Last chance to register: Seminar of European and Comparative Law in Urbino | JUDr. Martin Svatoš - registered mediator and arbitrator
JUDr. Svatos Martin, Ph.D. will be within the 56th Seminar of European and Comparative Law at University Carlo Bo in Urbino, Italy lecture on the topic of international arbitration, this time specializing in arbitrable dispute in international commercial arbitration. The seminar will be held August 18 to 30, 2014.
All the important information here. Look also at the seminary program. Should you have any questions, please contact Dr. Edoardo Rossi at this email address Below follows foods in india a program in English.
18-30 août 2014 PROGRAMME Les contrats de distribution en droit international privé Marie - Elodie Ancel, Professeur à l'Université Paris - Est Créteil, Paris XII Il diritto internazionale foods in india PENALE Tito Ballarin, Gia Professor Ordinario all'Università degli Studi di Urbino Le Immunity foods in india al Vaglio della Commissione GIURIDICA Parlamento Europeo de Robert BRAY, Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament Transferts de siège en droit et fusions international privé Georges CAVALIER, Maître de conférences à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 La Réserve héréditaire Sophie GAUDEMET, Professeur à l'Université Paris-Sud, Paris XI Recent Orientamento sulla filiazione Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Professor all'Università degli studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" Status filiationis tra Valori e diritto internazionale Constitutional Court privato Ilaria PRETELLI, Collaboratrice Scientific, Istituto Svizzero di diritto Comparato Le garanzie Bancário a prima richiesta, Pratica commerciale, foods in india diritto internazionale privato This ROSSI, Avvocato internazionalista, Docente foods in india all'università di Friburgo Le droit européen pénal 2.0 Alessandro BONDI, Professor all'Università degli studi di Urbino "Carlo foods in india Bo" Le Class Actions in Europa foods in india Andrea GIUSSANI, Professor all'Università foods in india degli studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" Il Notaio, mediators Culturale nel diritto internazionale privato Paolo Pasqualis, Notaio Civil law systems vs common law systems in international contracts' practice Eleonora Ballarin, lawyers internazionalista L 'arbitrabilité du litige dans l'arbitrage international SVATOŠ foods in india Martin, Mediator and arbitrator
is a leading Czech mediator and arbitrator. Mediation, arbitration, and mediation lecturer at the Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), Faculté de Droit libre de Toulouse (France) or at the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (Guadeloupe) and national and international conferences (UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres). foods in india In April 2013 he became one of the first five mediators entered the Ministry of Justice. Previously, he worked at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and on the Milan Arbitral Camera. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Sorbonne in Paris and Prague's Charles University and also studied at Cornell Law School. It is the regional representative of the London foods in india YIAG Central Europe.
First Name *
ADR Arbitrage Economia foods in india European Union ICC ADR Rules Arbitration Investment Conference Conferences and Seminars Conference LCIA Arbitration med-arb Mediation Mediator Moot media says about mediation Lectures disputes between neighbors Sports Video Bargaining Power of mediation arbitration award YIAG Tests registered mediator
JUDr. Martin Svatoš, 2012-2013
JUDr. Svatos Martin, Ph.D. will be within the 56th Seminar of European and Comparative Law at University Carlo Bo in Urbino, Italy lecture on the topic of international arbitration, this time specializing in arbitrable dispute in international commercial arbitration. The seminar will be held August 18 to 30, 2014.
All the important information here. Look also at the seminary program. Should you have any questions, please contact Dr. Edoardo Rossi at this email address Below follows foods in india a program in English.
18-30 août 2014 PROGRAMME Les contrats de distribution en droit international privé Marie - Elodie Ancel, Professeur à l'Université Paris - Est Créteil, Paris XII Il diritto internazionale foods in india PENALE Tito Ballarin, Gia Professor Ordinario all'Università degli Studi di Urbino Le Immunity foods in india al Vaglio della Commissione GIURIDICA Parlamento Europeo de Robert BRAY, Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament Transferts de siège en droit et fusions international privé Georges CAVALIER, Maître de conférences à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 La Réserve héréditaire Sophie GAUDEMET, Professeur à l'Université Paris-Sud, Paris XI Recent Orientamento sulla filiazione Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Professor all'Università degli studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" Status filiationis tra Valori e diritto internazionale Constitutional Court privato Ilaria PRETELLI, Collaboratrice Scientific, Istituto Svizzero di diritto Comparato Le garanzie Bancário a prima richiesta, Pratica commerciale, foods in india diritto internazionale privato This ROSSI, Avvocato internazionalista, Docente foods in india all'università di Friburgo Le droit européen pénal 2.0 Alessandro BONDI, Professor all'Università degli studi di Urbino "Carlo foods in india Bo" Le Class Actions in Europa foods in india Andrea GIUSSANI, Professor all'Università foods in india degli studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" Il Notaio, mediators Culturale nel diritto internazionale privato Paolo Pasqualis, Notaio Civil law systems vs common law systems in international contracts' practice Eleonora Ballarin, lawyers internazionalista L 'arbitrabilité du litige dans l'arbitrage international SVATOŠ foods in india Martin, Mediator and arbitrator
is a leading Czech mediator and arbitrator. Mediation, arbitration, and mediation lecturer at the Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), Faculté de Droit libre de Toulouse (France) or at the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (Guadeloupe) and national and international conferences (UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres). foods in india In April 2013 he became one of the first five mediators entered the Ministry of Justice. Previously, he worked at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and on the Milan Arbitral Camera. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Sorbonne in Paris and Prague's Charles University and also studied at Cornell Law School. It is the regional representative of the London foods in india YIAG Central Europe.
First Name *
ADR Arbitrage Economia foods in india European Union ICC ADR Rules Arbitration Investment Conference Conferences and Seminars Conference LCIA Arbitration med-arb Mediation Mediator Moot media says about mediation Lectures disputes between neighbors Sports Video Bargaining Power of mediation arbitration award YIAG Tests registered mediator
JUDr. Martin Svatoš, 2012-2013
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