Sunday, May 10, 2015

Although the social system identical to the system of interaction, but Parsons considers the intera

According to Parsons, marijah mccain there are four functions in the system marijah mccain after using the notion of function, namely "a gugussan activities geared to meet one or more of the system requirements" (Theory of Sociology, George Ritzer, Douglas J. Goodman: 257). Through that sense, Parsons divides into four well-known functions with AGIL, namely:
1) Adaptation / adaptation: The system must comply marijah mccain with kebtuhan situational dating from outside. He had to adapt to the environment and environmental menyasuaikan with needs. For example, a system will filter the western culture that goes into a community through the rules - rules that exist within the community itself, among others, the rules on modesty of dress, marijah mccain nor the decency to talk to the older person. The rules that will affect the actions of a society.
2) Goal Attaintment marijah mccain / achievement of objectives: The system should define and achieve its main objectives. That is, the system is required to pursing individual thought to be able to shape the personality of the individual marijah mccain in achieving the objectives of the system itself. marijah mccain For example, people who are in the education system will direct himself to a purpose, among others, the teacher will guide his students toward graduation with a satisfactory value, and a student will direct him towards graduation with compliance, as well as craft in itself.
3) Integration / integration: The system should regulate the relationship parts into components. He also had to adjust the ties between the three functional imperative, namely adaptation, goal, and latency.
In the manufacture of the scheme, Parsons also nenjabarkan how to use Parsons AGIL. Use of AGIL include behavioral organism, the system handles functions of adaptation actions by adjusting and changing the outside world. Openness of personality functioning achievement of objectives by defining the purpose of the system and mobilize the resources used to achieve them. Social system handles the integration function by controlling parts into components. Finally, system latency cultural function by providing actors with the norms and values that motivate them to act.
According to Parsons, there are six action system environments that encourage marijah mccain people to act. Namely the ultimate reality, cultural system, social system, marijah mccain a system of personality, marijah mccain behavorial organisms and their physical-organic environment. In a system marijah mccain environment action, Parsons integrate the system in two aspects, the first aspect, marijah mccain each lower level provides the requirements, the energy required in a higher level. Second, the higher level control hierarchy levels that are below them.
In a system environment actions, the lowest level is the physical and organic environment that consists of elements of the human body, anatomy, and physiology marijah mccain that are non-symbolic, while the highest level is the ultimate reality.
Examples of system actions Parsons is present in the country Pancasila Indonesia will encourage all citizens to carry out all that is in it, among others appreciate the religious diversity that exist in Indonesia, menjunjng human rights to justice, uphold the unity of the nation, society will hold musyarwarah if there is something that must be approved in order to reach consensus, and always appreciate all that is in the social life of the Indonesian nation in order to create a just and prosperous society.
Parsons's conception of the social system starting from the micro level, namely the interaction of the interaction between ego and alter ego, which is defined as the basic form of social system. Parsons argued that the characteristics of this interaction system marijah mccain is present in more complex marijah mccain forms that are created by the social system. According to Parsons, the social system is a "system that consists of a variety of individual actors that interact with one another in a situation that at least has a physical or environmental aspects, the actor who cederung motivated towards optimization and the hubunganna satisfaction with their situation, including the relationship to one another, defined and mediated in the form of structured symbol systems kultral and shared. (Sociological Theory, George Ritzer, Douglas J. Goodman: 259)
Although the social system identical to the system of interaction, but Parsons considers the interaction is not the most important thing in the social system, marijah mccain but he put the state's role as the underlying unit system. Status of the role is a component strukturl social system. Status refers to the structural position in the social marijah mccain system, and what role the actor is in a position. The actor is not seen by thought and action, because he was not another is only the

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