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As a child chechevychnaya porridge for me was routine, and my dad often prepared it. In the adult period of my life on this product I somehow forgotten, and when the chance came across recently lentils in one of the markets, then immediately bought.
When I cooked it and tasted, do not regret the money spent (the barley is now twice the price of rice or millet). Porridge was delicious, extremely nourishing - if and meat, and ate bread at a time. And much heaviness in the stomach does not work. And the cooked rapidly in comparison with its relative bean - pea porridge. Just something for twenty minutes.
My astonishment knew no bounds when I found out that his wife never ate this "miracle meals" and does not even know of its existence. With her mother - almost the same story - knows but ate once a long time ago. He began to pursue "public opinion poll" and regrets to learn that this product caramel fleur de sel is now somewhat unpopular. Few people know about it, much less those who consume.
Meanwhile, lentils are one of the few food items, which are almost all there is to our body. Fruits lentils more than a third is made up of protein - for its nutritional qualities lentil protein is not inferior meat. In addition, it is much easier to digest by the body and does not have those fat components that accompany meat protein.
Lentil protein contains essential amino acids, including lecithin. In addition, the grain of this plant has an interesting feature - it does not accumulate in itself no harmful or toxic elements, nitrates, radionuclides, etc.). This, lentils, grown in any part of the world can be considered an environmentally caramel fleur de sel friendly product.
Per serving of cooked lentils provides 90% of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid. Lentils contain soluble fiber, which improves caramel fleur de sel digestion caramel fleur de sel and removes the prospect of colorectal cancer. Chechevychnaya porridge stimulates metabolism, increases immunity and normalizes the genitourinary system.
Legumes contain isoflavones that can inhibit breast cancer. Isoflavones retained caramel fleur de sel after heat treatment. Some varieties of lentils, including lentils caramel fleur de sel plate, lower blood sugar in patients with diabetes.
Lentils are used as food by mankind since time immemorial. caramel fleur de sel Lentil soup and soup chechevychnaya up the bulk of food many ancient civilizations. Lentil dishes were revered and Pharaohs in ancient Egypt, and Babylon nobles and commoners in ancient Greece. The poor man chowder chechevychnaya replaced caramel fleur de sel bread and meat. A rich dish of lentils served as gourmet delicacies. Nutrients and beneficial properties of lentil meet the needs of all segments of the population. "The man whose staple food is lentils, is health and peace of mind" - said the ancient doctors.
May seem interesting is the fact that it was for a mess of pottage, Esau sold the Old Testament birthright to his brother. The second mention of this culture we find in the Third Book of Kings - one of King David's battles with the Philistines chechevychnom happening in the field.
Interestingly, once in, lentils was a staple food. With lentil flour baked bread. Lentil soup and soup chechevychnaya were the main dishes on the Russian desk. Until the mid-nineteenth century, Russia was a major manufacturer and supplier of lentils in the world. Why is this product is now hard to find? By my sources, its possible to get only a few million retail outlets (!) City.
The thing is that with the advent of new food dishes chechevychnыh role in the diet of Russians went to the back. On an industrial scale today lentils are grown in some southern caramel fleur de sel parts of the country, for example, in the Rostov region. More export lentils - from India. Today lentil soup or other dishes of lentils on our table were exotic. It is unfortunate. According to its nutritional properties and for its healing qualities of products equal lentils in the vegetable world no.
Unlike Russia, in many countries the dishes of lentils valued today. The Germans, for example, must prepare a dish of lentils Christmas, which are served on Christmas Eve. In China and India, lentil dishes are the basis of the national cuisine (along with rice dishes). caramel fleur de sel As a premium lentils in South America and Australia. American Indians call it dalom. Dove enters
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