In the human body there are certain organs which is fully represented the whole body, these organs are the hands, feet, eyes, skull, forehead, india street food nose, tongue, mucosa of the nasal turbinates, a triangular area in the neck and ear. These areas are called somatotopías, meaning "the complete picture india street food of the organism at that site."
In this regard, auricular or ear acupuncture is part of Chinese medicine, and aims to stimulate acupuncture points on the ear, in order to treat various diseases, especially for the treatment of pain and addiction.
By auriculoterapia can make presumptive diagnoses which can be confirmed by clinical signs and symptoms presented by the patient and the history of it biopatográfica. Importantly, the Ear to the individual should india street food be considered not only from the physical realm, but in the spiritual, psychic plane and its various bodies: mental, astral, etheric and physical.
The ear is not an isolated organ, but is related india street food to the whole human body system. According to conditions posing an organism can be distinguished alterations in the ear points, as regards color, rashes, blisters, inflamed or scaly areas, small cysts or pimples, etc.
In auriculopuntura, points related to some disease process have an electrical resistance of less skin than the surrounding skin, ie the current generated by the detector points passed more easily, india street food equipment as there is a better driving said energy. Thus, it allows when you are making a auricular, a sound indicating sound when you are in the presence of a pathological point, ie that if the sensor sounds, it's because the body part corresponding to that point has inflammation or has any kind of alteration. When an abnormality is detected during treatment efectuael about 40 seconds at each point detected as sensitive.
The points in the ear have a diameter india street food of 0.1 to 0.3 mm, so that the flag can accommodate hundreds of points, wherein each of the ear has a corresponding relationship with the body.
By auriculoterapia can treat many illnesses and conditions such as headaches, migraines, india street food canker sores, cold sores, breast disorders, digestive or kidney problems, gas, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, colic, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, insomnia , asthma, sinusitis, distress, anxiety, depression, stress, eating disorders, bulimia, anorexia, obesity, addiction, india street food alcoholism, smoking, sprains, bone and joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism, among others.
The advantage of auricular therapy is the treatment quickly and approximate diagnosis is made, being able to advance even to the current appliances used in the presumptive diagnosis. This is because when the symptoms india street food are not obvious the disease is still in a functional phase, which is not easy to check the conditions, later, in a lesional stage, it can be diagnosed by the current diagnostic apparatus.
Ear acupuncture india street food as an alternative india street food therapy may accompany the same time, if necessary, somapuntura, india street food acropuntura, craneopuntura or any other homeopathic or allopathic treatment, india street food not excluding integration with modern medicine at all.
Popular searches for this task: the auricular auricular reflexology therapy language organ of the human body auriculopuntura auricular points for weight loss addictions auriculoterapia Kobido in Spanish
This entry was posted on Friday, April 8th, 2011 at 2:54 pm and is filed under Auriculoterapia. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Very interesting article. My brother suffers from the disease of arthritis that is why your doctor india street food prescribed medications or Hydrocodone -Lortab. I found Findrxonline and says that arthritis can be prevented if exercises are done daily. india street food
Hi Lindsay: Indeed auricular therapy is an excellent alternative, especially used to harmonize the body and reduce anxiety levels. This provides an excellent alternative that contributes to the effectiveness of treatment from traditional medicine. Leave a Reply
Essential oils Alternative Therapies Aromatherapy Auricular Acupuncture Hallucinogens Self-Healing and Self-Help Self-Healing Ayurveda Biology Biodanza Total Bioresonance Chromatherapy EMF Balancing Technique Acupressure Fitotera
In the human body there are certain organs which is fully represented the whole body, these organs are the hands, feet, eyes, skull, forehead, india street food nose, tongue, mucosa of the nasal turbinates, a triangular area in the neck and ear. These areas are called somatotopías, meaning "the complete picture india street food of the organism at that site."
In this regard, auricular or ear acupuncture is part of Chinese medicine, and aims to stimulate acupuncture points on the ear, in order to treat various diseases, especially for the treatment of pain and addiction.
By auriculoterapia can make presumptive diagnoses which can be confirmed by clinical signs and symptoms presented by the patient and the history of it biopatográfica. Importantly, the Ear to the individual should india street food be considered not only from the physical realm, but in the spiritual, psychic plane and its various bodies: mental, astral, etheric and physical.
The ear is not an isolated organ, but is related india street food to the whole human body system. According to conditions posing an organism can be distinguished alterations in the ear points, as regards color, rashes, blisters, inflamed or scaly areas, small cysts or pimples, etc.
In auriculopuntura, points related to some disease process have an electrical resistance of less skin than the surrounding skin, ie the current generated by the detector points passed more easily, india street food equipment as there is a better driving said energy. Thus, it allows when you are making a auricular, a sound indicating sound when you are in the presence of a pathological point, ie that if the sensor sounds, it's because the body part corresponding to that point has inflammation or has any kind of alteration. When an abnormality is detected during treatment efectuael about 40 seconds at each point detected as sensitive.
The points in the ear have a diameter india street food of 0.1 to 0.3 mm, so that the flag can accommodate hundreds of points, wherein each of the ear has a corresponding relationship with the body.
By auriculoterapia can treat many illnesses and conditions such as headaches, migraines, india street food canker sores, cold sores, breast disorders, digestive or kidney problems, gas, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, colic, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, insomnia , asthma, sinusitis, distress, anxiety, depression, stress, eating disorders, bulimia, anorexia, obesity, addiction, india street food alcoholism, smoking, sprains, bone and joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism, among others.
The advantage of auricular therapy is the treatment quickly and approximate diagnosis is made, being able to advance even to the current appliances used in the presumptive diagnosis. This is because when the symptoms india street food are not obvious the disease is still in a functional phase, which is not easy to check the conditions, later, in a lesional stage, it can be diagnosed by the current diagnostic apparatus.
Ear acupuncture india street food as an alternative india street food therapy may accompany the same time, if necessary, somapuntura, india street food acropuntura, craneopuntura or any other homeopathic or allopathic treatment, india street food not excluding integration with modern medicine at all.
Popular searches for this task: the auricular auricular reflexology therapy language organ of the human body auriculopuntura auricular points for weight loss addictions auriculoterapia Kobido in Spanish
This entry was posted on Friday, April 8th, 2011 at 2:54 pm and is filed under Auriculoterapia. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Very interesting article. My brother suffers from the disease of arthritis that is why your doctor india street food prescribed medications or Hydrocodone -Lortab. I found Findrxonline and says that arthritis can be prevented if exercises are done daily. india street food
Hi Lindsay: Indeed auricular therapy is an excellent alternative, especially used to harmonize the body and reduce anxiety levels. This provides an excellent alternative that contributes to the effectiveness of treatment from traditional medicine. Leave a Reply
Essential oils Alternative Therapies Aromatherapy Auricular Acupuncture Hallucinogens Self-Healing and Self-Help Self-Healing Ayurveda Biology Biodanza Total Bioresonance Chromatherapy EMF Balancing Technique Acupressure Fitotera
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