Saturday, February 21, 2015

Organic substitute road leading to. The Green Revolution was a revolutionary food production in Ind

I went to some time ago with a small organic famous food in india farm in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, near the Madanapallea. Organic farming in India is still quite small, even though it is not very long - about forty years - when all farming was still organic farming in India. In the 1960s created the Green Revolution transformed India from farming completely famous food in india when agriculture became more intensive farming, which consisted of fertilizers, pesticides famous food in india and more productive varieties.
Organic substitute road leading to. The Green Revolution was a revolutionary food production in India, as India became self-sufficient, among other things, rice and wheat in terms of. In the last decade, however, has begun to notice the green revolution drawbacks, which include, inter alia, soil erosion, contamination of the environment and the rising cost of farming. Fertilizers and pesticides, increased demand and the rising cost has led in many cases to large debt burdens, and in extreme cases, farmers' suicides. Farmers' suicides have quite a big problem in India, for the years 2002 and 2006, during the period up to 17,500 farmers committed suicide. There is a film, a kind of cult film Peepli Live risen to fame. Recently, India has begun to take an interest in both organic farming, because many farms are already cows or buffaloes that provide the necessary fertilizers. Very large investments in organic farming to start is not required. This is a small organic farm, which we visited, currently employs 40 people. Vegetable cultivation is holding still at least to the extent of small-scale, the harvest is sufficient to essentially famous food in india own their needs. The farm demonstration organized visits to all who are interested, and this time round was only for us but a few are interested in organic farming family. The farm produces 35 varieties, and the basic idea has been to create a habitat famous food in india for plants, which enhances the country's diversity. Choosing the right kinds of plants have been kasveillekin to create a harmonious living community. The farm has, therefore, sought to get rid of half of the crop for the production of a large number of one variety, and the move to multi-cultivation.
Lemongrass arable land. The status of the return will be mainly sitruunaruohosta, which grows in place of the road leading to both sides. Sitruunaruohosta production at the farm of oil, which is sold on, inter alia, perfumery famous food in india and food industry. Old locomotive steam boiler steam is generated, which is piped to the eräänlaisiin The filters in which the steam moves through the layers of lemon grass and lemon grass oil summarized. The farm is also ongoing naleshiya-herb growing famous food in india trial, which will last for five years. Prepared from the root of the herb tea used in the treatment of diabetes. Diabetes has become a real public health problems in India, because people with diabetes in India more than anywhere else in the world. 95 percent of diabetes patients suffer from type II diabetes, which is not treated with insulin, but diet and exercise, with oral medications. Shelves in the shops in India are full of diabetic patients (sugar-free) food. All potential aids in the treatment of diabetes in India is more than welcome.
I do not remember this kuollaksenikaan cow variety name ... This was a time of fierce-looking in nature. An organic farm fertilizers are derived from the status of the cows, which are holding seven different species. One cow can increase and fertilizers at 30 acres (more than 12 acres) of land.
Retikkaa directly to the fields. End of the round sat on the status of the main building to the terrace to drink tea and discuss the state of the Director of MC Prasad with organic farming and agriculture in India in general. MC Prasad is a wonderful skill to talk and explain things so that the relevant totally unfamiliar to understand the issues and be convinced why organic and local farming is indeed desirable.
It was already so dark and MC Prasad was so lively type that this was the best picture I unfortunately received. Rural India's biggest problem is currently migration town: all those with a modicum of a range of skills and even slightly the money, try to change the city. Rural areas are mainly those who have no other choice than to live on land. They in turn have no interest in, knowledge, money nor the courage to deviate from the familiar duties cultivation methods and invest in organic farming. People's attitudes famous food in india towards agriculture famous food in india and farmers to be room for improvement anyway, because farmers are considered somehow less intelligent than educated city dwellers. But the commonsense view of the matter is just as MC Prasad said: experienced farmers are actually a lot better educated than the schools studied, for example, an engineer can get the value of a few years, but the farmer may take

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