Saturday, November 30, 2013

Aspergillus flavus and another species of the same genus A. parasiticus, are predominantly responsi

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According to Anic dictionary of foreign words, and aflatoxin are chemical compounds known in several isomers of formula C 17 H 10 O 6, is very toxic and carcinogenic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus, which grows on peanuts, the nuts and some grains.
These are probably the best known and most researched toxins in the world, and people are interesting because they are associated with many bolestma in animals and humans. The reason best method freezing peaches is that the exploration of aflatoxins exhibit mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic (causing fetal malformation) properties. Belong to the strongest known carcinogenic substances of natural best method freezing peaches origin. After prolonged exposure of the body to these compounds, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to human health. Behind called aflatoxin hides several compounds of which B 1 is considered the most dangerous. The discovery of aflatoxin
The compounds were discovered in the 1950s when in England on farms in several months 100,000 turkeys died. The new disease was named Turkey X disease. After some time, he soon discovered that the disease is not limited to turkeys. It caught ducks and pheasants. The investigation is sick animals connected with food, namely best method freezing peaches Brazil nuts. It turned out that a nut kills other animals not only turkeys and it is a fungus Aspergillus flavus by which aflatiksini name - A. flavus.
Aspergillus flavus and another species of the same genus A. parasiticus, are predominantly responsible for aflatoxins. best method freezing peaches Aspergillus belong to ubkvitarne mold, which means they are naturally widespread and present in the environment. Crops are particularly susceptible to mold growth if during growth best method freezing peaches and ripening were exposed to significant atmospheric oscillations or if stored in an inadequate manner with high levels of humidity and higher temperatures. With favorable temperature and humidity of the molds grow on different types such as peanuts, dried fruits, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecan nuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts) and spices and grains (mostly maize).
These compounds can be found in animal products - meat and milk - if the animals were fed contaminated food. Since the aflatoxin-resistant high tamperature is in the products obtained from contaminated best method freezing peaches raw materials such as vegetable oils, peanut butter and cosmetics. Molecule of aflatoxin in the body can enter breathing and inhalation of contaminated air or by entering through the digestive tract. Production of aflatoxin is optimal at relatively high temperatures, and the greatest best method freezing peaches danger of contamination in hot and humid climates. The optimum temperature is 32 C and humidity of 15% and more. Although tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and South America are considered problematic areas, aflatoxins are found in temperate regions of North America and Europe.
What will be the consequences of toxic contamination in animals depends on many factors - the type of animal, age, sex and diet. Studies have shown that younger animals are more susceptible to serious consequences, even though best method freezing peaches the elderly are not immune to aflatoxins. The consequences can range from gastrointestinal dysfunction and reduced reproducibility to anemia and jaundice. Aflatoxins in the body most affected by the liver.
In humans, long exposure to aflatoxin leads to a higher risk of developing liver cancer, but exposure to these compounds is the most dangerous for children because it can lead to a backlog in development. The exposure also leads to a low immune system and the body becomes more susceptible to viral diseases. High doses of aflatoxin can cause acute poisoning, hepatic necrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure and even mental changes, best method freezing peaches and coma. Exposure to low levels for long periods does not cause such dramatic symptoms. Acute poisoning mycotoxins best method freezing peaches in European and American countries are almost unknown. Prevention
The only option to combat these dangerous compounds is prevention, and that prevention when growing food. During the collection and storage of food is necessary to keep the guidelines by which the presence of harmful mold and aflatoxin minimized. The main factors on which depends whether the mold develop as temperature and humidity. If you are taking care of them, the problem should not be.
It should also be noted that there are studies that have shown that certain lactic acid bacteria can remove significant best method freezing peaches amounts of mycotoxins in milk, which is an encouraging task. Control of storage conditions and control the levels prescribed in animal foods are the only way to aflatoxin levels do not rise to a level dangerous to human and animal health

Friday, November 29, 2013

Educational texas dept of safety Course to move to the new edition of ISO / IEC 17020 Novi Sad, 12.

Sterilization is the heating of milk at t over 100 C with the aim to destroy the power and njihovinih dispute [1]. The industry used the following two methods of sterilization in the packaging, 110-120 on C/10-40 min. flow, 130-150 o C / seconds (indirect and direct).
With the injection of milk into water vapor or vice versa. Coming to the turbulence which evens out the whole mass, so that the duration of the heating can be very short. Suspension of steam condensate is done in a vacuum chamber. Due to the evaporation of the water comes to a sharp decline t, much faster than in the tubular heat exchangers.
Predgrijevanjem increases thermal satbilnost milk. This is done by translating the Ca 2 + in the insoluble salts of phosphoric and citric acid. These salts are usually deposited texas dept of safety on the surface of casein particles texas dept of safety are called colloidal fraction of calcium. Then followed:
From the standpoint of homogenization is better to be done after sterilization, because after her milk is not subjected to higher mechanical shocks. However, the microbiological point of view it is better to be done before sterilization because it is possible texas dept of safety recontamination in the homogenizer. Because this is a great start stump maintenance higjene homogenizer and the pump which delivers milk homogenizer.
Then enters the court where the expansion is held constant vacuum that fits t of 77 C. Here condensation of injected steam evaporates and thus cools the current texas dept of safety product. Vacuum-is set up so that the entire amount of water in the water vapor is inserted texas dept of safety into the injector evaporates in the expansion Court.
6th Fill and seal packaging. Sterilized milk goes into the buffer tank, then the machine for a leakage. Packaging must be sterile, impermeable to gases and light, odorless texas dept of safety and taste and to stand up to heat and chemical treatment. texas dept of safety
7th Storage and delivery. Sterilized milk kept at room t (20 o C). His durability is 2-3 mjeseca.Vodena steam sterilization must be absolutely clean as it comes into direct contact with the milk. This method texas dept of safety of sterilization, injection of water vapor also called uperisation. . Indirect
From the balancing tank milk goes into the section for recovering heat standardizator [2], then the homogenizer, then the heat exchanger section for sterilization that, warm water vapor, then the cooling section (recuperation, then cold water), buffer tank and packaging .
Perform sterilization containers may be discontinuous in rotating autoclaves or continuous texas dept of safety conveyor where the bottles are translated through the heating section, sterilizing and cooling. texas dept of safety In this second nascina of utilization texas dept of safety of heat and energy is larger and better quality products.
In addition to the heat, there are other natural methods of sterilization, as well as radiation (UV, microwaving), etc. which is very rarely used in the retail industry. milk processing. Chemical methods of sterilization (acids, alkalis, salts) are used only for preserving the sample for analysis in the quality control of milk or products.
[1] Milk podvrgnoto regime sterilization texas dept of safety is called Sterilized, not sterile, because the ordinance allows the sterilized milk may be several per ml. [2] Sometimes the line does standardizat, because all the milk pasterizuje, so when pasterizacji carry out standardization. Number of pages: 4,593
Registration is free. Members each week by e-mail we send our magazine with news from the food industry, professional publications, texas dept of safety notifications of new regulations and technical literature, seminars and competitions. Members can use our forum. Of course, you can always unsubscribe.
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Educational texas dept of safety Course to move to the new edition of ISO / IEC 17020 Novi Sad, 12.07.2013. Course manager for ISO 17025 Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course for ISO 9001 manager Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course HACCP administrator Novi Sad, 21-22.12.2013.
The biological value and nutritional importance of milk Cheddar, Feta cheese physical properties of milk Dutch cheese Homogenization of milk Yogurt Kačkavalj unsweetened condensed milk sweetened condensed milk cheeses classification criteria Butter Milk Powder Characteristics and composition of milk Other products based on milk pasteurization of milk Pasteurized milk Cream Prebiotics in the dairy industry Reception The use of milk in the dairy whey protein concentrate in the production of fermented milk products Probiotics industrial milk products Sensory analysis of cheese whey separation milk cheese spread, cream-type quark starter cultures in milk technology texas dept of safety sterilized milk drying milk Švajcars

Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. T

4th Standardization. What percentage of fat will set depends on who we want to make cheese. Grease is set to proteins. The milk used to make cheese should have a greater ratio protein / fat, because it has more protein, protein gel is thicker and easier to compose in his fat and other ingredients (ie, the better to grasp). What is mechanically fit into this gel into the whey.
Negative impact on the properties of milk pasteurization: Ca at high temperature can exceed the insoluble form, and is such a useless, leading to the formation of a softer curd [2]. Processing curd is difficult and takes longer, and whey syneresis slowly unfolds. pablo del monte
7th Preparing for coagulation. Added chemicals and starters. Ca concentration in the milk is not sufficient and is added in the form of CaCl second To be added to the input 10-15g/100kg milk. Ca is added mandatory, because it affects primarily on getting a solid curd suitable for processing. In some countries, HNO 3 was added, to prevent swelling of the cheese milk contains bacteria if butyric acid [3]. For us it is not allowed. Color must be natural, eg b-carotene, etc. They are not necessary, are added in order to achieve some specific smooth the cheese (more intensive yellow, pink dots at the intersection, etc.). This is added to the starter and [4], to got used to the maximum, and thus exhibited activity for zrijenja.
Can be used monocultures or polyvalent culture (more microorganisms in combination), and can be used in combination with a starter and a mold (Roquefort, Camembert cheese); selection depends on the type of cheese that we produce.
8th Coagulation. pablo del monte For most cheeses involves the addition of proteolytic enzymes of different origin, and rarely effect of organic acids mainly in combination with proteolytic enzymes (fresh cheese).
During the coagulation of the transformation of casein salt conditions in the gel state, which is manifested in the formation of protein networks that fit fat, liposoluble vitamins and undissolved salt. . Coagulating enzyme chymosin is obtained from the stomach of young ruminants extraction with NaCl. With aging animal chymosin goes into pepsin. Only a few weeks after birth there chymosin, which means that we have slaughtered a young calf to come to chymosin. Because of this, they wanted pablo del monte a new preparations.
Coagulation of milk chymosin is performed at 30-32 C. Optimal t of chymosin is 37-40 C, in the stomach of ruminants is formed, and it is the optimal action. However, the coagulation of this t do not receive the Characteristics of a good curd which reduces yield.
Phase I (enzymatic, pablo del monte biochemical). Chymosin causes hydrolysis of k-casein pablo del monte [5] on the para-k-casein and macropeptide (goes with whey), thus changing characteristics k-casein. In this way the casein micelles lose its stability, because losing hydrated pablo del monte layer (macropeptide).
Phase II (non-enzymatic). Para-k-casein flokulise in the presence of Ca 2 + and Ca obtained by k-caseinate. Then the particles of Ca-caseinate to connect with each other and create a 3D protein network pablo del monte - a gel that fit other components of milk. It is in fact grus.
Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. Thus, the enzymes are added at a concentration such that the coagulation takes 20-40 min. Light coagulation of milk depends on many other factors, of which the most important are: t, c (Ca 2 +), the pH of milk, milk type c (SM, first of all, proteins that are substrates of the reaction).
Pepsin can be used in combination with chymosin. I have a weak characteristics of the curd. Mikrobiloloski enzymes. Obtained from the mold, which is used most of Mucor miehei. There are many commercial names for these enzymes, pablo del monte usually by the names of factories that produce them. Microbiological protease as opposed to non-specific enzymes chymosin as degraded k-casein to a larger number of components.
9th Processing curd [7]. The aim is to mechanically accelerate pablo del monte syneresis of whey and whey separates from the curd. This operation involves cutting the curd, stirring, dogrijevanje and drying grain curd and whey drain.
First performed longitudinally and then transversely cut the curd with special knives called. harps. The grain size affects the texture of the curd cheese. If the products are cheese, curd grain size should be smaller. The average size after cutting should be at 1-3 mm.
The heating time is from 10 to 40 minutes and depends on the type of cheese, but it is important that the temperature is gradually increased, usually about 1 C/2min. If dogrijevanje suddenly created around grain curd solid membrane (epidermis) which prevents the separation of whey and negatively affects the quality of the cheese.
When the temperature pablo del monte reached dogrijevanja, followed by drying the grains at this temperature, with constant stirring, pablo del monte to achieve a further dehydration of the grain. Disabling mixing, grains stick together in a mass siRNA, after which the whey is released.
on pressing. Size of pressure depends on the type and weight of the cheese. If the weight is higher and the pressure

Thursday, November 28, 2013

These dwarf forms are grown as indoor amrut distilleries flowers. High henna have a very nice piece

For four years to abolish quotas for sugar production in Velika Gorica: Notice eco producers amrut distilleries bee brood diseases caused by molds Great shortfall honey yield in Istria Ministry banned the slaughtering amrut distilleries without stunning
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Latest amrut distilleries for four years to abolish quotas for sugar production in Velika Gorica: Notice eco producers bee brood diseases caused amrut distilleries by molds Great shortfall honey yield in Istria Ministry banned the slaughtering without stunning increase in the number of producers and areas with ecological agricultural products Public calls for the allocation of leases for agricultural land Croatian honey finest manufacturers amrut distilleries in Europe notification system integrated production Portugal prevailing economic crisis growing chestnut Tests BRODILON bait price containerized seedlings of fruit herbicide master quince price fall fertilization olive current price of wheat agro portal barley breeding amrut distilleries current price of wheat herbicide lintur Otkupkoprive Read more news
These dwarf forms are grown as indoor amrut distilleries flowers. High henna have a very nice piece, and the thin flower. They are suitable for planting in the two lines, so that the garden can create intimacy. The most beautiful henna are of medium height with a curvaceous red flower, a leaf is also sturdy and decorative. These henna is mostly used as garden flowers.
For planting canna be in the fall to prepare the soil and the soil tillage and fertilization performed with NPK fertilizers. These flowers are sensitive to low temperatures, so the appearance of the first autumn frosts have taken out of the country. Stems henna is cut to a height of 10-15 cm, and rhizomes are taken to preserve as much of the country that turf during the winter keeps rhizomes from drying out. Rhizomes are put into storage and stacked in a pile.
As a warehouse can serve dry basement where the constant temperature 10 degrees Celsius. In early March rhizomes presents Henna flowers sensitive to low temperatures, so the appearance of the first autumn frosts have taken out of the country from storage, clean the land and share. Sod can be divided into 5-7 parts, but so that every part of the stay two to three buds. After dividing rhizomes are planted in warm leju which will soon chase shoots. By mid-May, the plant will reach 15-20 cm in height and can then be planted in the garden at the desired earlier pripljemljeno amrut distilleries place. In this way, we intend to avoid getting killed by spring frost, and we get early flowering.
Planted henna should regularly zaljevati amrut distilleries that should be abundantly zaljevati because the only way we can get a well-developed flowers, and constantly blooming of the appearance of autumn frosts. The plan to breed rice and rice gives each new canoe and a new flower. So do not intend to plant density because then quickly reproduce and give a lot of flowering. For so many leaf and flower, as already mentioned, and the soil should be well into the fall fertilize.
Against plant diseases henna successful protection after dividing rhizomes, and before planting. This measure amrut distilleries applies the same as for other bulb flowers. Kane is a bit like a grown flowers, so the diseases do not occur.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is pe

