Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Investing in land depends on how much money and time you have available! Generally unlikely to lose

Discussion in 'Economy and Business' started by odlicno, April 3, 2014.
Global reduces the surface of agricultural land per capita affecting many factors (construction of buildings in Skopje, pt sentul city tbk highways, industrial zones in fertile valleys and river valleys). Desertification reduces the quality of soil and makes it unsuitable for agriculture, climate change bringing drought periods negatively affect crop yields and soil. Global growth of energy brings more land converted to crops from food crops to biofuel production of renewable energy. We expect further growth of the world population and changing food habits of the population (2 billion Chinese and Indians began to eat in China 3-meal, and in India two-meal regularly), people in developing countries consume more meat day ( chicken, pork), and the production of feed grains from the competition is that the poorest cereals used as the sole food source, this will additionally reduce agricultural land for food production indirectly. These global trends lead to increased food prices and the rise in the prices of agricultural pt sentul city tbk land becomes valuable resource. I offer plots for sale of residential households in the villages die for 100 i / acre (1,000 m), the subsidy for the processing of land is 1,200 day / year / ha if using certified seeds, and speaking like fields repay for 5 years ( 20% per year) through subsidy. The quality of the soil is low class 5-6-7 without irrigation system and no predisposition to robustly yields only product (grain) will cover their production costs without making additional capital accumulation. So far I have purchased 38,000 square meters think whether pt sentul city tbk to invest more money into agricultural land which brings me income, but it remains as equity, and see the same cadastral classes in Bulgaria go 200-300 euros / ha, and in Serbia over EUR 500 acres 5-7 class. Here parcels that my offer is 2-10 acres in size, and in neighboring countries offered plots 100-200 acres in the parcel. Whether in our growth will follow the pricing of such fields in the neighborhood ???
A koj ke gi raboti tie nivi? Da ne praime muabet so nikoj nejke da gi kupi. Se isplaka samo vo okolinata na Skopje i mozebi vo okolinata na ponekoj od drugive pt sentul city tbk pogolemi gradovi. I toa so plan deka gradot ke se rasiri pa nekoj den da gi prodades kako gradezni parceli so x10 cena od nabavnata. Ova i se sluci vo Skopje
A koj ke gi raboti tie nivi? Da ne praime muabet so nikoj nejke da gi kupi. Se isplaka samo vo okolinata na Skopje i mozebi vo okolinata na ponekoj od drugive pogolemi gradovi. I toa so plan deka gradot ke se rasiri pa nekoj den da gi prodades pt sentul city tbk kako gradezni parceli so x10 cena od nabavnata. Ova i se sluci vo Skopje
Click for more ... near Prilep, if the place has water, electricity and access road, prices are on 1500-2000 euros per acre. The land to me is always a good investment if you do not need the money for something else. Never lose the country, if anything can be processed to make a holiday, to give rented or end Kraeva to sell.
ako gledas dolgorocno da .... ako imas visok pari i mislis deka ke gi oplodis na toj nacin te ke se zalagas pt sentul city tbk i imas zelba da gi oplodis. Aama ne mozis da bidis siguren dali toa ke bide za 5 ili 50 godini.
As he wrote in the introductory post, arable land has been less and less. Investing in land is never free. Every piece of land is unique and neopovtorlivo. 100% sure that one day there will be a great value. Think for planting nuts, but they will have at least 2 times a year to carry water tank depends on the region where they are.
# 7
Some much read Pearl Buck and The Good Earth and prolongations Sons etc. I've read with love long books exactly according to topic. pt sentul city tbk Every penny to invest in the country's bet. Now as allowed 1 grade land to build is not clear to me, as the last expansion of the municipality Airport. Buy but need to know where. For example in Indzikovo, Stajkovci Mralino, pt sentul city tbk Novo Selo, Volkovo that price was 70 years. which is today. Here are the latest example of rocks behind Pripor on a new Sun City 20 years ago would you buy it aimed for a handful of money now.
Investing in land depends on how much money and time you have available! Generally unlikely to lose but to tell you that Ovce Pole land now is cheapest. 50 years ago to buy the field from 2-3 acres 4 classes you needed approximately 3-4 years laboring, it being the minimum wage equivalent to 50 200 euros you stayed so you around 2500 euros, now the price is about the same country pt sentul city tbk 300-500 euros. Taking into consideration the fact that the vast lands were taken as concession pt sentul city tbk or for free, so that the working-age population in rural areas with rapidly

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