Tuesday, November 26, 2013

of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is pe

on admission and choice of milk. The quality of milk for unsweetened condensed milk must meet stringent criteria because evaporated milk contains concentrated milk dry matter and what is the product for longer storage.
The high content of dry matter adversely affects the stability of the protein in the milk of the system, especially if exposed to high temperatures. If milk is also increased acidity can come to a complete destabilization of the coagulation system during sterilization.
However, the primary objective is: Increasing the thermal stability of concentrated milk during processing. By increasing the thermal stability comes because much of it is in the thermal treatment reduces the amount of soluble calcium in milk. Influencing the viscosity of the final product [2].
about Uparavasnje. In order to increase the dry matter to the desired value [3] is concentrating murukku making machine by evaporation of some of the water from the milk. Evaporation takes place in a multistep vacuum evaporator heat exchanger types.
of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is performed by the addition of water, skim milk or homogenized cream. Carried out in tanks for standardization at a temperature of 5 C.
During the re-standardization of the milk are added salt stabilizers in order to increase its stability at elevated temperature. For this purpose the carbonate or bicarbonate (Ca, K, Na), citric acid and citrates (K, Na), phosphates, etc. Stabilišućeg essence of action of these salts is their high affinity to Ca.
Sterilization filled and sealed cans is performed in a continuous autoclave at 100 o C to 120 o C/15-20 minutes. Sterilizer is composed of three parts: part of predgrijevanje, sterilization and cooling, and cans moving on a rotating beams. murukku making machine And the turn around its axis in order to accelerate the transfer of heat.
Sterilization thickened milk flow, before the package is performed by briefly indirect warming at about 130-140 C/15-20s. This mode is the least pronounced negative effect of temperature on the stability of the protein in milk.
of storage. It has been found that it is the quality changes over time and storage temperature. Because of this, in recent times this product, and if it is permanent, not kept at 20 C than at somewhat lower temperatures (10 C).
Because of the possibility of corrosion of cans relative humidity murukku making machine of the room should be below 50%. During storage is done by tumbling cans, the more frequently the product is intended for long keeping. This prevents the formation of layers of fat on the surface, that due to the long standing and low temperature cured, and makes it difficult to re-emulsifying fat in the product.
Due to its composition and properties of evaporated milk is very much used in the diet, and usually not directly. It is used in the household as an adjunct in the preparation of various products, as well as in various branches murukku making machine of the food industry (the addition of coffee, confectionery, ice cream, etc.).
Mikrobilološke if spores of Bacillus and Clostridium species survive sterilization: sweet clotting protein degradation bulging cans. Reinfection, in case of bad closing murukku making machine cans, leading to kiselomliječne fermentation and coagulation.
[1] In practice it is often called, and evaporated milk. Evaporation - removing part of the water from the milk. [2] heat treatment temperature affects the viscosity of KNM and KZM, or the tendency to increase in viscosity during storage. This defect is called the age clotting and result of the physico-chemical changes, and no microbiological porijekla.Medjutim while at KNM simply with increasing t thermal treatment decreases the viscosity, KZM in the following situations: t about 65 C and over 120 C reduces the viscosity murukku making machine products and the tendency to subsequent increase of viscosity during storage, at 90-100 C increase clotting tendency to old-age, t lower than 65 C even lead to a decrease in viscosity during storage.
Although the appearance of old-age clotting affects the whole range of factors murukku making machine (viscosity, composition of milk, dry matter content, the amount of sugar added (at KZM), t of storage, etc.) one can say that the main cause of these defects changes murukku making machine of proteins, especially casein. The first leads to the formation of agglomerates clusters of casein micelles, thus imobilizuje much of the dispersing agent and causes an increase in viscosity.
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