Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Oh Christ the King, with ardent joy you swear fidelity as noble and generous vassals. Speak now in

Most Sacred Heart of peaceful King: radiant joy as faithful vassals, come today to prostrate at the foot of your throne and glad you proclaim before the world: IMMORTAL KING MEXICAN NATION, to abide your sovereignty over all peoples.
We want to crown your brow, Oh Christ the King, with a diadem of Mexican hearts and put in your hands the scepter of absolute power, to charge concerning rijas and your beloved people. You King as you stated in your passion, because you are the Son of God! Therefore, O Monarch lovable!, This thy people, that hunger and thirst for righteousness, hiding behind your heavenly Royalty, promises you enthrone your heart in every home, rich or poor and surrender the tribute you deserve, recognizing your most sacred rights throughout the world.
We devote to your Sacred Heart, Church of Mexico with all Pastors, Ministers and religious communities; the beloved country with all their homes, families and all its members; elderly, youth or children; friends and enemies and particularly, mothers, wives and daughters, destined to shape the future heart of the Mexican people, to reign in you to succeed and all the inhabitants of this nation.
Oh Christ the King, with ardent joy you swear fidelity as noble and generous vassals. Speak now in charge, claims and demands imperiously: ask us blood and life, they are yours because you belong entirely; are resolved to give them to you to defend your flag until she overcomes and is exalted, we revered and loved forever your wounded heart.
Mexico is king in your Sacred Heart and from the holy mountain sacred to you, wipe away tears, blood restañará, heal the wounds of this Republic conquered constellation brands careers by María de Guadalupe. You will master it with the softest scepter of thy mercy and peace and in war, in turmoil and tranquility, constellation brands careers we see with benign eyes and you will stretch out your mighty constellation brands careers hand and blessed to bless. constellation brands careers And we, with all future generations, you aclamaremos our Lord and Savior. There will fly through the crowds to ask and provide you with heart and soul, keep your holy law: and you, loving Redeemer of men, your adorable Heart draws sinners to convert them.
Regain control over many apostate souls, constellation brands careers disoriented and deceived by false doctrines and evil; retains faith in us and despréndenos the miserable world's constellation brands careers goods; Calm hatred and joins siblings; constellation brands careers enlightens the blind; forgive the ungrateful; but, above all, give to your Church the freedom and peace for which we groan. Melt with the fire of your divine chest, merciful Jesus, ice souls; set your actual all peoples of our country and enter your charity to prisons, hospitals, schools, workshops; make a throne for you in every Mexican heart for pastors and sheep, parents and children, rejoice in being yours. Tell us, at last, a holy death, sepultándonos precious wound in your heart of love to revive in the splendors of heaven, eternally singing:
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