on admission and choice of milk. The quality of milk for unsweetened condensed milk must meet stringent criteria because evaporated milk contains concentrated milk dry matter and what is the product for longer storage.
The high content of dry matter adversely affects the stability of the protein in the milk of the system, especially if exposed to high temperatures. If milk is also increased acidity can come to a complete destabilization of the coagulation system during sterilization.
However, the primary objective is: Increasing the thermal stability of concentrated milk during processing. By increasing the thermal stability comes because much of it is in the thermal treatment reduces the amount of soluble calcium in milk. Influencing the viscosity of the final product [2].
about Uparavasnje. In order to increase the dry matter to the desired value [3] is concentrating murukku making machine by evaporation of some of the water from the milk. Evaporation takes place in a multistep vacuum evaporator heat exchanger types.
of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is performed by the addition of water, skim milk or homogenized cream. Carried out in tanks for standardization at a temperature of 5 C.
During the re-standardization of the milk are added salt stabilizers in order to increase its stability at elevated temperature. For this purpose the carbonate or bicarbonate (Ca, K, Na), citric acid and citrates (K, Na), phosphates, etc. Stabilišućeg essence of action of these salts is their high affinity to Ca.
Sterilization filled and sealed cans is performed in a continuous autoclave at 100 o C to 120 o C/15-20 minutes. Sterilizer is composed of three parts: part of predgrijevanje, sterilization and cooling, and cans moving on a rotating beams. murukku making machine And the turn around its axis in order to accelerate the transfer of heat.
Sterilization thickened milk flow, before the package is performed by briefly indirect warming at about 130-140 C/15-20s. This mode is the least pronounced negative effect of temperature on the stability of the protein in milk.
of storage. It has been found that it is the quality changes over time and storage temperature. Because of this, in recent times this product, and if it is permanent, not kept at 20 C than at somewhat lower temperatures (10 C).
Because of the possibility of corrosion of cans relative humidity murukku making machine of the room should be below 50%. During storage is done by tumbling cans, the more frequently the product is intended for long keeping. This prevents the formation of layers of fat on the surface, that due to the long standing and low temperature cured, and makes it difficult to re-emulsifying fat in the product.
Due to its composition and properties of evaporated milk is very much used in the diet, and usually not directly. It is used in the household as an adjunct in the preparation of various products, as well as in various branches murukku making machine of the food industry (the addition of coffee, confectionery, ice cream, etc.).
Mikrobilološke if spores of Bacillus and Clostridium species survive sterilization: sweet clotting protein degradation bulging cans. Reinfection, in case of bad closing murukku making machine cans, leading to kiselomliječne fermentation and coagulation.
[1] In practice it is often called, and evaporated milk. Evaporation - removing part of the water from the milk. [2] heat treatment temperature affects the viscosity of KNM and KZM, or the tendency to increase in viscosity during storage. This defect is called the age clotting and result of the physico-chemical changes, and no microbiological porijekla.Medjutim while at KNM simply with increasing t thermal treatment decreases the viscosity, KZM in the following situations: t about 65 C and over 120 C reduces the viscosity murukku making machine products and the tendency to subsequent increase of viscosity during storage, at 90-100 C increase clotting tendency to old-age, t lower than 65 C even lead to a decrease in viscosity during storage.
Although the appearance of old-age clotting affects the whole range of factors murukku making machine (viscosity, composition of milk, dry matter content, the amount of sugar added (at KZM), t of storage, etc.) one can say that the main cause of these defects changes murukku making machine of proteins, especially casein. The first leads to the formation of agglomerates clusters of casein micelles, thus imobilizuje much of the dispersing agent and causes an increase in viscosity.
Registration is free. Members each week by e-mail we send our magazine with news from the food industry, professional publications, notifications of new regulations murukku making machine and technical literature, seminars and competitions. Members can use our forum. Of course, you can always unsubscribe.
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Due to its composition, a high concentration of total solids and sugar in particular, is not used d

Sweetened condensed milk is the product obtained by removing example of food preservation some of the water from milk, which is then added to the high concentration of sugar in order to increase sustainability (osmoanabiotski food preservation example of food preservation method).
Standardization of I. At this stage of the process used to set the ratio of fat to SNF, so it complies with the regulations [1]. Performs a compilation of material balance (added to other fat milk, skim milk or cream). example of food preservation
of heat treatment. It is very important because sterilization is not running. Therefore, the goal of complete destruction osmofilnih and thermophilic microorganisms and enzyme inactivation (mainly lipase and proteolytic).
o Adding sugar. Is added in order to increase example of food preservation sustainability. Sucrose is preferably added - in a crystalline form or in the form of a 65% solution. Benefits of using sucrose as: good solubility, which at high concentrations is not crystallized. Not easily susceptible to fermentation. example of food preservation Fits habits.
For quality products and it is important to place added sugar. The optimum time adding sucrose before the end of evaporation or after evaporation. Adding before example of food preservation thermal treatment leads to an increase thermoresistence bacteria and their enzymes and increases the tendency to clot the age. Pass before evaporating. Increases the possibility of old-age clotting, and increased temperature boiling milk with added sugar, would be a problem during evaporation, and high viscosity of such a solution.
on Standardization II. During the re-standardization control the total dry matter, sugars and fats, and on the basis that determines the desired ratio of sucrose to total dry matter and adjust the concentration of total solids.
Cooling of the crystallization. During cooling crystallisation of lactose for: lowering the temperature, a high concentration of lactose (> 10%) the presence of high concentrations of added sugar and relatively low water content.
Lactose has the ability to produce presićene, metastable solutions, example of food preservation in which the presence of nucleation leads to the crystallization mass. For quality KZM is very important that the amount of lactose that will certainly unfold, not in the form verlikih example of food preservation crystals, which produces example of food preservation poredstavljalo flaw (SanDisk).
Due to its composition, a high concentration of total solids and sugar in particular, is not used directly in the diet. It is used in the preparation of various household products (coffee, ice cream, pudding, cream, beverages, etc.), then the confectionery industry as a source of components of milk and sweetness.
Physico-chemical: SanDisk. The most common flaw of this product. Only incurred during example of food preservation the production or storage of the result of the improper seeding, irregular example of food preservation crystallization (slow cooling, example of food preservation sufficiently intense mechanical treatment), a high concentration of dry matter of milk and sucrose, low viscosity, very low storage temperature, and other factors. SanDisk cause large crystals of lactose. Increase in viscosity. It is known as the age clotting. Mana is caused by changes in the protein. The formation of a sediment. Changes in color and taste.
Mikrobilološke, can be caused example of food preservation by bacteria, molds and yeasts (this product is not sterilized): Bacteria. Can cause coagulation example of food preservation products, and can be avoided by a high concentration example of food preservation of lactose in the aqueous phase. Molds. Also induce formation of agglomerates, and odor. To prevent infection molds recommended closing cans under vacuum, example of food preservation and their eventual development example of food preservation prevents the low-temperature storage (15 C). Yeasts. Lead to the transformation of sucrose into alcohol and CO 2 and bulging cans. The infection most commonly originates from sugar. Prevents the high concentration of sugar in the aqueous phase (> 63%) and microbiological control of sugar that enters into the process.
Registration example of food preservation is free. Members each week by e-mail we send our magazine example of food preservation with news from the food industry, professional publications, notifications of new regulations and technical literature, example of food preservation seminars and competitions. Members can use our forum. Of course, you can always example of food preservation unsubscribe.
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Educational Course to move to the new edition of ISO / IEC 17020 Novi Sad, 12.07.2013. Course manager for ISO 17025 Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course example of food preservation for ISO 9001 manager Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course example of food preservation HACCP administrator Novi Sad, 21-22.12.2013.
The biological value and nutritional importance of milk Cheddar, example of food preservation Feta cheese physical properties of milk Dutch cheese Homogenization of milk Yogurt Kačkavalj unsweetened condensed milk condensed zaslađ

