Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pranayama is an exact science. It is the fourth Anga or limb of Ashtanga Yoga.

Pranayama is an exact science. It is the fourth Anga or limb of Ashtanga Yoga. "Tasmin Sati Swasapraswasa yorgativicchedah pranayamah". Regulation of breath or the control of Prana is formed by the suspension of inhalation and exhalation after assert in posture or Asana. So defined to Pranayama in Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Cap. 11.49. Swasa mean inspiratory act Praswasa grampian opportunities expiratory breath. Breath is the external manifestation of Prana, the life force. Breathing, like electricity, is gross Prana, dense Sthula. The Prana is Sukshma or subtle. grampian opportunities By the exercise of that breath you can also control the subtle Prana inside. Prana means control the government exercising the mind. The mind can not operate without the help of Prana. Only the vibrations of Prana produce thoughts. It is Prana that moves in mind. It is Prana that sets in motion the mind. The Sukshma psychic Prana or Prana is intimately tied to the mind. Prana wraps to mind. The breath is equal to the primary pulley of the machine. And auxiliary pulleys stop when the driver stops the principal, the Yogi immobilizes their bodies when interrupts breathing. So if you can stop the main pulley be easy to stop the assistants. Similarly, if you can control your breath will be possible to control the life force or Prana easily. The process by which the Prana is controlled by regulation grampian opportunities of breath is called Pranayama. Just as the architect works dissipates gold impurities of gold fanning the flames grampian opportunities of the furnace by heavy blows the bellows, the student of Yoga dispels impurities from the body and Indriyas blowing his lungs, ie, by the practice of Pranayama . The main objective grampian opportunities of Pranayama grampian opportunities is to unite the Prana with the Apana and then drive slowly to that unified Pranayana towards the head. The fruit of the practice of Pranayama is the awakening of the sleeping Udgata or Kundalini.
"Who knows Prana knows Vedas" as the important statement of Srutis. In the Vedanta Sutras we find the following: "For the same reason the breath grampian opportunities is Brahman." Prana is the sum total of the energies manifested in the universe. It is the totality of the forces acting in nature and all the "forces and powers latent, hidden in men and which are surrounding him everywhere. Heat, light, electricity, magnetism, are manifestations of Prana. forces, powers and Prana spring from a common source. Atma Similarly, the physical and mental forces are subject to Prana, acting on every plane of being, from the highest to the lowest All that work. , move or has life is an expression or manifestation of Prana The Akasa or ether is also a manifestation of Prana Prana is related to mind, through this with the will,.. using the will is linked to the individual soul and by it to the Supreme Being. If we knew how to handle small waves of Prana which act through the mind, we It would be possible grampian opportunities to know the secret of how to subjugate the Universal Prana. Yogi he is able knowledge of this secret will not fear any power , because he will have achieved full control of the manifestations of the power of the Universe. What is known as "power of personality" is nothing but the natural ability of a person grampian opportunities in the management of Prana. Some people get more success in life and are more influential and fascinating than others. This is because the power of this Prana. Such people handled daily and naturally, unconsciously, the same influence which the Yogi uses consciously by the command grampian opportunities of his will. There are others who by chance and ignorance make this Prana down to low and use it with fake names for nefarious purposes. We can appreciate the work of Prana if we observe the movements of systole and diastole of the heart as it pushes blood through the arteries; in the act of inhalation and exhalation of breath, digestion of food, excretion of urine and faeces; in the production of semen, chyle, chyme, saliva; in the blink, walking, running, playing, talking, thinking, reasoning; on sensory and volitional acts, and so on. Prana is the link between the astral body and the physical. When the thin thread of Prana is cut. the astral body separates from the physical body and death occurs. In this case the Prana was acting in the physical body is withdrawn, staying in the astral body. During the cosmic Pralaya, the subtle Prana remains motionless, unmanifested, undifferentiated state. When the vibrations are initiated Prana starts moving and

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