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According to Anic dictionary of foreign words, and aflatoxin are chemical compounds known in several isomers of formula C 17 H 10 O 6, is very toxic and carcinogenic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus, which grows on peanuts, the nuts and some grains.
These are probably the best known and most researched toxins in the world, and people are interesting because they are associated with many bolestma in animals and humans. The reason best method freezing peaches is that the exploration of aflatoxins exhibit mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic (causing fetal malformation) properties. Belong to the strongest known carcinogenic substances of natural best method freezing peaches origin. After prolonged exposure of the body to these compounds, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to human health. Behind called aflatoxin hides several compounds of which B 1 is considered the most dangerous. The discovery of aflatoxin
The compounds were discovered in the 1950s when in England on farms in several months 100,000 turkeys died. The new disease was named Turkey X disease. After some time, he soon discovered that the disease is not limited to turkeys. It caught ducks and pheasants. The investigation is sick animals connected with food, namely best method freezing peaches Brazil nuts. It turned out that a nut kills other animals not only turkeys and it is a fungus Aspergillus flavus by which aflatiksini name - A. flavus.
Aspergillus flavus and another species of the same genus A. parasiticus, are predominantly responsible for aflatoxins. best method freezing peaches Aspergillus belong to ubkvitarne mold, which means they are naturally widespread and present in the environment. Crops are particularly susceptible to mold growth if during growth best method freezing peaches and ripening were exposed to significant atmospheric oscillations or if stored in an inadequate manner with high levels of humidity and higher temperatures. With favorable temperature and humidity of the molds grow on different types such as peanuts, dried fruits, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecan nuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts) and spices and grains (mostly maize).
These compounds can be found in animal products - meat and milk - if the animals were fed contaminated food. Since the aflatoxin-resistant high tamperature is in the products obtained from contaminated best method freezing peaches raw materials such as vegetable oils, peanut butter and cosmetics. Molecule of aflatoxin in the body can enter breathing and inhalation of contaminated air or by entering through the digestive tract. Production of aflatoxin is optimal at relatively high temperatures, and the greatest best method freezing peaches danger of contamination in hot and humid climates. The optimum temperature is 32 C and humidity of 15% and more. Although tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and South America are considered problematic areas, aflatoxins are found in temperate regions of North America and Europe.
What will be the consequences of toxic contamination in animals depends on many factors - the type of animal, age, sex and diet. Studies have shown that younger animals are more susceptible to serious consequences, even though best method freezing peaches the elderly are not immune to aflatoxins. The consequences can range from gastrointestinal dysfunction and reduced reproducibility to anemia and jaundice. Aflatoxins in the body most affected by the liver.
In humans, long exposure to aflatoxin leads to a higher risk of developing liver cancer, but exposure to these compounds is the most dangerous for children because it can lead to a backlog in development. The exposure also leads to a low immune system and the body becomes more susceptible to viral diseases. High doses of aflatoxin can cause acute poisoning, hepatic necrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure and even mental changes, best method freezing peaches and coma. Exposure to low levels for long periods does not cause such dramatic symptoms. Acute poisoning mycotoxins best method freezing peaches in European and American countries are almost unknown. Prevention
The only option to combat these dangerous compounds is prevention, and that prevention when growing food. During the collection and storage of food is necessary to keep the guidelines by which the presence of harmful mold and aflatoxin minimized. The main factors on which depends whether the mold develop as temperature and humidity. If you are taking care of them, the problem should not be.
It should also be noted that there are studies that have shown that certain lactic acid bacteria can remove significant best method freezing peaches amounts of mycotoxins in milk, which is an encouraging task. Control of storage conditions and control the levels prescribed in animal foods are the only way to aflatoxin levels do not rise to a level dangerous to human and animal health
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