Monday, November 25, 2013


Why Huangdao explosion casualties so heavy?
"Urgent need to promote the" treat "career"
China's population collapse is a real risk population bahan taslan policy for China is undoubtedly the most significant policy issues. The coming decades, even centuries, China's future, in addition to the direction of political reform, is the direction of the population policy. There is nothing bahan taslan more important problems than these two problems. China's climate and environmental issues are actually depends on solving these two problems. bahan taslan Listen to the views of various parties always do no harm. This article reproduced below has a unique perspective, it is worth a read. Reprinted: Yi Fu Yin as the British bahan taslan "Financial Times" Chinese net contributors Miss Ye Tan published several articles bahan taslan calling for China to continue to practice family planning. Many users want me to refute her, I laugh. August 14, 2012 Ye Tan again published an article in the British "Financial Times" Chinese online "anti-intellectual theories of population growth can be laid to rest (a)." In the end of the article, said: "We can not expect those who live in sparsely populated U.S. state, and irrelevant to the issue of China's population, advocates liberalization of fertility people." Since Ms. Yip pick a door to reciprocate. bahan taslan I also had to write a few words. Ye Tan Ph.D. Department of History, Fudan University, the school population history by Professor Ge Jianxiong, Cao Shuji great impact, such as her recent article said: "Mr. bahan taslan Ge Jianxiong editor of six volumes bahan taslan of the" China Population History bahan taslan "(published by Fudan University Press, 2000) is a contemporary history of the study population most authoritative writings China, Mr. Cao Shuji writing of which four, five volumes of Ming and Qing Dynasties discuss population can glimpse see the leopard spots. "she quoted Ge, Cao population data to illustrate the continuing family planning necessity. Cao Shuji think when you have been caught in the Malthusian trap Ming. To avoid the Malthusian trap, China should implement family planning. Professor James Lee and Wang Feng Qing do not think China into the Malthusian trap. Cao Shuji retorted: "Faced with James Lee and other new theory, scholars not only need to rewrite the history of Chinese population since the Qing Dynasty, the economic and social history, bahan taslan and even had to re-lay the theoretical understanding of contemporary China's family planning bahan taslan policy." ( "Historical Research" 2002 1) I am "on the population and the number of the Qing dynasty, Mr. Ge Jianxiong questionable" ("Social Science Forum" in 2010 the first one) in refuted Ge Jianxiong, Cao Shuji population of the Qing dynasty perspective. Ye Tan said: "According to population estimates by experts, China's population in 2006 the total fertility rate (ie a couple lifetime number of children) by about 1.8 rose to 1.87, from an annual average of 0.02 if the slight rebound in 2020 more than 1.45 billion people control objectives beyond 2900. "Miss Ye Tan can rest assured, experts bahan taslan estimated the population has always been wrong (since 1980, has never had accurate), the 2010 census confirmed the 1996-2010 birth average rate of only 1.4 yuan, of which only 1.18 in 2010. 1.18 decrease in fertility means that the next generation is almost half than the previous generation. Ye Tan said, "Due to a stable environment, and the government encourages ...... population rose from 540 million in 1949 to (the late 1960s) amazing over 800 million and we can not forget the tragic death of their folder Ditch the right, but the population in the wild era of growth, because of population growth, but low-cost human lives, human dignity is negligible. meaningful life value of the individual, as the population becomes eye-popping numbers, the individual's life is dust concealed. "In fact, after 1949 China's population growth is not a "government encouragement", in fact, at that time China's population growth is synchronized with the world, in 1950, 1970, 1980, China accounted for only 22% of the world population, fertility rates have all the time in the world in the development and Like the high country. China's population increase is due to the decline in mortality, is "dead less", not "born of too much", is due to the life expectancy of 35 years from 1950 to 1970 to extend the 63-year-old (2010 World Bank data) . It is the survival of the population was laid after the reform and opening up economic boom demographic base. "Population growth, human life but cheap" is not the fact that the U.S. population growth rate is faster than China and Europe, the United States is not necessarily cost more lives. Ye Tan said: "If calculated bahan taslan in accordance with the birth rate of 1.2%, after 20 years of population growth in China will reach 1.65 billion; once growth recovered to 2.3%, then 20 years later, China's population will reach 2,048,500,000, then, China was the first to relocate to Mars, I'm afraid to find resources of space. visible on exponential growth, once a breakthrough growth areas will be explosive growth. "Obviously, Ye Tan is the birth rate and natural growth rate confuse. The natural growth bahan taslan rate = birth rate - mortality. If Ye Tan is the birth rate of 1.2 percent, bahan taslan according to "The People's Republic of China 2011 National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin", in 2011 the mortality rate is 0.714% already, bahan taslan then the natural growth rate of only 0.486% (1.2% -0.714% = 0.486 %, the future will continue to decline), but also lower than Ye Tan acknowledged by 0.5%. If Ye Tan is the natural growth rate of 1.2%, then in 2011 the birth rate was 1.914% (1.2% +0.714% = 1.914%) to Bureau of Statistics 1,347,350,000 total population, in 2011 to 25.79 million births should (134735 bahan taslan 1.914% = 2579), much higher than the 2010 census the population aged 0 13,790,000; apply the 2010 census standardized age-specific fertility rates, births to 25.79 million, then the fertility rate should be 2.37, is 2010 Census 1.18 fertility rate twice. Ye Tan's data will consume 8.0 billion bahan taslan census 8,000,000 census participation shreds. To achieve Ye Tan said, "growth recovered to 2.3%", then in 2011 the birth rate should be 3.014% (2.3% +0.714% = 3.014%), births should 40,610,000 (134735 3.014% = 4061) , then the fertility rate should be 3.7. Most births a year in the Chinese history after the 1963 Great Leap Forward (compensatory birth peak), according to the 1964 census, the population was born in 1963, only 30.25 million. India-born population in history last year and never more than 30 million. Ye Tan visible theory is based on ridiculously wrong population data and analysis on. Recognizing this critical error after Ye Tan has written a series of articles population down? Of course, if she like Song, Cheng Enfu, Li Xiaoping as China wants to reduce bahan taslan the population to 700 million, 500 million, 300 million, then it would do when he was on it. Birth and death rates are dynamic. Mother bahan taslan of the child is born, according to the 2010 census the total 15-49 year old women of childbearing age peaked in 2011 began a negative growth; golden age of 20-29 years for women of childbearing age (children 2/3 of the women in this age group is born) also reached 114 million after the peak in 2011, started its rapid decrease in 2012 to 2032 only 065 million (decrease of 43% over 2011). Means that even to maintain the current level of fertility, birth rates also declined sharply. With the continuous increase in the elderly population, China has a population of deaths bahan taslan each year in 1980 to 6.26 million in 1990 to 7.63 million, 8.13 million in 2000, 9.6 million in 2011. According to the UN low plan "World Population Prospects - 2010 Revision" (the middle and high solution slightly more deaths per year), China's population will die each year 13.5 million in 2030, 2050, 18,620,000; mortality will 2030 10.24% 2050 16.34%. bahan taslan The declining birth rate, death rate puts increasing natural growth rate will continue to decline, China's population growth has been negative edge. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China has gone from natural bahan taslan population growth rate of 16.61 in 1987 almost bahan taslan straight down to the ground in 2011 4.79 . China was also almost bahan taslan linear increase in population from 1987 to 18.15 million in 2011 down to 6.44 million. The following table: China's annual natural population growth and population growth in the 1987 to 2011 the rate of natural bahan taslan increase for linear regression fit to the X coordinate of the year, at an annual rate of natural increase is the Y coordinate, fitting equation as follows: y =-0.5125x + 1033.5, goodness of fit (R2) to reach 0.9473. In this formula after the projected bahan taslan 2011 annual natural growth bahan taslan rate, natural growth rate in 2017 will start to be negative. In 2011 the population bahan taslan 13.4735 million National Bureau of Statistics, the Chinese population will reach 1.356 billion peak in 2016, began in 2017 negative growth. From 1987 to 2011 the annual growth of the population for linear regression fit to the X coordinate of the year, an annual increase in population of Y coordinates, fitting bahan taslan equation bahan taslan as follows: y =-52.761x + 106561, goodness of fit (R2 ) reached 0.9588. In this formula derived in 2011 after years of annual population growth, the annual increase in population will begin in 2020 is negative, that is, China's population reached 1.365 billion after the start of the peak negative growth in 2019. After the United Nations' World Population bahan taslan Prospects - 2010 revised edition of "low bahan taslan plan, China's population will reach 1.36 billion peak in 2017, the negative growth in 2018 will be reduced to 500 million in 2100. In fact, low-United Nations program for China, but also overly optimistic, such as the United Nations considers Chinese fertility rate was 1.64 in 2010, but the 2010 census showed that the fertility rate is only 1.18. Conducted using 2010 population structure and fertility forecast 1.18, then China's population will reach 1.34 billion after the peak of negative bahan taslan growth beginning in 2017, to only 4.6 million people in 2100, only 6800 to 2200 people. If in 2010 the fertility rate could be increased bahan taslan to 1.3, then the Chinese population will reach 1.35 billion after the beginning of the peak of negative growth in 2019. Below: According to 1987-2011 years of natural population growth, the annual bahan taslan increase in population speculated future demographic changes evident that China is not facing the future population explosion, but the population collapse. Let the Chinese population to maintain the alternation of generations (in order to maintain economic prosperity), fertility needs to reach about 2.3; due to infertility, there is a single, Dink and other people, you need to have three main families, some families bahan taslan of four or five students , part of the family born twelve children. If someone choose their own single, not raw or only one child, is beyond reproach (of course, need to pay higher social security payments, bahan taslan because Social Security is by tradition bahan taslan to sustain the population), but please do not deprive the rights of others to have children.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

