Tuesday, December 10, 2013

CORNMEAL PORRIDGE (AK 100, with corn flour). (1) Boil water, add Cinnamon (Sweet Spice). (2) Dilute

AKASAN. (AK 100, and corn flour). monte 5620 (1) Additionally boiling water, add cinnamon monte 5620 (sweet spice). (2) Dilute corn flour in cold water before you pour it in boiling water, and stir him not to make the ball. (3) In almost good, pour vanilla, milk (kanasyon, focus), add the shredded lemon skin (if available); continue stir it down and fire level "low". [Note: if you do Police Stop and corn circles, (a) Sort corn, wash and store dip (in cold water) since night. (B) Put it boil until cooked (split). (C) his Armor (added to water would boil the corn for his armored). (D) color (the filter). (E) put it back on the fire (low) and stir it when it almost good, pour vanilla, milk (kanasyon, focus) tasks.
CORNMEAL PORRIDGE (AK 100, with corn flour). (1) Boil water, add Cinnamon (Sweet Spice). (2) Dilute monte 5620 flour in cold water Before monte 5620 putting it in the boiling water and stir it up it Corporate Money making lumps. (3) When it's almost cooked, add extract (Vanilla, etc.), evaporated milk, add some (grated) Lemon skin (if you have) and stir it up; keep fire level on "low". [Note: if you are making cornmeal monte 5620 porridge with dried corn, (a) the Corn Rows August (to clean it), wash it and put it in (cold) water to be pickled overnight. (B) Boil it until cooked. (C) Blend it (add some of its boiling water to it Blend). (D) Strain it (with the strainer). monte 5620 (E) Put it back on (low) fire; stir it; and When it's almost ready, add extract (Vanilla), and evaporated milk to it.
Shredded banana (banana). (1) Shredded banana, when finished adding monte 5620 water and put it on the fire to boil; add sweet spices (particularly, cinnamon). (2) When finished boiling (enough), monte 5620 shielded him (if necessary) and sink it (the filter). (3) put it back on the fire (low). monte 5620 (4) Add vanilla, milk (kanasyon, condensed, evaporated) and sugar. [NB: can use shredded banana bread for breakfast or supper]
GRATED planting soup (banana). (1) Scraping the planting (on the grater), then add water and put it on the fire to boil; add sweet Spice (particularly "Cinnamon"). (2) After Being boiled monte 5620 (enough), Blend it (if necessary) and then Strain it (with the strainer). (3) Put it back on (low) fire. (4) Add extract, fueling (Vanilla), evaporated milk, and sugar. [NB: grated planting Soup Can Be Served with Bread for Breakfast or Supper]
WHEAT. Same way the Cooked rice cum. [Note: DO NOT wash 'wheat' the other jumps that it doesn't Become too soft]. A mesh Fry small whitebait monte 5620 (fish) in hot oil with it. Lock's look at how to cook 'rice'.
Draft. (1) Soak the meat first and set it to boil. [See "Clean chicken (poultry and other meat)" monte 5620 to see how they put the meat]. (2) Grassroots live you will bear in the draft (eg, bananas [francs, miskèt, China], Malaga, mazonbèl, potatoes, yams). monte 5620 (3) Sun live in the flesh to take color (water them periodically) and stir them not to burn. (4) Add water, magi, butter, lemon juice. (5) You can set BOY (flour) tasks, and vegetables like Cress, (z) spinach, and spices to give him little good taste. [Note: (a) "The draft white" no flesh. (B) People who do not put potato stew (not to sweet)]
Broth, Stew. (1) Marina Meat and then boil it [Lock's look at "Preparing chicken (Poultry, meat and other"] to see how to Marina Meats]. (2) Starch monte 5620 Peel the vegetables that you're going to putt in the Broth (eg, planting [Variety Such cum candid, miskèt, China], monte 5620 tarot, mazonbèl *, potato, YAM. (3) Starch Fry the vegetables with the meat to get the brownish color (sprinkler from time to time) and stir them up jump that they DO NOT get burned. (4) Add water, soup Cube, butter, lemon juice peaked. (5) A mesh add dumping monte 5620 (made up of wheat flour) to it, and Vegetables Such cum watercress, spinach and peaked Good spices to mark it taste good. [Note: (a) "White Broth" has NO meat in it. (b) Some people who DO NOT put sweet potato in the Broth (note to mark it sweet)]
Rice (with leaves). (1) Wash vegetables thoroughly monte 5620 and fry them (in hot oil and plaster [sprinkling] if any). (2) Put a little water just to quell vegetables [Note: You can add herring fate include (include herring is first soaked, remove skin and cut it in small pieces to put in the hot oil]. ( 3) Place the boiled rice water and put rice (washed) a. (4) Snacks to know his sister's monte 5620 level; stir it and cover it. (5) Check the level of fire ("medium"), and by priests to choke him, lowering the level of fire on "low."
RICE (with vegetables). (1) Wash vegetables (well) and Fry them (in hot oil with chitterlings "plaster" (if you have). (2) Add a little monte 5620 bit of water enough to braise the vegetables. [Note: A mesh add (smoked)

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