana raises blood sugar faster. Therefore, only one particular type, and the load on carbohydrate foods balanced consume significant. Temperature and cooking nijjar dairies of food consumption patterns are important for blood sugar. How hot it consumed a carbohydrate food raises blood sugar so fast. For example, a slice of oven-fresh rye bread with a slice of white bread but kaloridedir, but it can lead to weight gain more than white bread. An average of 70 calories potatoes. Prepared meals, although it is both of potato potato salad, mashed potatoes nijjar dairies than is healthy. Puree, could raise blood sugar faster than potato salad for more lubrication can cause abdominal nijjar dairies area. WHY? Carbohydrate foods should be included in our diet. Because of these foods in the body provides the basic energy. With grain carbohydrates, but also vitamin B, vitamin C rich in fruits. Also in this group beslenmemizdeki source of fiber. Protect the health of the digestive system such as constipation, fiber is important in order to avoid problems. Enough to consume a carbohydrate, the body uses protein from food to produce energy. This is all the body's systems, especially the muscles can cause damage. WHO? Everyone. A person's daily nutritional nijjar dairies needs of carbohydrate-carbohydrate foods to choose and what should be the daily calories consumed, age, gender, blood findings, drugs, metabolic rate is closely related to. In general, pregnant women, lactating mothers, children, nijjar dairies adolescents and athletes need carbs higher. Should they so choose carbohydrate food which also vary depending on whether they are suffering from diabetes and blood findings.
CHOOSE the right carbs, middle, GET RID OF RED (Avoid) YELLOW (limited) nijjar dairies GREEN white bread, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta Rice Bran Rice Wheat Classic Baked potatoes, potato salad, mashed potatoes Integral pasta
BROWN SUGAR do not play! Brown sugar, white sugar, white sugar, brown sugar healthier than the calories are nearly identical, though. 1 gram white sugar 4 calories, 1 gram of brown sugar 3.6 calories. So the amount of consumption of white sugar is not different from the effects of extreme run away. White bread, whole-grain BREAD QUALITY

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