According to national census data, in 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010 the sex ratio at birth 108.5,111.3,

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Currently, the policy adjustments on fertility has become a hot issue academia and focus discussion, it is a topic of great concern for the government and the people. The reason, in addition to long-term strategic interests of the country and family planning mint industries limited related to the vital interests of millions of households, is an important background, September 25, 1980, the CPC Central Committee issued "on the control mint industries limited of population growth caused by all Communist Party members , open letter Youth League "(hereinafter referred to as" open letter "), called on party members to take the lead only to give birth to a child for one couple had only one child, and encourage delayed marriage and childbearing. Open letter specifically mentioned: "to three years later, the current mint industries limited population growth particularly intense mint industries limited problem can be mitigated, it may take a different population policy." This paper will discuss some personal views on China's current population situation and future policy direction.
China's one-child policy is rooted in the founding of rapid population growth. In 1953, when the first national census of the total population of 602 million, after experiencing the "Great Leap Forward" and the "three difficult" period, with a total population of over 700 million in 1964, a net increase of 100 million people with a 10 years. Then, in 1969 a total population of over 800 million, in 1974 more than 900 million, a net increase of twice every five years, 100 million people, a net increase of 100 million people cut in half the time than in the previous period, showing a runaway population growth situation, coupled with economic stagnation caused by the necessities of life (food, food, daily necessities, etc.) required ticket limit. In this specific historical conditions, the government began to consider the implementation of family planning in the country began in the early 1970s.
In 1973, the first national family planning work report formally proposed "a lot, just two or three more," and "late, thin, less" requirement, after the implementation of the policy has achieved good results. According to forecasts of experts, in order to achieve in the late 20th century the population mint industries limited less than 12 million goal, we must implement a couple had only one child's one-child policy. After the implementation of the contract responsibility system and because farmers have expanded fertility desires, while the population of the compensatory growth "Great Leap Forward" and "three difficult years" period also began to enter the reproductive stage, so this term birth rate and natural growth rate, total fertility rate has rebounded. In this context, the state began to tighten in the country's one-child policy, which is the "one-child" policy. 1980 "openness" published and noted that "In order to fight for our country in this century, the total population within 1.2 billion, the State Council has issued a call to the nation, only one couple one child."
Because there is a conflict between the implementation of the "one-child" policy and fertility mint industries limited desires of the masses, so that China's family planning mint industries limited work to become "the first difficulty." To narrow the gap between policy and fertility desire, easing Contradiction, April 13, 1984 Central forwarded "to report on family planning," the AAA files, mint industries limited requires specific policies to further improve the current family planning work. Mainly: a controlled manner in the countryside continue to bloom slightly larger hole, in accordance with the conditions of approval, you can have two children; resolutely stop the big hole that prohibited birth of a second child and a super program multiple births. So-called "open a small hole, blocking large hole." mint industries limited
After 2002, "Population and Family Planning Law" enacted in the country for family planning regulations prescribed fertility policy fine-tuning, and gradually formed the current family planning policy. So far, the rural and urban areas of Beijing, Shanghai, mint industries limited Tianjin, Jiangsu, Chongqing, Sichuan and other provinces mint industries limited and cities to implement six is only a couple of one-child policy; another 19 provincial regulations, in rural areas, if the first fetus is a girl, to allow the regeneration of a child, the "one-child half" mint industries limited policy; rural Hainan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, mint industries limited 5 provinces, implementing a policy of two children; There are six provincial regulations, in rural areas, is the only child of a party, you can have two children. Part of the less populated minority areas, sub-urban and rural areas were allowed to have two and three children (there is no policy in Tibet). In addition, local regulations provide that both husband and wife have only one child, you can have two kids.
Family planning policy, so that the momentum of China's rapid population growth is slowing down. China's population growth rate of 25.83 from 1970 to 1980 dropped 11.87 , the 2011 population growth rate of only 4.8 . As fertility levels (Note: usually "total fertility rate" mint industries limited (TFR) of this indicator to reflect a woman's lifetime reproductive number of children, this is a decision mint industries limited of a national population policy major indices, as the field of economic development, if you want to achieve GDP generation replacement level, TFR should be 2.1) by 1970 dropped to 5.79 in 1980, 2.26 in 2010, according to experts in accordance with the more accurate "Six P" data, we estimate that China's total fertility rate has been below 1.5. In fact, in 1998, China's population growth rate began less than 10 (to 9.14 ), the total fertility rate since 1991 is below the replacement level of generations, of 1.65, has since been stable at low fertility level stage. Completion of this process, our only took about 30 years, while Western countries generally need about a hundred years or even longer.
The so-called population problem is the system and the population between economic, social, environmental and resource imbalance, conflicts and paradoxes of its quantity, quality, structure and distribution of the resulting changes mint industries limited in the course of operation. If the early 1970s to implement the family planning policy is to address population growth, then the current situation of China's population and macro socio-economic environment faced by a major shift and profound changes, from the intrinsic properties mint industries limited of the population, China The population problem has a number of questions from a single number to multiple problems, quality, structure, distribution and other changes, and these issues are intertwined and influence each other; from the external macro-environment, resources and the environment mint industries limited due to poor reversibility, China population pressure on resources and the environment is still large, is still the key factor constraining economic and social development. Compared with the past, China's population situation is more serious challenges posed by population becomes more acute.
"Six P" of China's total population reached 1.339 billion, with a "census" of 7390 increased compared to ten million, an increase of 5.84%, the average annual growth rate of 0.57%. Since 2003, China's number of births basically stable at around 16 million, the average number mint industries limited of deaths at around 8.9 million. With the population aging rapidly, the death toll rose, the annual increase in population will decrease. According to the United Nations' World Population Prospects (2010 Revision) mint industries limited "on the Chinese population," the plan "predicts China's total population will reach 1.4 billion mint industries limited less than the peak after the start into negative growth in 2026, at the end of the century fell to 941 million . It can be said, regardless of how future changes in size, the larger the population has always been our most basic, most important, the most prominent conditions, contradiction between population and environmental resources is always present.
2010, China's population aged 60 and over 1.77 billion people, accounting for 13.26 percent of the population, of which the population aged 65 and over 1.19 million people, 8.87% of the total population, China has entered the aging society. Since the first of the baby boom in the early days, 60 years later, we are facing the first aging peak. The next 20 years is China's fastest-growing elderly population period. 2013, China's population aged 60 or older will exceed 200 million, which will double to 400 million years ago, 2033, with an average annual increase of 10 million, the highest year will increase by more than 14 million. An aging population and declining birthrate family, size small, structural diversification, and the relationship between the discrete loose living and other characteristics tangled together, will put forward mint industries limited a serious challenge to the existing social security system. Some scholars believe that family planning has led to an aging population, this statement is not accurate. Population aging is an inevitable result of social and economic development, along with social and economic development, fertility decline spontaneously, plus improve the health of the population makes in life expectancy, population aging naturally, this is a common law of human society. Planned Parenthood just played a "boost" effect.
According to national census data, in 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010 the sex ratio at birth 108.5,111.3,116.9 and 118.08 respectively, showing upward trend and a serious deviation from the normal. Sex Ratio at Birth, means a lot of men surplus mint industries limited population mint industries limited unable to find marriage matching objects, inevitable mint industries limited marriage squeeze phenomenon. Marriage squeeze would lead to early marriage, pre-marital agreement (ie engagement) and mercenary marriages increased. Second, the male marriage squeeze would lead to couple the marriage age spreads, leading to adverse effects on the stability of marriage. Third, the decline in marriage squeeze will make family stability will lead to extramarital affairs and sexual offenses increased wedlock births and other phenomena. mint industries limited Fourth, the marriage squeeze will result in a sharp increase the cost of the wedding, and the last not marry often belong to the poor strata of the population.
A higher mint industries limited degree of social mobility of society, the more means being able to provide more opportunities mint industries limited and hope for the members of society, class structure mint industries limited of society more flexible, conflict of social groups are less likely to arise. Otherwise, at the bottom of the social hierarchy in the face of comparative advantage, will produce and accumulate energy from dissatisfaction, social alienation caused by friction and even social conflict. Due to the inflow stream at differences in the economic, social, culture, customs, lifestyle and other factors, the floating population in the inflow of social adaptation will become a more prominent issue. Further, go floating population will affect the outflow and inflow to social harmony and stability.
After completing a historic low fertility fertility transition into the community, in the face of a critical period of zero growth in population will soon turn negative growth of China's family planning policy to examine the impact on the future development and the population's economic and social effects of such impacts, it is a kind of socially responsible attitude. Any mistakes on population issues, will have long-term effects are difficult to reverse mint industries limited the economic and social development. Particularly on major policy adjustments fertility issues theoretically mint industries limited we must keep sober, clear-cut attitude, once bungled opportunities, will result mint industries limited in a significant loss of economic and social development. Before exploring China's family planning policy adjustment, it is necessary to use a global perspective and vision for the theory and history lessons on some of the world's low birthrate national population control.
Western population control theory experienced a rich historic turning point. As we all know, the traditional "control theory" is based on population growth will produce a series of social problems, the consequences of population growth mint industries limited is necessarily a negative premise of such a theory. And to lay the theoretical foundation for quite a long time to become mainstream thinking is that demographic Coale - Hoover models. This model system seen in 1958 by the Coale and Hoover (Coale.A.J and E.M.Hoove) published "low-income countries population growth and economic development," a book that the model that "high fertility caused by increasing the proportion of national income in the consumer part of the reduction mint industries limited in the proportion of the investment part. "capital mint industries limited - the proportion of the labor force," the fall, thus reducing the growth rate of per capita income growth and a long time, this model has been advocated to control people theoretical basis of population growth until 1983, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee instructed the National Council of the population of nine renowned scholars for research in the relationship between population growth and economic development mint industries limited to assess After more than two years of efforts, in 1986 published a report entitled . "Population Growth and Economic Development: Some Policy Issues" Report from the aspects of resources, pollution, and other aspects of employment, proof of fertility change does not directly mint industries limited affect the level of per capita income, subtle, indirect original classic model presents a challenge In terms of per capita concept, we need to see is the denominator population, but also to see the molecule has a population of labor and consumer population as a contribution to economic growth, mint industries limited the report revealed again "Population is neutral phenomenon" (ie neither good nor bad) ideas, but it is still considered family planning is necessary, despite the gradual mint industries limited economic growth momentum driven by the resource-driven to innovation-driven investment in transition again, mint industries limited but the human dependence on environmental resources is always present, the high fertility rate is inadequate taken.
At the same time, since the 1980s, European countries continued to decline mint industries limited in fertility, and reduced fertility in some countries continue to maintain a very low level, this phenomenon is caused widespread concern in the western population of academia as well as the general public, many scholars in Europe continued low fertility phenomenon and its causes were discussed, mint industries limited one of the most influential theories which are LUTZ (W. Lutz), who proposed "low fertility trap." According to Lutz et al point of view, a country once TFR dropped to 1.5 or less, it will produce a "self-reinforcing mechanism of low fertility," So, just as the fertility rate fell into the "trap", it is difficult return mint industries limited to rise to 1.5 or more. The theoretical ideas for "low fertility (assuming mint industries limited that caught mint industries limited the so-called low fertility trap) - small number of children - less potential mother - the next generation of the number of births less - further reducing fertility rates (the so-called 'self-reinforcing' ) --- hard to get rid of the trap. " Why is the number of next-generation mint industries limited reproductive less, Lutz, etc. from the perspective of sociology and economics to give an explanation, one is due to socialization and social mint industries limited learning mint industries limited effect, the parent of the actual birth rate (the number of offspring or siblings) will affect ideal family size progeny, offspring ideal family size would affect the actual level of fertility of offspring, and so forth. Second, if the couple expected revenues relative to their ability in terms of higher levels of desire, they are more optimistic about the future, will marry and have children feel more relaxed; Instead, they will get married afraid to give birth. Whether Lutz et al theory is correct, but the fact is that in addition to Sweden and France, no country enters a low fertility level fertility trap successfully re-raised to 1.5 or more, let alone sustain human generation replacement level.
Fertility decline and population aging has become the world's two most important demographic change

