Rome - Italian food giant Parmalat must pay US bank Citigroup pembuatan id card compensation in the amount of $ 364 million, which is about 6.5 billion. According to the court Parmalat defrauded the bank to get money to cover tunnelled accounts. The lawsuit began while Parmalat. From the largest US banks demanded compensation. Former managers of the company allegedly helped falsify accounts. But Citigroup countersued and won.
Parmalat drowned in debt in 2003, when it was discovered that its existing guidance from her to his private accounts drained over $ 5 billion. Parmalat emerged from bankruptcy protection in 2005. The new director Enrico Bondi then sued about a hundred companies for cooperation on tunneling companies - for example, losing Deloitte and Touche pembuatan id card or the French BNP Paribas.
The company previously sued over 2 and a half billion pembuatan id card dollars. Parmalat pembuatan id card accused Citigroup that significantly contributed to his downfall in December 2003. The well-known manufacturer of UHT milk is then collapsed pembuatan id card under the weight of debts after his accounts in a hole appeared four billion euros. Years of covering up accounting irregularities brought Parmalat case the designation "European Enron."
Citigroup is not the first entity with which the Parmalat in US court for having allegedly helped the former management of the company to conceal accounting fraud. Is also accused Bank of America and the auditing firm Grant Thornton International.
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Italian ferry fire has the first victim, evacuation continues updated 2 hours ago Athens - At least one victim requested a fire ferry that sailed with about 500 people on board from Greece to Italy. According to local authorities was still burning ship with the Italian flag ...
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