The story of kefir to have no end. Here on the blog are two, it seems to me a thorough article about Kefir: Kefir - wonderful food from the Caucasus and practical tips for you that making homemade kefir with kefir grains, and in the book he devoted hind agro an entire hind agro chapter. Nevertheless, questions about kefir constantly hind agro arriving. With this text, I hope to clarify some doubts.
If you kefir grains received by mail, in a bag with a little milk, first you need a little "recover" after time. Strain it through a sieve, put in a glass jar and pour a little milk, cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours. The next day, drain them and discard the first kefir. If necessary, repeat this process several times, until you get a nice creamy kefir pleasant smell and taste. Kefir is a sour taste but the smell is pleasant, not sour. If the grains hind agro are not traveling, but you get them in person, you can immediately start designing kefir.
Quantity hind agro about half tablespoons of grains is enough for 3 dl milk. Grains pour the milk and leave the jars covered 24 hours. When the milk thickens, kefir is finished. Strain it through a sieve a little bit bigger so you put a colander in a bowl and pour kefir along with grains and stir with a spoon until the strain (as is so thick it easier to pass). The beads back in the pot, add new milk, and strained hind agro kefir put into a glass jar and store in the fridge. Do not rinse the grains with water because it will weaken them.
Kefir grains to reproduce and after a few days you will notice that there are more. Then increase the amount of milk. One tablespoon cells is sufficient for 5-6 dl milk. Adjust the amount of kefir to their needs. When the cells multiply so much that it is too much for the amount you need each day, take the excess cells. So if a pint of kefir a day is enough for you (two cups) Keep the amount of beads around one full tablespoon, remove the excess and share with others. At the end of the article I will write to the beads can be mailed.
Kefir is best when it comes to daily. If you still need to take a break, go on a trip or something, pour the granules with a little milk, cover the bowl and store in refrigerator. That can cost up to 7 days. In case you do not have milk, you can keep them in the water, but not too long - only until the next purchase milk. After the break, when you start again with making kefir, do again as the first time that the cells recovered: pour them new milk, leave for 24 hours at room temperature, and the first kefir you get dropped. If necessary, repeat this process several times, until you get a nice creamy kefir pleasant smell and taste. Kefir is a sour taste but the smell is pleasant, not sour.
You might have read somewhere that it should not use metal spoons and strainers to seep kefir. But really it does not matter who spoons and strainers use while pumping to kefir, may be metal, plastic, wood grain of it ... there is no harm. But it is important to keep kefir only in glass or ceramic containers. Never keep acidic things in plastic and metal containers because acid dissolves chemicals from plastics and metals, which then enter the food, even in you.
You may have read that kefir takes 20 days and then must make a break for 10 days. That's not true. Kefir is not a cure, it is a natural probiotic drink, fermented (sour) milk, then food, and you can use it whenever and as much as you want, ie how much previous. For therapeutic purposes to improve health may be taken and a liter of kefir daily. To start a good start with a lower dose, eg 1 oz a day, then gradually increase the amount. The kefir radically changed the composition hind agro of the intestinal flora - the beneficial bacteria hind agro destroy pathogens and take their place, and that in some people can cause transient indigestion.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink-sour refreshing taste that is obtained by means of culture kefir or kefir grains. It is believed to originate from the Caucasus and the old, and up to 1000 years. The inhabitants of the Caucasus are known for their longevity and good health, living almost without disease, which is attributed to their daily and unlimited consumption of kefir. Kefir culture in our region often referred to as the Tibetan kefir fungus or fungus, but kefir grains are not mushrooms.
Kefir grains, which look like cooked cauliflower, its contents are a mixture of proteins, amino acids, lipids and soluble hind agro polysaccharides that contain a symbiosis between hind agro a large number of good, lactic acid bacteria, octenih bacteria and yeast strains. Kefir grains to feed and reproduce in milk and have a shelf life, can live forever. Numerous attempts microbiologists that kefir grains are produced in the laboratory consistently end in failure. The question of where they come from and how they are formed remains no scientific answer. Legend says that the kefir grains gift from God, "manna from heaven" that God sent the Israelites when Moses
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