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic milk sell by date vs use by date and

Xu Jiayin pumping Land Department a resounding slap in the face of public security Why do cattle United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs released "World Population Prospects - 2010 Revision," the report said, the global population milk sell by date vs use by date will reach 6.9 billion this year, July 1 2011 at Headquarters in New York , Oct. 31 to reach 7 billion. Calculated according to the average level, and the expected low compared to mortality due to high birth rates, the world's total population will exceed 8 billion in 2023, more than 9 billion in 2041, and reached in a year from 2081 to 2100 between 10 billion. And most of the new population will be born in developing countries, milk sell by date vs use by date then, more than eighty percent of the world's population will live in underdeveloped regions, including nearly two in LDCs, only 14% of the population living in developed regions.
The United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic milk sell by date vs use by date and Social Affairs 兹洛特尼克 (Hania Zlotnik) conference on the report, the increase of the world population milk sell by date vs use by date will appear in the "high-fertility countries," including 39 African countries, nine Asian countries, six in Oceania and four in Latin America. In Africa, for example, expects its population will triple in this century, from the current 1 billion to $ 3.6 billion. She said that subtle changes in fertility may cause significant differences in the total world population. "If there is a slight increase milk sell by date vs use by date in fertility, the total world population in 2100 could reach 15.8 billion, while if the fertility rate has declined milk sell by date vs use by date slightly, then at the end of the century the world's population could be reduced to 6.2 billion." milk sell by date vs use by date
兹洛特尼克 also said: "We think the population is unlikely to stabilize population growth if countries are less than current levels, then all countries will begin aging.." The report noted that many countries are beginning to aging, this With the decrease in fertility trend will continue. Prior to the end of the century, low fertility or national medium fertility level will reach a peak in the number of population. At the same time, the life expectancy of countries uptrend, Sub-Saharan Africa countries due to take better treatment of AIDS and prolong the lives of patients, and this trend is particularly evident. The average life expectancy of the world's population will grow from the current 68 years to gradually rise in the 2095-2100 years to reach 81 years old.
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Decided sugar as preservative to change the pattern of the population is still fertility. Currently

