Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not only enzymes of gastric juice, but the whole intestinal microflora is designed to digest only a

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Theory of adequate nutrition was a new step in the theory of supply, significantly expanding the classical theory of "balanced" diet based on ecological and evolutionary features of the functioning of the digestive system.
In 1958, the Academy Uholyev smithfield ma discovered previously unknown membrane digestion - a universal smithfield ma mechanism of cleavage of nutrients to the elements readily available for absorption. After work I.P.Pavlova (Nobel Prize 1904) and works IIMetchnikov (Nobel Prize 1908) opening O.M.Uholeva considered the biggest contribution to the study of problems smithfield ma of the digestive system.
Alexander Uholyev first developed the theory of species, or adequate food and the fundamental studied the physiology of digestion, which he turned participate in the new science of gastroenterology.
Based on physiological characteristics of the digestive system of the human body, OM Uholyev established that a person does not belong to herbivores or carnivores to: it - plodoyidna, ie species for human food is fruit: berries, fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, herbs, nuts and cereals.
Theory of adequate nutrition was a new step in the theory smithfield ma of supply, smithfield ma significantly expanding the classical theory of "balanced" diet based on ecological and evolutionary features of the functioning of the digestive system.
According to this concept, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and total calorie intake is not the main indicators of its value. The real value of food is represented by its ability to samoperevaryuvannya (autolysis) in the human stomach and also be food for those microorganisms that inhabit the intestine and provide our body the necessary material.
The essence of open academician smithfield ma Uholyeva autolysis is that the process of digestion by 50% determined by enzymes contained in the product. Gastric juice only "include" mechanism samoperevaryuvaniya food.
The scientist compared the digestion of different organisms tissues that retained its natural properties and tissues that have undergone heat treatment. smithfield ma In the first case, cloth rozscheplyuvalysya completely, while in the second case, their structure is partially preserved, making it difficult digestibility of the food and created conditions for zashlakovuvannya body. Moreover, the principle of "raw food" smithfield ma was equally applicable not only to man, but also the digestive system to predators when in gastric juice predator smithfield ma placed cheese and boiled frogs dissolved completely raw and cooked only slightly deformed surface, so the enzymes necessary for its autolysis were dead.
Not only enzymes of gastric juice, but the whole intestinal microflora is designed to digest only a certain type of food, and to diminish the microflora simply unacceptable. Here are just a few of its functions: stimulation of immune suppression of alien bacteria, improve the absorption of iron, calcium, vitamin D; improve motility and synthesis of vitamins, including cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12); activation of the thyroid gland, 100% adequate supply of biotin, thiamine and folic acid.
A healthy smithfield ma microflora acquires nitrogen directly from the air, thereby synthesizing the entire spectrum of essential amino acids and a variety of proteins. In addition, it promotes the formation of white blood cells and increased cell renewal of the intestinal mucosa, synthesize or converts cholesterol into components (sterkobylyn, koprosteryn, dezoksyholevu smithfield ma and litoholevu acid), depending smithfield ma on the needs of the body, enhances the assimilation of water intestines.
All this suggests that we should treat attentive to the needs of the microflora. Its weight is 2.5 - 3 kg. Academic Uholyev proposed believe microflora individual organs and stressed that food should respond to the needs of the intestinal microflora. So what is the food for the microflora of man?
Food for our flora - Crude fiber. Excellent health and well-being rawfoodist, perhaps this explains: their food contains the maximum amount of fiber compared with any other product. Those who go to food products that have undergone high temperature heat treatment, immediately begin to sleep at least a couple of hours, and their day does not feel sleepy. They increased efficiency, increased mood and appears stable, inexhaustible enthusiasm.
In the Gospel smithfield ma of Jesse mentions that healing people, he recommended smithfield ma they continue to eat only the food that does not trade

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