Russian banks disappeared instantly need to be cautious to talk about the introduction of real estate tax, however, in the overall growth trend, the challenges sugar as preservative faced by different countries and different regions: the strongest population growth in African countries, the shortage of resources or will intensify; For fertility downturn in Europe sugar as preservative and other countries, the urgent sugar as preservative need to respond to the pressure of aging.
Decided sugar as preservative to change the pattern of the population is still fertility. Currently, 42% of the world's population sugar as preservative lives in low-fertility countries, sugar as preservative where three-quarters from China, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Vietnam, Germany, Iran, Thailand and France; 40% of the population live in middle-fertility countries, which three-quarters come from India, United States, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mexico and Egypt; and 18% of the population living in high-fertility countries, where three-quarters from Pakistan, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ghana, Yemen, Mozambique and Madagascar.
After reading around China's "arc sugar as preservative of instability" article - a new war between sugar as preservative China and the Global Energy:: Before a controllable tension - Global Environment Outlook military security

Friday, November 22, 2013

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mao Xinyu angry: I

Mao Xinyu angry: I'm a grandfather and Zhang Yufeng, children of migrant workers abroad dabur foods Road
印度 热气腾腾的街道上挤满摊贩 加尔各答活跃着1500万人口 1975年 世界上还只有3个人口过千万的城市 现在已经出现了21个 India, steaming streets crammed vendors. Kolkata active in 15 million population. In 1975, the world has only three cities dabur foods with populations over ten million, and now there have been 21. The 3rd United Nations released a new report that if the fertility rate is expected to remain at current levels, dabur foods the global population will reach 9.3 billion in 2050, and in 2100 reached 10.1 billion. Forecast shows that China's population in 2030 will reach 1.4 billion dabur foods around the peak, followed by 2100 to less than 1 billion; Indian population peak occurs around 2060, about 1.7 billion. In October this year amounted to 7,000,000,000 United Nations Economic and Social Affairs on the 3rd Headquarters in New York issued a "World Population Prospects - 2010 Revision." The report said that the global population will be July 1 of this year reached 69 million on October 31 reached 70 million in 2023 exceeded 8 billion, more than 9 billion in 2041. Report noted that due to a number dabur foods of poor countries is not as expected rapid decline in fertility rates, the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark and other rich countries have fertility rates rise slowly to 2050, the global population will reach 9.3 billion, more than the previous estimate of 160 million level . By then, more than eighty percent of the population will be living in underdeveloped areas, including nearly 2 percent in the least developed countries, only 14% of the population living in the developed dabur foods regions. Data show that from 2011 to 2100, the population of high-fertility countries will be 1.2 billion to $ 4.2 billion, dabur foods medium-fertility countries population increased from 2.8 billion to 3.5 billion, low-fertility countries fell to 2.4 billion from the 2.9 billion. UN experts dabur foods believe that global population growth and rapid development of medical technology today, humans live longer than ever before, people pay more attention to health. Another reason is that many African dabur foods countries, women's dabur foods fertility is still high. Africa surged over three times the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 兹洛特尼克 conference, said in the report, the world population increase will occur in the "high-fertility countries," including 39 African dabur foods countries, nine Asian countries , 6 Oceania countries dabur foods and four Latin American countries. dabur foods Report notes that growth in Africa is still fast, it is expected from the current population of the century, 36 million people, surged more than three times. Such population growth in the food and water supply were seen in distress in Africa, probably overloaded. She explained that fertility may cause subtle changes dabur foods in the total world population significantly dabur foods different. If the fertility rate increased slightly, the world's population dabur foods is likely to reach 15.8 billion in 2100 to an astonishing level; Conversely, if the decline in fertility, the world population will reach 8.1 billion in 2050, followed by a gradual decline to the end of the century fell to 6.2 billion. The average life expectancy of 81 years The report predicts that the global average life expectancy of the population from 2005 to 2010 by 68-year-old rose from 2095 to 2100 for 81 years. High-fertility countries, the average life expectancy affected by AIDS and other diseases, from 2005 to 2010 at a low level, dabur foods is 56 years old. The next few decades, curbed the spread of AIDS and medical conditions improved, the average life expectancy in these countries dabur foods will gradually increase, from 2045 to 2050 rose to 69 years, from 2095 to 2100 rose to 77 years old. Medium-fertility countries from 2005 to 2010, the average life expectancy of 68 years, from 2095 to 2100 to 82 years old; corresponding data low-fertility countries is 74 years old and 86 years old. Reported that the birth rate low-fertility countries, dabur foods the average life expectancy dabur foods increased most rapidly aging. 65 years and over population now accounts for 11% of the total number of these countries, in 2100 rose to 28%. Aging high-fertility countries slowest. 2010, the high-fertility countries the proportion of people aged under 25, 62%, 65 years and older population is 3%. 2100, the corresponding data were 35% and 16%. China dropped to less than 1 billion "of the global population, there is also a good news." dabur foods 兹洛特尼克 recognized that "as a whole, the global population surge in the forward direction of non-development", to 2030 the world will reach replacement fertility.兹洛特尼克 said that in many countries, this transition is very fast: Due to family planning, China has been below replacement level fertility; Iran and Brazil in a completely different cultural background, women's fertility rate has been reduced by 70 %, and more than half. The report mentions that the long-term implementation dabur foods of the one-child policy in China, will join the ranks of countries negative population growth; its population is expected in the coming 10 years to reach 1.4 billion peak, and then in 2100 dropped to 941 million people. U.S. population growth rate will be among the highest in rich countries. According to estimates, the U.S. population by 2100 from the current 311 million to 478 million people. 20 years later, the number of read into India's most populous country, India's top official dabur foods recently released statistics dabur foods show that India's population has reached 1.21 billion, surged over the past 10 years, 181 million people, almost equal to the sum of the current Brazilian population. Reuters reported that India is likely to overtake China in the near future as the world's number one most populous country. The census of India is the first since 1872, 15 times, because of huge, complicated dabur foods work, which took a year to complete. In this census, dabur foods 2.7 million census dabur foods takers counted nearly 300 million dabur foods households in the data. Census of India Chandra special officer Morley said: "The current population of India in the global proportion of the total population has risen to 17 percent." Currently, the Indian population has been almost the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Japan, Bangladesh and Pakistan's population of six countries combined. The UN estimates that by 2030, India's population will exceed China's 1.34 billion, while India claimed their need for more accurate data to assess. 全球人口世纪末预计突破100亿 dabur foods 地球将 面目全非  (2) Up to how many people the Earth can support? Earth's population reached 1 billion is the first one in the early 1800s, reaching 20 million, after about 120 years. To 30 million in just 30 years; to 4000000000, shortened to 15 years. After the 5 billion, to 6000000000, until this year, 70 million are all about 12 years. dabur foods The world's population from 5000 to 7000 million in just 24 years, and from there to 20 million people are human beings with a few hundred million years! dabur foods Rapid population growth is a significant consequence is that the world becomes overcrowded. In human history, the country has just when everyone in the world to survive and open space with a few square kilometers; dabur foods rise of the industrial revolution era, everyone in the world has space for nearly one square kilometer; while today only 0.000002 square kilometers per the. Experts predict that the Earth in 2050, up to feed 9 billion people. Observation of the Earth will be "unrecognizable" world population growth Habitat for Humanity's latest forecast highlights the unbearable load of the weight. WWF Representative Jason Klein in the analysis of this century, population growth prospects, pessimistically estimated that "over the next 40 years we need to produce the past 8000 years (production) as much food"; while if current trend continues, "In 2050, our planet will be unrecognizable." Food shortages, riots British "Daily Telegraph" published an article that "what means we support so many people." Person in charge dabur foods of the Earth Policy Institute in Washington Lester Brown believes that food shortages will lead to the collapse of global dabur foods civilization. Even taking the most optimistic, can not avoid overpopulation and resource shortages become increasingly acute contradictions between. Whether the world economy and international politics, are based on how to meet the needs of people around the allocation of resources for the game, the core is to solve the scarcity of resources dabur foods under the conditions of human development issues. American "Citizen Times," the world's population dabur foods growth and a series of "global tension index" link: With the population growth, pollution caused by human activity and frequent extreme weather; many places for human survival desertification; when the land can no longer feed farmers when they pour into a large city, leading to surge in the number of slum. Malaysia, "Star" is worriedly asked, "population growth will lead to more unrest in the world do occur?" Nearly two years, food prices soaring population growth, resulting in more than 30 countries, protests and riots occurred in the Middle East this year political instability are also relevant. Development imbalances contradiction is so far the only planet suitable for human survival of the planet, humans can also be in the Earth's resources and environmental capacity to the extent permitted to seek development of human civilization. The problem is that, in addition to the total population of the earth there are structural dabur foods problems. Some analysts believe that the world population dabur foods problem is actually the problem of uneven development. Currently over 80% of the world's population living in developing countries and regions, the future for 90% of global population growth also came from here. The contrast with the global population growth, fertility decline swept most developed countries. This is a manifestation of the imbalance of world development, and its inherent dabur foods contradictions implicit may emerge in the coming years. On the one hand, developing dabur foods countries may be hundreds of billions of people in succession into the "middle-class" ranks, but there is no fundamental change in the traditional mode of development in the case, this may mean carrying capacity of the earth's resources unsustainable. On the other hand, the developed countries continued to decline in response to the labor force may have to further the implementation of immigration policies, which may lead to social conflicts intensified. Swedish scholar Powell said, from the current point of view, the absolute number of the world's population is not the problem, the question dabur foods is whether the population growth and social development. Stable fertility level is the key Peking University sociology professor LiuJieHua that the United Nations Population Report released by taking as a reference the existing high fertility, fertility levels from the normal view, 2100 is likely to reach 9 billion. In fact, in recent years many countries have realized the problems caused dabur foods by population growth, the varying degrees to adjust the fertility policy. In this case, why do people still "alarming" growth? "The world larger population base, resulting in an increase of inertia will not disappear in a short time." LiuJieHua explained that according to statistics, every 12 years the population will increase in 1 billion. dabur foods At least until 2050, the total world population growth will be presented. Rapid population growth, resources and environment is planted crisis. LiuJieHua reminded dabur foods of population development, dabur foods the resources and the environment are hard constraints, to achieve the sustainable development of healthy dabur foods lifestyle to be more economical, environmentally friendly, stable fertility level is the key. (Wang Dan)
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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Ye Tan
This century the world population trends and the consequent social challenges - poverty, inflation, unemployment of youth - will constitute a continuing pressure on global governance. For China, the opportunities to improve the quality of population and the total population and the huge challenges of aging, need to grasp this opportunity to transition mccain foods jobs to gain the initiative. May 3, the United Nations published the "World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision" (hereinafter referred to as "Outlook") predicts the end of the century, the world's population from the current less than 70 billion to 10.1 billion (moderate mccain foods jobs estimate), and even possible (high estimate) reached 15.8 billion, while higher certainty estimates for 2050 compared to 9.3 billion. Given the average mccain foods jobs annual growth of the world economy is expected to reach 2% to 3%, from the overall point of view, this century's population exceeded 10 billion increase, it seems that you can afford. Prior to April 28, China National Bureau of Statistics released the sixth national census data, after wide public concern "Chinese fertility rate is too low," this issue has not been a positive response, while the total population sex ratio has also unexpectedly declining, aging population became prominent hot topic. mccain foods jobs Data show that the census population aged 0 to 14 accounted for 16.60%, compared mccain foods jobs to 2000 census dropped 6.29 percentage points; population aged 60 and above accounted for 13.26%, compared to 2000 increased by 2.93 percentage points from the census, the population of which 65 years and over accounting for 8.87%, compared to 2000 increased by 1.91 percentage points from the census. National Bureau of Statistics, Mr. Ma said: "It means that China's aging process continues. mccain foods jobs Aging population and social development of national science needs to properly deal with a serious challenge, the challenge of our country may be greater than in developed countries." Whether the United Nations or of the data shows that the world is undergoing tremendous change demographic change, which led to the economic and social structure is changing, this, we need a broad perspective to research and find countermeasures. Population explosion was popular in the mid 20th century in Europe and America as a "doomsday mccain foods jobs prophecy", but since the 1970s onwards due to a change in lifestyle and values, fertility - especially in Europe and other developed countries, fertility fell sharply, suddenly caught in a so-called "low fertility trap." Although the population explosion did not come true, but the "outlook" or reveals an alarming trend: the population mccain foods jobs is expected to grow the fastest in some areas, it is the poorest, most turbulent, most areas of the lack of effective governance. "Outlook" various countries and regions of the world according to fertility were divided into low, medium, and high groups, a group of high fertility, of which 75% of the population, mccain foods jobs living in Pakistan, Nigeria, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Congo (DRC), Tanzania , Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ghana, Yemen, mccain foods jobs Mozambique and Madagascar, and this group of the population to 2100 will grow by 2 to 3 times as much! At the same time, low-fertility countries mccain foods jobs - most of the developed countries - in 2030 the total population will touch the top down, and even intermediate-fertility countries such as India, mccain foods jobs the total population will also peaked 2060 ~ 2070 fall. That is, in this century, the population living in hardship areas the proportion of the total world population will continue, increased significantly. As the United States George Mason University professor of public policy Goldstone said: "The 21st century, affecting international security is not primarily how many people in the world, but the world's population is structured and distributed: where to reduce, and where growth, which National relatively old, what younger, and how they affect demographic population movements between regions. "from" outlook, "the forecast population growth and decline relative term, demographic trends of this century may constitute three aspects of stress. The first is the total global population growth and rapid population mccain foods jobs growth in some areas led to food, water and other necessities in a constant state of deprivation. The second part of the population is a high-growth countries labor - especially youth labor surplus. The third is sluggish population growth mccain foods jobs in developed countries, an aging population and social welfare to become a heavy financial burden, leading to lack of long-term global economic demand. These three pressure together, it is possible in Africa, the Middle East, West Asia and other places, some countries mccain foods jobs continue to face the high cost of living, a large number of unemployed youth, mccain foods jobs the future of despair, alienation social traditions, triggering unrest, poverty - turbulence - the vicious poverty cycle. For China, the picture of the world in a challenge at the same time also constitutes opportunities. On the one hand, China's huge population make it vulnerable to the total imported food and energy price shocks; aging population will increase the pressure on pension expenditure and residents; demographic dividend tends to disappear seems suspended in the "Made in China" header on a two-edged "sword of Damocles." On the other hand, China's continuously improve the quality of human resources, to help Chinese industry in the global industrial chain to high-end, high-profit sectors to upgrade; developed countries, lack of demand, will require China to further mccain foods jobs increase in the weight of the global economy. In the economic outlook continues to improve, flourishing fortunes background, imported inflation and unemployment risk is also easier to manage - Young people have good expectations for the future, after all, more than anything else. In order to cope with risks, seize opportunities, China is investing heavily in human resources should make the best use to achieve industrial transition. At the same time as soon as possible to adjust the current population policy. Furthermore, in order to avoid high population growth volatile region of the input risk, China should increase efforts to participate in global governance and improve the level of participation. Pattern of the world's population and the world economy, there have been similar to the development of political situation, China, India and other emerging countries, increasing the weight of population and economic activity, as the distribution of political power becomes more and more fragmented. mccain foods jobs China during this critical period to take decisive transformation strategy, taking wealthy and strong country, the road of scientific development, the right time. (First Financial Daily)
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